
Levels Of Danger

Perseus POV

"Do you want to wait out for other posts instead?" I asked "If we were to agree to be deployed here, our end goal is to take back the island from angels, but we can take up other posts."

"Nah, it sounds good." Shawn replied "If we're going to prove ourselves, Aomori sounds good. It is relatively peaceful, but the post is led by a level 6 wizard since there are occasional strays coming all the way from Hokkaido, he should be more than experienced enough to teach us."

"It's very dangerous."

"I can say the same for your 'walks'." he retorted "But I didn't snitch on you, did I? Might as well go there."


After the break, class started again, and this time we were lectured about the danger/threat levels and how they worked. It goes from level 0-10, 0 being harmless and 10 being nicknamed the apocalyptic class.

Regular angels are evaluated at level 4 with the lowest at level 3, but it's normal and recommended to regard all of them as level 4. Angel captains are evaluated at level 6, and an...angel general at level 8. So far, we have not faced any level 10 threats, so humanity remains hopeful.

In theory, Level 10 is something or someone that can take out 20 level 9s, and the principal said that he was a borderline level 9 in his prime but as of his current state, he is evaluated to still be at level 8. The other principals are also level 8 while the UPF 5-star general is being evaluated at level 9.

From level 1 to level 5, you can be promoted to a respective level if you can take on 10 of the previous tier, 6-8, and 15 of the previous tier, but level 9 or 10 are 20 of the previous tier.

It's not the best system out there and isn't perfect either, but it is the most accurate one thus far. It isn't recommended for a human of level 4 to go against a regular angel as you are granted a 50% chance of survival. Unless it's in time of emergencies or war, we are to request backup to limit the losses against angel attacks.

As of now, we are all evaluated as level 0s, it is up to the professionals at our post to determine whether we're level 1 or 2, but level 3 or up would require official tests carried out by the UPF at the sites of the 4 great academies and sanctioned UPF testing sites.

"Now please raise your hands if you have already applied to any post abroad for deployment." Mr. Arthur instructed to which all of us raised our hands "Now who has been accepted to one of them?"

Only me, my brother, and Mei raised our hands.

"Good." Mr. Arthur said "Please apply for the translation device if you haven't already, the earlier the better, the school also mail them to your mailboxes located on the ground floor of your dorm buildings."


At lunchtime, we are given 1 and a half hours off, we then just head to the supermarket real quick and got back to the apartment to fix up some food. It'll be quicker to just buy some at the cafeteria, but we'd rather save some money.

Our dad then called us to which we picked up and proceeded with a video call updating him on what happened so far, though not everything..


Shawn POV

"So Perseus actually has a girlfriend?" Dad asked for confirmation


"She's real?"


"Like real in the physical world?"

"Yes, he has an actual normal girl who is attracted to him."

It concerns me a bit now knowing that he has asked to go out and even spend a night outside under the excuse of meeting his girlfriend, we just brushed it off as him going out with a friend or something. Well, now that we know that the girl in question is real...

"Percy, you can actually socialize with a girl without curling up into a ball due to anxiety and your god-awful social awkwardness?" Dad asked with a shocked expression

"Can we just move on from this topic?" Perseus grumbled

"It's just shocking that your girlfriend isn't one only existing in the digital world." I chimed in which he didn't really appreciate.

We then talked for a bit and we then told him how we're now filling out a form to be deployed to Aomori, Japan. Dad knows why we want to go there, he knows about why we want to help in liberating Hokkaido. There's something we want there.

"Hmm, if I remember correctly, Hokkaido is now designated as a level 9 zone, is it not?" Dad asked

"Yes, but the chances of our post going past level 3 is low, and we'll be getting a lot of experiences then, so you don't need to worry too much."

Hokkaido was invaded about 2 decades ago, no one expected heaven to flood Hokkaido with a vast amount of angels, humanity had wizards stationed there and they couldn't even properly slow it down.

By the time help arrived, the island was closed down to outsiders. Based on satellite images, the angels are just patrolling the island and killing off any survivors with no plans to get out and invade anywhere else.

Even though there are many parts of the world being taken over by angels, Hokkaido is the most famous as it's the most recent, and like the other cases, the angels just occupy the island, there seems to be no noticeable goal in mind apart from them just wanting to kill anyone who gets close, they don't seem to be guarding anything either.

Occasionally, there are some angels who stray from the island and fly towards the mainland, and there are patrols nearby killing them off before they can even reach places like Aomori.

Yes, there are cases where some go by unnoticed and reach the mainland, but that's where we come in, we have to help local authorities delay the angel or get rid of it while people evacuate.

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