
Where did she come from??!

Thunder struck outside a dimly lit Cottage deep in the dark and frightening woods as from inside the cottage came a sound of a blade's edge meeting a rock. Soon it stopped.

The blade seemed to be sharp enough now as he scanned it with his eyes. Using the tip of it he pierced his palm and watched as it healed abnormally leaving no scar. It was no new thing to him that was for sure.

Even after,he still trailed his eyes down the sword,until his eyes reached the red ruby at the middle of the swords grip. He seemed to remember how prescious what the ruby represented was. Slowly,he caressed it with his thumb. Inside the ruby seemed to be something liquid. Something so valuable to him he was willing to spill as much blood as he could just to never give it up. Because in that single ruby he had a hope. One which had a dim light but still lit up his dark and empty soul.

Thinking that was enough for the day he got up and headed straight for the blanket that was left over at a conner of the cottage. He picked it up,spreading it on the wooden floor he laid down quietly as he stared at the ceiling. Resting his head on his arms.

He would go to sleep now tomorrow was going to be quite a day. Unsure of why he thought that way he closed his eyes and let his soul drift into a quiet slumber....

The door of the old cottage creaked open as Nathan stepped out. He was dressed in the usual way he dressed now. Wearing a cloak and with a hood over his head. It was absolutely impossible for him to be recognised. Hiding his identity was necessary now. The whole country spread news far and wide. Searching for a young duke and a dutches they believed went missing on the night of a terrible massacre that had taken place in thier peaceful and comforting home.

It had been a year so far and the searching still went on,it was definitely none other than the graceful duke Alfred of Gradenhill. Rumour had it that he'd survived after all. But what would life had been for him anyway? His loving wife and perfect son where now out of the picture. Gone was his happy life for all others cared. It just seemed that,no matter what he said or did,his son had promised not to return. Not until he avenged his mother had he not? That boy had been so willing that he didn't even flinch after slaying anyone who found his location and planned to reveal him. He had gone as far as him leaving his comfortable life behind and starting over in the dark and empty woods. When last had he felt the softness of a matrass?..

Nathan looked round as he closed the door behind him. The forest was sure to would have faced alot from last nights storm. That hadn't seemed to be a normal rain. Noticing that some tree branches had fallen he was sure he would find something. Fruits maybe. Then he walked deeper into the woods,where his everyday life had resided for quite a while now. He was so use to this place he knew his way round more than anyone or thing around. Quietly,like a shadow in day time he strolled stopping if necessary and picking fallen fruits of the trees. It was just like he'd thought. After the rain came the fruits.

As he continued,Nathan found his way to an apple tree,it was almost as if the tree would run out of business for almost all its fruits had fallen already. He bent and picked up one of the apples. It was fresh and a bright and luring red. He stared at it for a little while before placing it in his sack bag. Now he would grab the apples that lay by the other side of the log were Nathans intention....

But just as he reached for the alluring apples his hand froze as he felt a warm breath caressing his fingers. Confused by this he tilted his head as he looked only to find a smaller figure compared to him laying on the wet grass. Her golden blonde hair scattered all over her face. It was hard to tell who she was. Not like he was even sure who it was. She wore a white and silk dress. It was all torn and barely even covered her thighs. Almost every inch of her was bruised up. Stunned by this Nathan immediately moved back. What was a girl possibly doing here? On the grass all bruised up like this. He then leaned in once more as he slightly shifted the hair from her face. Even though he did she seemed to not be in any of his memories. He had absolutely no idea who she was. From the way she lay Nathan could tell she was either dropped there or had fallen from somewhere. Just where exactly?? He immediately stood straight. Not knowing what on earth he would or was to do. He was leaving her there right? Taking her in wasn't an option. It wasn't even in his agender to bring in another person. Nathan's grip on his bag tightened as he turned to walk away. He stopped in his tracks,turning back to look at the poor and innocent looking girl. What if the wrong person found her? What would happen then? She also really needed treatment,it would get bad if her bruises got infected. Being consumed by his thoughts he returned to the spot he'd stood. Leaning in closer to her he stared for a bit. Sighing deeply as he effortlessly lifted the petite girl into his arms. He stared at her face for a while. Her hair covered almost all of her face but he could still find something to stare at. The young man abandoned picking his fruits as he took the girl to his little home to tend to her. He didn't even realise he was actually caring for someone as he found his way home....

Nathan carefully placed her down on the blankets as he removed the hair from he face. He sighed deeply making up his mind that once she gained consciousness he would have her find her way back home. Besides from the look of things she seemed to be wealthy,probably the daughter of a duke,general,or anyone of high status for sure. Her skin was pale and looked smooth. Even her hair was soft silky and well taken care of. He wondered how she could have possibly arived there over night.

Not planning on thinking too much he stood up and walked over to the fire where he placed a pot and let the water boil. He then sat back and waited patiently. Soon the water was ready, he poured it in a bucket and and picked up a peice of clothing as he walked to where she lay. Even in her slumber she muttered words. Words Nathan couldn't understand. She would groan in pain and turn as if she was having a terrible nightmare. Nathan couldn't understand that. It made him wonder as he cleaned her wounds and applied ointment. Being done with that he went out for the day.

