
CH 9 | On the edge of emotions

A.N/ so.... sorry for being late?

School started, and [Lord of Procrastination: M] is working hard, soooo..... I will try to upload more (that's a nice fucking lie). btw, some brackets changed like Great sage changing into "Anything in between those"but for some reason have weird spaces before/after them that I can't remove.

Oh, one more thing. It's about Luminous and how she's crying and being hella out of character, and for that, I have two reasons.

In story (bullshit) reason: Because of what's happening she's under a lot of stress, yada yada, I talked about before.

Meta (actual) reason: Am free writing everything, so I forget her characteristics and jammed in crying for drama/wholesome. And honestly, I don't give a broken damn about staying very consistent and/or accurate to original, or heck! I won't try to do my all about making it good! Since it's just a fanfic, so meh.

Btw, low-key flex, if you're finding my writing to be good, then just know that this isn't even the bare minimum of what I can make!



Rimuru: "Move!! To the right!" I used all my mental power to move the magicules to induce the loudest voice I could.

Luminous seemed to snap back, as she instantly jumped, but, as soon as we exited the entrance to the chasm the serpent was laying in, it shot itself at us.

'Shit! We can't avoid it!...' Or so I thought.

The snake didn't shoot itself toward us but above us, at the edge of the wall and ceiling of the cave way we were in.

Luminous: "It... Was a trap! How can any feral monster be smart enough to create traps?!"

The snake, getting up after crashing the whole entrance, looked at us, and then, I was finally able to take a good look at it.

It had glossy black scales stroked with deep purple under its eyes, stretching and fracturing not unlike a striking thunder, which continued to around the middle of its body. Its eyes were gloriously shimmering as if they were overcharged with an unimaginable amount of energy.

It opened its mouth, prepared to attack, revealing two sets of fangs so refined that I could see my -and Luminous'- reflection despite the distance and darkness.

Suddenly, the entire cavern shone ominously with dark violet rays as the serpent turned into thunder before charging at us.

'What-!' I then suddenly felt a strong, explosive force between me and Luminous, throwing us in opposite directions. Its attack, which missed us by a hair's width, hit the ground, generating a huge smoke screen.

It was too fast for either me or Luminous to react to the serpent's charge, but, it was only like that for me and Lumiouns, but we weren't the only ones present.

"Master, I completed the analysis! This isn't a normal『Tempest Serpent』, but a mutant with extreme thunder capabilities. Its power is around special A or Calamity class"(do you now get why chapter 8 has the name it has?)

'Ah, then how can we deal with it? and also, thank you for saving us earlier'

"Since it mainly relies on thunder, any wind-based attack or defense won't be able to stop it, but will still damage it if it connected directly with the snake"

'So I can only use『Earth Mastery』and the occasional wind attack..'

"Master can also use『Water Mastery』. And just so Master knows, water isn't conductive, but in fact, it's a good insulator since what's conducting electricity is the salt in the water, not the water itself"

'Good! that increased the range of what I can do, and with both, you and Luminous, am sure we can win!'

I lowered the thought acceleration -which was 283 times faster- to about 4 times faster.

Rimuru: "Luminous! Use『Water Mastery』and 『Earth Mastery』! And if you find a chance when it isn't moving, shoot it via『Wind Mastery』from afar!"

It took her a second to process what I said, after that, her eyes changed from wide open to sharply focusing on her target, her brows fell from the shock and eclipsed her eyes, and her jaw that was agape quickly closed, revealing only her getting teeth.

She slightly nodded to me before hastily gripping her rapier and dashing backward.

As the smokescreen settled down, we finally got a glimpse of its power. The area it hit was utterly obliterated. The stone turned into red magma and was discharging electricity between the many melted places.

The snake lazily got up from the crater it created, seemingly ignoring the fact that it missed us. But its laziness quickly dissipated when a 『Water Blade』hit it on the back, slightly scratching it.

Luminous: "You dare fucking underestimate us?!" She screamed as she held the hilt of her rapier, exposing it to the world once again.

And when her angered shouts reached the snake, it directed its attention towards her, the louder prey. Seeing the opportunity, I shot off a『Water Blot』(if you don't remember, it's just very high-pressure water concentrated in a very small area)

Water flew out of my body as if it was a laser beam, and went right through its body, fully piercing it... And did absolutely no damage.

