
64 A posse


" Woah , woah , woah , " I said to the crazy spirit lady inside of Steve , " Start that over again . "

We were in Steve's house , his parents were gone to see a play and he'd invited me over . I knew what is was for and I had taken atleast an hour to prepare myself .

I had come dressed in a grey short and pale blue shirt , ' plenty to see! ' my outfit screamed . I had played ignorant of what Steve had been planning , but I knew what he wanted , and damn ! I was trying to stop myself from pouncing on him .

Which was about the same time the crazy spirit lady came and pounced on HIM !

Steve shot back on the sofa and blinked twice before turning to me .

" You , Beloved friend , I need your help . " Steve had said in that spirit lady's voice and I'd groaned with frustration.

Why did my best friend get involved in this spiritual magical junk !? I thought miserably , It was ruining my love life !

" Your friend is in danger along with my soul charge - Bee , I mean ." She said and I snapped out of it .

" Tell me what happened now. What is going on , Spill it ." I demanded , when it came to my friend , even pleasure had to wait .

" They were captured by a djinn . We were ambushed , I didn't even know they were there until Bee threw me to the side lines . " She said looking down , " He saved me , the sentimental fool. I knew that soul would be the end my aloofness ."

She sniffed and I took my right hand and slapped her . Or Steve , either way that got their attention .

" Do you see me crying ? No . Now what happened again " I said and she repeated three more times .

" Oh , forget it . I just need you to come with me and help me get some allies . " She said , " I have two prospects I know of , but one is unlikely to help and the other is likely to get me into alot of trouble."

" Okay , that sounds really reassuring ." I said dryly , " Do you need me to get Steve's crew , they could help . "

" No , you two will do for now. The fewer humans involved the better . " She said , " Now , I am going to exit this body and float out infront of you . You'll put your hand out and I'll take it . Teleporting us to one of the beings with the help we need . "

" Why don't you just make yourself visible ? " I asked and she stared at me .

" Good idea . I'm still forgetting I have alot of energy left ." She said and a light floated out from Steve .

The light glowed and inside it , I saw a warm lined face with white grey hair .

" I hate it , why me ? " Steve said slowly .

" Well , I know this one over here , doesn't want me inside his body and neither do I ." She said pointing at me . She was right. I would have slapped myself repeatedly to get her out , if she even tried to take over my body .

" Now , ready ? Let's go th- "

" Wait , wait . " I said getting up , " Honey do you have anything I can wear ? This outfit isn't the rescue kind ."

He found me a black jean and big black hoodie . It made me feel like a hobo goth but I liked wearing his clothes .

" Good , now . Hands , both of you ." The shiny lady said and I reached out at the same time as Steve . When our hands touched the shiny old lady , I felt a sensation through my whole body .

It was like the after effects of a massage and left me feeling lucid and weak . Bloody hell , I thought with my eyes closed , no wonder people don't teleport .

When I opened them again , I was surprised to find myself at school. Infront of the auditorium infact .

" What are we doing here ? Are you going to ask the janitor or a teacher for help ? " I asked her but she didn't look at me . She was looking infront of her , in the shaded part of the doorway .

I looked hard at where she was looking but saw nothing . I was just about ask her what she was looking at when a voice spoke .

" Olibia ? Is that my sister I see ? " A deep voice said and a figure emerged from the shadows . It was a figure dressed in a black cloak that shined with all stars of heaven . It was so beautiful it took my breath away for a moment .

" Hello , Cazra . Haunting are we ? " The spirit asked , wait what was her name again ?

" Olibia hon . Her name is Olibia ."

" Thanks . " I whispered to Steve.

" Oh , it's just a cool night . I thought of wandering this school for a few moments . " The cloaked guy Cazra said , " It gets dull with the other Reapers at work and me by my lonesome . Speaking of others , there appear to be others here with you ."

" Recruits . " Olibia said and the other being pulled a hand up and lowered his hood .

I drew my breath in . Damn ! He was hot hot ! His face was shiny and pale . His hair was like clouds and his eyes . It was looking into the sun through a mirror , so bright it actually hurt .

" Humans . " He stated looking at us , then he turned back to Olibia " Recruits for what ? "

" I need your help and , if possible , your discretion ." Olibia said and the guy lifted his arms and folded them .

I saw he was wearing a white shirt with black pants under his cloak . They looked like they were made of incredible material . So shiny and silken smooth even from a distance .

" You like what you see mortal ? " Cazra asked with a smirk .