The night was cold and chilly. In his cottage deep in the woods,her eyes slowly opened. First meeting with an environment she'd never in her life once seen. The place was dark and dimly lit. A sudden pain spread through her as she stared up at the ceiling. Being unable to make out where on earth she was. Struggling for a bit she finally sat up. Her head and whole body ached. She was in pain. She looked round her. The place was strange and unrecognisable. What on earth?! Where was this place?!!

In alert,she struggled to stand. The more she tried the more she felt the pain. She groaned as she now stood leaning to the wooden wall. She let out a deep breath. The pain that spread to every inch of her body was growing not dying. Yet she stumbled out of the unknown cottage for her eyes to only grow wide on seeing her environment. All possible thoughts flashed through her mind. How would she get back home. She knew playing around with bullies who out of the blue just suddenly smiled with her wasn't much of a great idea and yet she didn't stop now she ended up here!! What would she do now??! Holding on tight to the wooden door she pushed herself to exit the cottage. At least she would try. That was why she loved being who she was. She got to know many people and have many connections. One way or the other she was bound to get home. With this hope that sprouted inside her,she found her way out. Leading herself into the unknown forest she woke up in. It was evening and everywhere slowly went dark. It hadn't been quite that much of a while since she'd left the mysterious cottage but deeper and deeper she went. Shadows crept in and she felt surrounded. It wasn't just any feeling but a feeling of darkness. She could sense something dark and ugly creeping in. It was a being that dwelled in the dark. Searching and feasting on the souls it could find. She could feel it.The faster she tried to get away the quicker it approached.

An unpleasant growling stopped her right in her tracks as she turned slowly,to sight what it was that had given her the sign that her doom approached. Her eyes grew wide in utter shock as she turned to meet the fierce eyes of a three headed demon wolve. She was too weak to try anything. Staggering back a little she felt hopelessness creep in. Closing shut her eyes as she awaited her death. Waiting a bit more nothing came,just the swiftness of a man in a silver cloak. Her eyes widened in shock. He was so fast,and the skills he used to fight. Who on earth was he?

But as she watched him slay the demon wolves the hood of the cloak fell of. Revealing his silver long hair. She staggered back, her back meeting with the tree behind her. Her eyes grew even wider in utter shock.


With her words,he froze turning to look sideways at her. He turned to fully face her after finishing off with his opponent. He took a step closer and closer to her the look in his eyes more intimidating than ever. Now he was hovering over her. Staring deep into her terrified and odly golden eyes. She was sweating.

"What did you..." And before his statement was completed,he found himself wrapping his arms around the girl who'd just lost balance. She fainted??He seemed to think as he creased his brows at and stared at her face in her slumber. What was up with her? Not to think much,he lifted her in his arms. The cold was creeping in and he knew that more of those demon wolves would come around soon. He ought to would have gotten them home by then..

Her eyes shut open yet again. She immediately scanned her environment. She seemed to would have once more found herself in the once dark and dimly lit cottage. Could the cottage have belonged to....

Sound from the other side,probably the kitchen barged into her thoughts as she immediately cut them out. Wait was there someone else in the cottage this time?? Panic suddenly filled the atmosphere for her. How would she leave now?? Plans of escaping needed to be a go. She was way too weak to fight now. Stiffly,she turned her head to the direction of the kitchen,and there he stood by the fire,he was cooking something what frightened her once more was his silver hair. She had to leave and fast.

Struggling,she sat up,stiffening her groan as she stood. She would tip toe and barge out once she reached the door. Yes that was her plan. It wasn't the perfect plan but it was one to try. She concluded with a deep breath.

"So you haven't learned a single lesson?." Nathan's voice stopped her in her tracks. Slowly she turned as he did same. Now she just stood. Staring so much at him. He picked up a plate which had two potatoes and a glass of water,walking towards her,he sat on a chair and placed the plate and cup in front of him. He stared a little more at her. "Sit." He ordered not sure why. It was funny how she also obeyed and sat on her knees. He pushed the plate in front of her and she stared at it,him then it again. She tilted her head as if wondering what she was looking at. "You don't eat potatoes?." Nathan raised a brown at her and she turned her head from him.

" I..i'm not hungry." She was fast to say. Only as soon as she did her stomach growled loudly. Her eyes widened. What was happening? Was she seriously hungry?? She thought. The look on her face was filled with terror as she wrapped her small and healing arms round her sstomach.

"Aren't you?." Nathan raised a brown at her. She restrained herself from looking up at him. Opening her mouth to speak, not a sound came out. Suddenly she had a hick up.

"Hic-cups?!." Her eyes grew even wider as she almost yelled. Her body didn't feel one bit like hers. What was all this?

"Have some water." Nathan handed her the glass. She looked up at him with teary eyes as she took it. Gulping it she placed back the glass with a sour expression on her face. "Now eat." He commanded yet again. Now she didn't protest. Reaching for a potatoe,she picked it up. She took a bite, her brows creased as she took a bigger bite. In just a second the potatoes disappeared into her mouth.

