
Cobra kai: The prodigy

-- changing rooms --

I was finishing changing when I hear a knock on the door "knock, knock" and I say "come in" (his uniform is like Cobra Kai's but where it is gold it changes to green and the logo on his chest is a fist wrapped in a green dragon like goku's dragon punch)

The person who knocked on the door enters and although I knew who it was, I was shocked by how beautiful and sexy she is in person, "hi, I'm Natasha Romanoff, the sensei you hired" and she stretched out her hand to greet me.

"Hi Natasha, I'm Robby" I answered and I grabbed her hand to greet her but instead I leaned down a bit and kissed the back of her hand and said "I didn't think Alfred would find such a beautiful sensei"

She gently withdrew her hand and told me "thanks for the compliment but we already need to leave the tournament is about to start", I agreed and we left.


"Ladies gentlemen, welcome to the All Valley U18 tournament number 50" says the tournament presenter and after the applause he continues saying "very well let's start by welcoming all the local dojos that will compete today"

"From Granada Hills Allstar Karate" says the commentator and everyone applauds, he continues presenting the dojos and the penultimate dojo was "from Reseda returning to the tournament" and before he could finish "cobra kai, cobra kai" is heard and it turns out to be cobra kai yelling as they trotted in.

"That's what I call a cool entrance and a badass sensei for a badass dojo, let's welcome Cobra Kai" says the announcer and everyone claps and shouts.

"And finally a newly opened dojo, a single student, the DRAGON FIST dojo!" and robby enters with natasha and they stand next to cobra kai

(pov 1st person)

I noticed the furious and confused looks of Cobra Kai but I turned to see them coldly and they looked away scared.

"Well friends get ready it's time for karate" said the presenter and the tournament finally begins.

Miguel's first fight was like in the series using a crane kick.

For my part it was easy to win and every time I did he turned to the public with a smile, first to see Sam, Yas and Moon who were cheering me on and then Carmen who also smiled at me.

After a couple of fights I reached the semifinals and the 4 semifinalists stood behind the presenter while he said "there can only be one winner and he is standing on this stage, it will be Miguel Diaz from cobra kai, it will be Halcon from cobra kai, it will be Robby Keene from dragon fist, and last but not least last year's champion competing for topanga karate sander storm"

The guy from topanga karate spent several minutes with his stupid speech and couldn't wait for Miguel to kick his ass.

"VERY GOOD, first storm against Díaz" said the presenter and stopping the stupid speech.

We moved away from the stage and only Miguel and Storm and the referee were left.

both were even but they didn't get anywhere since miguel only defended and dodged and storm made unnecessary movements, the first to make a point was miguel in an oversight of storm kicked him in the face and made him fall.

"POINT" shouted the referee

it was a bit of a close fight but in the end miguel was able to beat storm.

Now it was my fight against Halcon and I wasn't nervous since I've beaten him many times in training.

"FIGHT" the referee shouted and quickly Halcon approached me and tried a frontal blow but I dodged it, I reacted with a feint with my left leg and halcon moved his block to the left side but before hitting him I jumped and kicked with my right leg and kicked connect.

"PERIOD" the ref yelled and we settled down again and the ref said "PELLEN"

In this round I took the initiative to strike first and threw a frontal blow which I blocked with difficulty, seeing his momentary distraction due to pain, I quickly launched a taekwondo back kick which connected in his stomach and left him gasping for air.

"2 POINTS" yells the referee and we return to settle in guard and says "Fight"

Halcon gets defensive from the pain of my kicks but I have no mercy and I pretend to kick but I jump up and hook him to the head.


I got off the stage and walked towards Natasha and the first thing he told me was "a good fight, although you're very confident" and I answered with a smile "because I'm confident that even using 50% of my strength I could beat him."

Natasha looks at me thoughtfully but soon she relaxes her gaze and tells me "well, go rest for the next fight" and I say goodbye to her and go to where I saw the girls were sitting.

I soon see them but I see that they are not alone, Sam's mother is also arguing with her and when I get closer I hear Sam say to his mother "I-I won't go with you I came to cheer up Robby" and his Amanda answers "no I'll make a scandal in front of everyone, you better go home after the tournament or you'll be grounded for life" and leaves.

I approached after Amanda left and I ask the girls "what's wrong" and Moon answers "Sam's mother came to pick up sam but she didn't want to leave so she told her that if she didn't come home she was grounded for life "

I turn to see Sam and tell him with a warm smile "don't worry, come home this afternoon if you get grounded I'll take care of talking to your mother" Sam gives me a beautiful smile, hugs me and says "mhm".

After that warm hug Yas and Moon quickly stick to me telling me how impressed they are to see me win each of my battles and soon Sam joins in the compliments, we chat for a while until we hear "ROBBY KEENE AND MIGUEL DÍAZ GO ON STAGE "and I say goodbye to the girls with a kiss in front of the people who were surprised.

On my way to the stage I heard several comments of two types, anger or envy and desire, the first from the men and the second from the women but I didn't pay much attention to them.

Immediately I arrive on stage and I see Miguel in front of me with a look of hatred and mixed fear and I just smiled at him.

we put ourselves on guard and the referee says "FIGHT"

At the start of the fight Miguel is the first to attack with various punches and kicks but I block or deflect them, in one of those blocks I see a hole in his guard so I raise my right leg and kick him in the chest.

"POINT" the referee yells and I quickly line up for the next round as I turn to see Carmen with a smile and Carmen gives me a slightly forced smile and it's understandable since she just hit her son.

Seeing us ready, the referee yells "FIGHT" and this time Miguel doesn't attack madly but attacks calmly and without letting his guard down.

I let my guard down intentionally and Miguel quickly throws a hard punch at my face which he dodged by ducking followed by knocking him down with my leg and punching him in the face.

"2 POINTS" the referee yells and I re-form while I turn to see Carmen with a smile and this time Carmen doesn't smile back but she just looks away thinking about something.

"FIGHT" the referee yells.

He decided to end this quickly but in a subtle way so as not to anger Carmen because it would be bad for my future plans.

I approach Miguel and he reacts by hitting me but he deflected it and I kick him to the chest which he blocks with his knee, but I kick him hard and deflect his knee and give me space to hit him which I do with a back kick.

"3 POINTS, WINNER ROBBY KEENE" the referee yells as he raises my hand to declare me the ALL VALLEY tournament champion.


extra chapter thanks for the stones, next extra chapter at 300 stones


comment possible members of the harem

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