" Nope . I have better ." I said putting my arm around Steve's arm .

" Cazra , I need your help . Badly . " Olibia said softly , " I had a soul charge who wanted to come back and I brought him back . But now he's been captured by djinn and I need your help to get him ."

" A lingering ghost ? Why would you bother getting that back ? Is it worth the risk ? " He asked but Olibia kept quiet , " Wait ... Is it not a lingering ghost ? What form is your soul charge ? "

" You have to understand ... I was desperate and young . I needed to fill in the report and it would only be done if I helped my soul charge . You have to understand ."

" Continue . " He said evenly .

" Well ... I turned my soul charge into ... a ...Corpse ."

" A WHAT !?? " He drew back as if she had slapped him . " Are you insane ? Have you lost all control of your essence ? "

" I asked you to understand ." she said angrily but he just shook his head.

" Understand ? How can anyone understand insanity ? Can you explain the thoughts of madness ? " He said , " You brought back something that should never have been brought back . Why didn't you try Asication ? "

" Who would agree with me ? It takes two for Asication , as you well know ." She said , " And that doesn't matter . The past is done and neither of us is Diana to bring it back . I'm only here to ask for your help . "

" Your Corpse got caught by djinn and you're asking for my help ? You should report this to your Mother or better yet , I should report this to Father." he said but Olibia threw her hands in the air .

" What do you expect them to do ? They have no authority on Corpses only on us . If the djinn do manage to taint my soul charge then they can only start another war . " She said , " But if we get him back and far away from here , then everything will be fine ."

" What manner of djinn took him ? " He asked , " Polirose ? Shrecth ? Or what ? "

" It was ... Amber djinn . " She said reluctantly and he gaped at her .

" Amber djinn ? And you expect us to fight them alone ? You , me and these two mortals ? " He asked , " You can't be serious ."

" Does this mean you will join our rescue ? " She asked .

" I rather deal with this now than fight a war . But that's if I don't get destroyed first . " He said , " We can't fight them and win . We are not strong enough by ourselves ."

" I have the perfect person to help us . But first you have to promise you'll help no matter what , alright ?." She asked him , " Just help me out here . I need you brother . Badly ."

" Because you clearly messed up , badly . " He said and gave a sigh , " You know we'll be in trouble if we get caught . This is a criminal offence keeping a Corpse a secret ."

" Yes , I know but I am not one to quit you know that ." She said and he chuckled .

" You quit only when you get bored but I can tell by the look in your eyes , that you are anything but that . Fine , let's go ."

" First your word . You will help ni matter what . " She said and he raised his hand .

" I vow to assist in this attempt to save a creature that doesn't belong on the Earth ." He said solemnly .

" And Yuree ." I added .

" Wait ... Yuree ? Yuree Rosi ? " Cazra asked , " What does he have to do with this ? "

" He was taken aswell . You see , he's ... a Beloved ." Olibia said and Cazra groaned .

" Sister , you are a fool and an inept daughter of Life . You let your Corpse get a Beloved ? Why not just raise Offali from the dead ? " he asked.

" It wasn't my fault , and we have no time for this . You promised to help and that's all that matters ." Olibia said and turned to us ," Now comes the delicate part ."

" What do you mean delicate ? " Both me and Cazra asked at the same time .

" Well , where we are going these two won't be able to survive on their own ." Olibia said , " I'm okay with taking the big one but I'm not sure the Beloved's friend will let you in graciously ."

" Wait , wait, wait ." I said looking at them wide eyed , " You want him to take over my body ? Nope , no way . Not happening , now or ever . I am not letting anyone take over me , no thanks . No way , Hose ."

" Hon , come on . It's for Yuree . " Steve said softly , " You'd do anything for him , I know you would . Come on Terry berry"

I smiled at the pet name he gave me .It always made me cave in and it was with a groan that I nodded my head .

" Fine , he goes in but he better not touch anything private . " I said decisively.

" I'm no pervert . Your body is safe ." Cazra said and I nodded my head .

" Okay , let's move on then . " Olibia said , " We'll have to keep our essence circulating around them or they'll die ."

" Where are we going ? " Cazra asked and Olibia gave a hollow laugh .

" Oh , to a winter wonderland ." She said mirthlessly

" Well isn't this the grandest surprise ." Zascare said and I wanted to move back as he walked up to us .The guy gave me the creeps but unfortunately I couldn't control my body .