"Can..can i have more?." She asked looking up at him with her mouth full.

"Sure." He replied weirdly standing to bring more. Nathan sat quietly as he watched everything on the plate disappear. This girl sure loved potatoes. He then watched as she let out a deep breath on finishing her meal. "Do you know Lucifer?." He asked strictly. Her eyes immediately went wide again.

"Hhmm?." Was her reply to him.

"You heard me right." He said leaning back as he folded his arms.

She then looked down. "Well i thought you were him."She said. He raised a brow.

"Meaning?." She then looked at him standing from where she knelt she walked to him. Then to the back of his seat. Her eyes were fixated on his hair. She held a strand. "Well you could be him." She mumbled. Nathan,confused at the strange girls action turned immediately to face her. She then walked back to stand in front of him. "A much younger version of him." She said once more to herself.

"Do you know him or not?." Nathan asked. He was getting annoyed.

Now she didn't answer or say a thing. She only stared at him. "Are you looking for him?." Her expression was as serious as ever.

"You are in no position to know if i am."Nathan said as he stood from where he sat. Her eyes widening at his broad shoulder build. He really was perfect. Perfect enough to make the heavens believe that creature was back. She immediately shook the thought off her mind.

"And you are in no position to find him." She retorted ever so seriously. Nathan was stunned at her courage to speak like this. For a young girl who had woken up in a strange cottage with a man deep in the woods was bound to be struck with fear. Why was she so different? Something about her just seemed to fascinate him. This strange petite girl with golden hair and eyes.

"Look,i don't who you are or where you come from but now you can find your way home." He said turning his back to her.

"Home." She repeated the words to herself dashing out of the cottage. She looked round it was day time. She looked up at the sunny sky and the clouds. Her shoulders dropped. She was so far from home. Then she bit her lower lip. Trying to restrain the tears that were slowly finding their way out. How would she get home??

"I didn't know your home was here on the grass. Outside my cottage." Nathan said sarcastically as she turned to him. She sniffed as she stood to glare at him.He was wearing that silver cloak of his. "I would be returning by evening. And by then i would expect to not meet a guest." He said as he turned and began walking away.

"Wait!." The familiar feminine voice called him. He turned to stare side ways at her. "What if i help you find Lucifer?." Her question made Nathan crease his brows. He turned to stare at her.

"What could you possibly do?." He raised a brow.

"If you doubt then give me a shot." she sniffed once more. Even though it sounded like a joke and made Nathan want to laugh aloud. Something in him wanted to say yes. A desperate vulnerable him.

"And? What do you want in return?." He asked.

"You,will take me home." She said. Suddenly switching to serious again.

"And were is your home?." He asked her. her face suddenly lit up with a smile. One that moved that stone he called a heart.

"My home is far across the lands." She said,her smile never dying.

Now,she wasn't sure if he could get her home. She couldn't trust that he would either. This place was not like home. It was different and nothing like home. She needed someone to stick with since now she was this weak. She would stay for just a bit. Soon enough the patrol would detect a missing angel. Then they'll come for her. Now she would just stick to this gorgeous silver haired stranger. At least so she could taste his yummy potatoes everyday.

"What's your name?." She heard him ask as she made her way to the cottage. Her eyes widened. She would be leaving real soon what was the use of telling her name?

"M..my name?." She asked him back. Her eyes roamed about avoiding his.

"Yes. I cant work with you and not know your name. Thats pathetic." He then chuckled.His head low for a while. "You don't plan on saying now do you?." He raised a brow at her.

"W..well.." She stammered.

Nathan then took a step forward. Leaving her to take one step back.He watched her reaction but that didn't stop him either. Her only limit was the fact that her back clashed with the wooden wall of the cottage.

He brought his arm and blocked her. Bringing out his other hand he started from her knee. Slowly trailing his fingers up her thigh.

"Your name?." He asked once more. The girl closed shut her eyes. Her cheeks turned to a pretty shade of pink. "You're not gonna say huh?." His lips curved up. This was amusing to him.

"My..my name..."

"Yes?." He raised a brow.

"S....S....Sire!!." She yelled her name aloud. He immediately withdrew. Staring confused at her.

"Your name is..Sire?." He asked her.

"Yes!! Now leave me alone!." She yelled turning to leave. His laughter interrupted as she stopped in her tracks. Turning to stare at him as he laughed. He was simply so breathtaking now she couldn't stop herself from standing to stare. Soon he noticed her he then stopped. His smile slowly faded.

"What's your name?You never told me." She asked.

"You never really asked." He sighed. "Nathan." Was all he said .

"Nathan."She repeated the words to herself. She watched as he turned to walk away. "Nathan?." She called him. It wasn't quite hard for her to get use to his name now was it.

He didn't answer. Just stood to listen if she had anything to say.

"I have a favour to ask you. What if knowing each other wasn't necessary? What if we just worked as partners and nothing more. I know i wont be away from home for too long and for that little while,can we be nothing more than the partners we ought to be?."

Nathan wasn't sure what she meant or why she said that. It just kind of upset him. Not answering her he walked away. He had another day ahead of him.

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