
Chapter 4: Initiate a Transaction

Dusk had already fallen, and lights illuminated the backyard of the Hawk family. Colin Hawk, having finished his work for the day, was sawing a piece of wood under the light, crafting a wardrobe for Bessie. As he sawed, he addressed Tommy, who was helping beside him:

"You're raising money for niggers? And not even for the niggers in the United States, but for some place I've never even heard of? Car... Carra... Car..."

"Caribbean Sea." Tommy Hawk assisted by bringing wood over to his dad's side for his convenience.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Colin Hawk swiftly pulled the handsaw back and forth, cutting along the marked lines on the plank: "That's right, you're raising money for the niggers in that place?"

"I need to help them if I want to go further myself," Tommy said as he marked the cut wood with a marker pen, continuing to speak.

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