We stood in a giant room with tapestries on the wall . They held images of creatures with wings, claws , fangs , horns , tails , spines and everything else horrible . There was snow coming in from a window next to us and it made me remember the frigid waste land we had seen outside .

How could anyone live here in this eternal winter ? I had thought but couldn't speak as Cazra had control over my body . But I need not have argued anything . Cazra had argued with Olibia since they came here .

" You are insane . Why would we come here , to ask for his help ? " He had said through my mouth and damn ! that was a crazy sensation ; speaking without control .

Is this how Steve feels ? I had thought .

" He was once our brother and I still believe in the unity and bond that Mother and your Father created between us ." Olibia had said , " Besides , you're the one who said we couldn't defeat them on our own . "

" I would rather perish at the hands of an scryimp than ask him for anything . He's not trustworthy ." Cazra said ,

" And whose fault is that ? " Olibia asked him and I swear the curiosity was killing me . What were they talking about ?

" He can't come home . He's not like us anymore . He's not like anything anymore ." Cazra said looking away .

" Which is not his fault completely . He was tricked and now has to pay for it for all eternity ." Olibia said sadly .

" He wasn't tricked ! " Cazra yelled and his voice echoed in the waste land , " He chose to go back and save that thing . We all know the story . Sentimental foolishness . His punishment is well deserved ."

" Try not to say that while we're here. " She said as we neared a large black wall , " Last time I brought that up , I was almost impaled."

" I'm not afraid him . " Cazra said , " He can't kill us , remember ? "

" And do you remember that he doesn't kill ? " Olibia said with her hand poised over the wall , " He imprisons ... and you never escape ."

She had then tapped the wall and a loud booming had echoed behind it . A moment later , a doorway appeared and they hesitated before walking in .

The inside looked was as cold as the outside ; Ice walls , pillars , doors and stairs . I was glad to have Cazra protect me from this cold palace .

Eventually they found Zascare facing a tapestry on a wall . Inside the tapestry was a giant monster made of ice and breathing a storm from its mouth.

" Gazing into the past ? " Cazra had said and Zascare had chuckled softly before turning around .

" Well , what brings you two here ? And in mortal coils ... how perverse ." Zascare said looking at us . " Is that Terry Johnson you're wearing Cazra ? I never saw him as the type to be used like toilet paper ."

What ! You - I wanted to hit him then but Cazra still had control .

" I'm keeping him alive . " He said slowly .

" Can you two stop the hostility ? " Olibia said and Zascare looked at her with a grin .

" This isn't hostility , Olibia . If I was being hostile you would know it ." He said and I felt chills , " Now what do you want ? So soon at that , Olibia . It may have been thirty years in here , but I know it's been less than a day back there ."

" I need your help . We need your help . " She said looking at Cazra pointedly and I felt my head reluctantly nod .

" Oh. A Reaper and a daughter of Life coming for my help ? " Zascare said with a smile , " This is very amusing ."

" Please Zascare , it's important ." Olibia said , " We don't have much time , it's the Corpse and his Beloved . They were taken by Amber djinn ."

" I know ." Zascare said simply .

" You know ? " Cazra asked astounded .

" Yes , I was there . I saw them being taken . You forget that I can hide my essence signature from anyone ." Zascare said turning around , " And as for being taken by Amber djinn ... I'm afraid it's far more serious than that ."

" What do you mean ? " Olibia demanded .

" Lord Voc ... he took them . " Zascare said and it was as if the air stood still because for a moment I couldn't breathe .

" Lord Voc ? Amber king ? " Cazra asked and I got a feeling he was afraid .

" Yes , I'm sure he is probably thinking of starting the Djinn wars again or something just as foolish ." Zascare said nonchalantly , " But it doesn't concern me . "

" What ? But you said the Corpse was important to you . Don't you want to save him ? " Olibia asked and Zascare cackled coldly .

" You over reach my own limits of caring . Yes , I said the Corpse is important to me but I don't NEED it . " He said, " It would have been beneficial to speed things up for me but I can still work my desires without it ."

" What desires ? " Cazra asked with narrowed eyes and Zascare smiled coldly .

" Things you wouldn't approve , High and mighty Reaper ." He said coldly and Cazra gritted my teeth angrily .

" Please Zascare , If you were there you also know that the Beloved was taken aswell . " Olibia said .

" So ? This concerns me how ? He's a mortal , Beloved or not ." Zascare said and I felt my dislike for him grow ten times larger .

Callous bastard , I thought .

< I know. >

Huh , I thought bewildered , Cazra , is that you ?