The snake completely ignored my attack as its body completed its transformation into many strings of dark purple lightning, bundled in the vague shape of the snake.

'!!! so that's why it didn't take damage! Wait, the way it's staring....!'

Rimuru: "L-"

It dashed forward so fast, that even with thought acceleration at full capacity, I wasn't even able to see its blur. In an instant, it was a breath's distance from Luminous. Rotating a 180°, slamming Luminous with its tail, launching her to the first pillar (the one that's going up) before averting its attention to me.

The slits of its eyes thinned when it looked at me. Its body contorted and compressed a little, while it started glowing due to energy discharging from its body.

'I'm not that easy!' I tried to put an 『Earth Wall』between us, but the speed difference showed itself again.

It charged toward me, turning whatever I managed to create of the 『Earth Wall』into a heap of dirt. headbutting me to the wall.

Rimuru: "How the hell are we supposed to kill this thing?"

Normally, I would have fell unconscious because of pain from such an attack without any form of pain resistance. But thankfully, Great Sage is blocking out the pain.

The snake lifted its head, chin up high, eyes looking down, and a smug smile declaring its superiority. It took its time savoring up the feeling of being stronger... But, that's where it was mistaken.

A blade made out of Water(?) came from the back at an angle, but it was able to notice it, rotating towards it and blocking it with its tail, taking only a small scratch.

A.N/I know I know, Author notes break the immersion and make the story generally worse, but, I have something to say: The English language is shit which we all can agree to, and one very annoying thing is how much you need to use He/She/It, which make it sounds very repetitive. does anyone know of a way to deal with this problem?

With a frown and narrowed eyes, it look at the source of the annoyance, only to see a small vampire standing on the slope-like pillar.

'Another opportunity!' I was going to attack it once again, but...

"Master! Did you forget what happened last time? I suggest binding and pinning it down"

Hearing the suggestion of the smartest being and my eternal partner, I quickly changed my plans and used 『Earth Mastery』to make many columns of stone sprout from the ground, and bend around the snake in arches, only to then compress, slamming the snake to the ground, completely holding the snake on the ground.

Luminous looked to be preparing her attack as she held her rapier with both hands while bending her knees.

I also prepare to shoot an attack by making a stone spike, then rotating it as fast as possible. but it looks like we underestimated it...

Sparks started to come out of the sides of its mouth, as it wriggled its body, obliterating the stone bindings before breathing out so much lightning from its mouth that Godzilla would be proud!

The breath attack was directed at Luminous while slamming its tail up and down trying to attack me.

'Ugh! I'm somehow able to barely dodge them, but am still taking damage!'

"Master, take a look at where Luminous was standing"

When I looked, I instantly understood why she asked me to do so. I glanced at Luminous and noticed her also looking at the same place, probably thinking the same as me.

I jumped toward the snake, being right under its tail, I shoot off the spike at an upwards angle towards its tail. But despite rotating at a high speed, being more of a drill than a spike, it barely scratched the side of its tail before flying away.

As it brought back its attention to me once again, Luminous jumped off with a boom trying to slash it in half, but it was useless as it transformed into thunder once again.

It moved to the side, completely dodging her slash, then tried to do a spin tail whip, but I anticipated that and stopped it by making an earth wall right where its attack was going to be. I wasn't able to completely stop it, but I was able to slow it down enough so that Luminous could block it with her rapier.

I hopped towards it while shooting many consecutive『Water Blades』. It ignored them thinking that they would base through it like how 『Water Bolt』did, but they all hit it and made quite an amount of injuries on its body.

The reason 『Water Blade』affected it, while 『Water Blot』 didn't, is because of size. while『Water Blot』was small enough to pass between the strings of lightning that it was made of, 『Water Blade』was too big, and hence was able to hit it.

The snake, untransformed due to my attacks, spat thunder in my direction, destroying the ground and walls of the cave.

When I came close to its face, I launched myself upwards, above its head. The serpent smirked and transformed, only to jolt quickly, moving its breath attack with it.

But that was exactly what I wanted! I released the air ball at my side to doge. As its thunder breath reached the... pillar? beam? And made the stalactites on its underside fall on the snake, piercing more or less every part of its body, including the head.

