
Cobra kai: the prodigy

Cuando sean diálogos largos donde hablen varias personas, pondré por ejemplo: Yas-"lo que dice", Sam-"lo que responde"

-- el día siguiente --

Me desperté y lo primero que sentí fue un peso arriba y a los costados, una sensación que hacía días que no sentía, pero esta vez no eran dos personas sino tres las que estaban a mi alrededor.

desde anoche las chicas me arrastraron a dormir con Sam, al principio me negué pero me convencieron diciendo que se encargarían de eso.

a mi izquierda estaba Moon abrazando mi brazo izquierdo, a mi derecha Sam abrazando mi brazo derecho y en mi pecho estaba Yas abrazándome.

I stayed still so as not to wake them up while appreciating the faces and naked bodies of my girlfriends and I must admit that the three of them are very beautiful and if I didn't have self-control I couldn't control my desire to take them at this moment.

I was not moving for a few minutes while I was thinking about today's tournament and the plans I had for the tournament but that's when Sam wakes up.

Seeing me lying naked next to her with her friends naked from her, I didn't react immediately and the first thing that came to her mind were the words of her friends last night about sharing her boyfriend.

After those thoughts I saw that Sam's face became more and more enraged and that's when Yas and Moon woke up, the first to speak was Yas and with a charming smile she said "good morning honey~" and gave me a kiss.

Sam quickly pulled Yas away from me and yelled "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!"

Yas was surprised by her friend's scream but she ignored her and turned to tell me "honey please leave the room, we'll have a girl talk" to which I didn't see a problem and left the room giving each one a kiss, Sam too but He did not respond to my kiss, he only received it.

- 30 minutes later -

sitting in the room I heard the girls leave the room talking.

yas-"I know, sometimes it can be a bit rude but it feels incredible", Moon-"it's true, it feels incredible", Sam-"a-last night I passed out quickly b-but I must admit that it d-felt good"

When I heard the talk, I got up with a smile and asked the three of them "everything resolved?" to which Yas and Moon agreed but Sam came over and "SLAP" slapped me (of course he let me slap) and before saying anything he grabbed my cheeks and pulled my head down and gave them a passionate kiss.

After the 3-minute kiss, she separated from me to get some air and told me, blushing from the lack of air and from the kiss, "it would be better that this be the last time you do something like that" and I replied with a smile, "I can't promise anything "

and when she heard that she pouted but before she could answer anything I told the three of them taking one of each hand between my two hands "but I promise you that I will love you all equally and I will treasure you for the rest of my life"

Upon hearing that the three were surprised and the first to react were Yas and Moon, they jumped on shouting "LOVE" and they both gave me a sweet kiss on the cheek, then Sam said "mhm you better keep your promise you bastard" (I don't know If translated correctly, cabron means a man who goes out with several women at the same time)

I took her in my arms and without saying anything I kissed her, and followed by her I squeezed her beautiful buttocks "mhmm ~" Sam moaned and when we separated I said "of course baby"

"Well girls I would like to go ahead and do it again but today I have the tournament so let's leave it for the night after my victory" I told them with a sly smile and I could see their excitement on their face probably thinking about what I will do to them tonight.

"clap, clap" aplaudí para sacarlos de su imaginación "dejen de pensar y vayan a arreglarse" y sonrojados Moon y Yas llevaron a Sam a la habitación donde está la ropa que les compré y también está la ropa de Sam que Yas y Moon eligió

Al verlos salir me dirijo a la habitación donde está mi ropa y de camino marco un número en mi teléfono.

"Sí, jefe, lo que se le ofrece" dice uno de mis empleados al otro lado del teléfono, "activar el plan de puño de dragón" y colgué.

-- Torneo de Todo el Valle --

"Sensei, ¿dónde está Robby?", le pregunta un estudiante a Johnny y Johnny responde: "No sé, pero no se preocupen, ustedes salgan y den todo de sí".

Al ver la mirada preocupada de sus alumnos, a excepción de Miguel y Halcón, Johnny dice "bueno, antes de ir al torneo, les daré una última lección".

"¡SIN PIEDAD!" Johnny grita y todos se sorprenden, "en la vida todo puede salir bien y de repente ¡POOM! la vida pone obstáculos en tu camino sin ningún sentido, así que no debes tener piedad, sal y dalo todo" dice Jhonny.

seguido de Johnny extiende su mano y dice "cobra kai" todos entienden lo que quiere decir, se acercan y ponen su mano sobre la de Johnny.

Miguel cuenta "3,2,1" y todos gritan mientras levantan la mano "¡COBRA KAI!"

-- de vuelta con Robby --

I was going with the girls to the tournament, we were almost there and Sam, who was sitting next to me, told me "R-Robby, I'd better stay out of the tournament if my mother sees me, she'll kill me" and I answer him while placing my hand on his " Don't worry baby, I'll go myself these days to fix things with your mother"

"b-but my mother is very strict with punishments, there's no way you can fix it" Sam tells me, overthinking things, "you leave things to me, you take care of cheering me up in the tournament" I tell her and she doesn't insist anymore with the topic.

After a few minutes we arrived, I said goodbye to the girls and went to change into the uniform with which I am going to fight.

On the way I received a call, when I saw that it was from the employee in charge of the dragon fist plan, I answered,"what's up" I told him and my employee answered me "boss, the dragon fist plan was executed successfully, you can now present without worries"

Hearing that I smiled and hung up.


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