< Yes , Terry . It's handsome me . >

You read my mind ? I accused him , I felt so violated .

< You said I shouldn't touch you're body . You never said anything about your mind . A very naughty place it is too . > Cazra thought and i could feel his smugness , < We're you really prepared to sleep with the boy next to us . He doesn't seem you're type . >

Oh shut up , I thought , You probably haven't fallen inlove before .

< No , never . Who could I love ? You ? > he thought cockly

Shut up and think of a way to convince this cold bastard to help my friend .

, I thought .

< Zascare is a lost cause . I knew he wouldn't agree but I just had to humour Olibia ... also I wanted to privately flirt with you . > he thought and I mentally gaped .

Shameless , I thought , and coming from me that's saying something . If you guys can't convince Zascare then my friends are toast . Try harder .

< You think it's easy talking to this cold thing in a suit ? He listens to no one but himself . And his lover . >

Someone actually loves this guy ? I thought shocked .

< Yes , but it's a tainted love that nobody really speaks of . He is cold and heartless to everyone but his lover ... is the only one who can melt his cold frosty heart . He would do anything for him and prove himself for him . So vain. >

Let me talk to him , I thought immediately as an idea formed in my head .

< That's stupid .You're idea that is . He won't like you bringing it up to begin with . > Cazra thought but I wouldn't listen .

My friends in danger and I'm not going to Lolly gag around listening to you three and your brother & sister chats . Now give me my mouth back !

< Okay . But if you die ... call me .>

" Oh , brother ." I said wryly and froze ,I had my mouth back .

" Cazra , what are you doing ? " Olibia asked but I ignored her . I turned my eyes to Zascare , creep or no creep my friend needed me and this cold twat wouldn't stop me .

" Zascare , right ? Terry Johnson here . " I said and he tilted his head , " I just wanted to say you are the most pathetic thing i have ever seen . "

The room went still and quiet as the wires passed my lips . Olibia looked at me with a gaped mouth and I could have sworn that Steve's eyes showed horror . Zascare on the other hand was grim and stone faced .

" What did you say mortal ? " He asked me .

" You need me to repeat ? Okay ; you are weak , pathetic and a complete coward . I just learnt that you have a lover and I can't believe that anybody could like such a woos . " I said frowning and looking at him up and down , " Maybe it was looks , that's what probably got his interest . But it's good to have a guy you can depend on instead of a coward dressed like a sleazy billionaire . You really are a pathetic thing . Whoever your lover is ... I pity him . Having you must be the worst punishment ever . Even worse than yours probab- "

" SILENCE ! " Zascare boomed and multiple spikes shot out from every direction surrounding me . I didn't flinch though but stood looking at him with mocking eyes . Inside however I was panicking and in terror ! Angering a powerful being , I had never done anything more stupider .

But outside , I kept my cool and watched Zascare glare at me .

" Well , you can get angry all you want but it doesn't prove me wrong . " I said despite the ice spike infront of my lip , " You have power but unfortunately you're pathetic . A real warrior doesn't refuse a fight , I learnt that in my dojo . I'd think someone as old as you would know that ."

" Is this your way of persuading me to join your little posse ? I could simply take all of you from my sight or remove you completely altogether . " He said and I smiled mockingly .

" And it's easy to do that than help us fight . Like I said , pathetic . " I said with finality and the spikes seemed to moved closer until I felt sure the one on my chest would pierce my heart . But just as I felt death a breath away , the spikes melted away .

" Terry was it ? " Zascare said , " I didn't like you even when I was Hort . "

" Wait , wait , wait , what ? " I asked but he just smiled .

" Does this mean you'll help ? " Olibia finally said ,

" Well , now that my bravery has been put on trial I have no choice . " Zascare said turning around in a circle and I saw cold black mist rise from the floor and pull towards him . After a while he stopped spinning around , he was enveloped in his cloak . This one was not beautiful like Cazra's . It was dark and grey like the inside of a storm .

" Well then . What are we waiting for ? " Zascare said coldly , " Do you want to save them or not ? "

" Thank you . " Olibia said but Zascare cackled .

" Don't thank me yet . We haven't saved them , now have we ? " He asked and raised his fingers , " Now , let's go."

He snapped his fingers and I was blinded by a bright light .

Memories drift inside of his mind .

But the little people get left behind .

Zascare says " Whatever ."

A poem inspired by one of my friends .

Anyway ..Read away readers and please vote for me •́ ‿ ,•̀


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