Luminous: "We got you! I didn't even need to-" She screamed with a big smile, while her rapier was plunged into the intersection between the wall and... beam? sideway pillar?

The Snake, covered with stalactites, suddenly twitched, destroying the stalactites, and going towards Luminous with its mouth open.

A.N/ Don't ask why the writing quality suddenly increased from this point.

Rimuru: "Luminous!!"

Suddenly, I felt many things, and all the memories I tried to ignore surged to the front of my mind.

'No...' I saw Shizu dying while I was laying sitting by her side, not being able to do anything of use...

'Not again...' I saw the image of Shion, laying, covered by blood, her blood...

'I... don't want to... ' I saw Chronoa, fighting in madness, before being held up by Luminous, and me trying to put the mask on Chornoa, only to... 'Fail... again..'

Then, Images of everything that happened from when I woke up after regressing, flashed in front of me, it was then that I realized what I'm feeling exactly... Anger, and hate.

I felt myself forgetting what was happening, what was going on... And even started forgetting myself. I felt the urge to destroy, burn and eradicate what is making me feel this way, to flee from reason and indulge in the sensation that comes from abiding by the ever-growing inferno within me.

As the blazing rage blinded me, I felt the emptiness surround me, encompassing me and everything that latched into my brain, turning it all into a void, an all-pressuring void. I was crushed by the pressure of the empty, focused darkness, leaving only a flaming, radiant point in the center of it all.

'Am the reason... they are suffering because of me... I always fail.. always... WHY DO I ALWAYS FAIL?! I hate myself... I hate my incompetence, my uselessness... I want to destroy that incompetence, that uselessness... I want to destroy what I hate!'

Luminous: "UGH! how the fuck did this thing survive?

A voice, so noble and charming, rang through the cavern. But this time, it was tinted with desperation as to how quickly the words evacuated her mouth. But, the waves of that sound revibrated within me, shaking my depraved feelings.

The shaking darkness within me, cracked, seeping through it, even if for a moment, a shred of light, reflecting a blue diamond sea, and a blood-red crystal moon, surrounded by waves of silver shining brighter than the stars in the sky.

The small shine seeping inside, illuminated the entire void within me, making it soft, and malleable.

The many waves bouncing at the edges of that emptiness, exacerbated by that light, shook, destroyed, and reformed that empty hatred, lighting it with the memory of another blooming emotion.

Darkness, now lit, fuels a wild, flaming point, on the brink of breaking, and rampaging in expanding wrath, was encircled and focused by a fluorescent, vibrant emotion, sharpening that point, directing it with purpose.

'I... don't...' I felt a crack within me, a cover of what I always felt.

I saw my memories again, but this time, they lit me even more, intensifying my determination all on one target.

'I won't lose those who I care about, those who are dear to me... I won't lose the person I love!'

My goal was the same, to destroy what I hate, and I hate anything that's a danger to whom I care about, so, my entire emotions were directed at a single scally worm.

In an emotional madness, I realized and experience what was buried in me, even if not consciously. I was fueled by that madness, and moved by the newly exposed feelings.

I used 『Wind Mastery』 to make an explosion to throw myself at it, and 『Water Mastery』 as a jet after flying in the air, all the while creating many rotating drills with 『Earth Mastery』and flinging them at it, creating many new holes.

Rimuru: "I'm sorry for my selfishness"

'I'm with whatever happens to me as long as she survives'

The moment I entered its body through one of its many holes, I collected all of my magicules, concentrating all of that energy in a small place. Then, I used 『Ignition』, and...



2100+ words

A.N/ I think I should apologize for the fluttering quality, as it started good enough, then becomes bad, then change into probably the best stuff I have ever written.

That happened because of... it would take a while to explain, so all I will say is: I was normal, then I made a fight, planned a lot for it, got a creative block, realized that I don't give a fuck, tried to just complete it, got stopped by creative block anyway.

2 days later (because of procrastination and my uncle's marriage) try to complete it, get a sudden idea cool idea (as my brain can't stop fucking making them), and be forced to split it because my whole plans changed, and if I want to make Luminous' part half-decent and upload anytime soon, I would need to give Luminous' POV it's chapter.

So, hopped you enjoyed all three levels of my writing, from normal, to not giving a dead fuck, to then doing more or less my best.

and see yea next god knows when I upload this or [Brothers of Predetation and Chaos]!


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