
56 Not again


She said yes .

Why ? I groaned as my mother said I could have some fun with my friends .

The worst part was that I couldn't say I didn't completely want to go because Terry was right there when I asked her .

We had gotten home , I changed after showering and then as we ate dinner a ring sounded from the door bell .

" Who could that be ? Are your friends coming tonight Gus ? " Mom asked him accusingly but he shook his head .

" No , Amanda . The guys are coming tomorrow not today . " He said and he got up to go and open the door .

" Yuree it's for you . " he called and I frowned confused about who could come to see me in the evening .

When I walked to the door and saw who was there I felt my heart flip and flop . Terry stood with Stevey dressed for a night out and judging from the way Terry looked at me , he had expected me to be dressed the same .

" Terry , what a wonderful surprise ." I said with a spontaneous smile but his eyes told me I wasn't fooling him . And I called myself an actor .

" Are they coming in ? " Gus asked from the sidelines and before I could say anything , Terry walked in to the house .

" We are coming in , right Yuree ? " Terry said in a voice not even hinting how mad he was .

" Of course , come in. I was just finishing up dinner and - "

" Going to ask her , right ? Go ahead . I'll be right here by the sofa . Waiting for you . " Terry said taking a seat and Stevey followed shaking his head with a smile on his face .

Atleast someone was amused .

I realized Terry was serious . He would stay until I asked Mom about going out . So it was with batted breath that I went back to the table and asked Mom if I could go out tonight with my friends .

" Sure , honey . You can have a fun night out . " She said softly , " Is Bee coming too though ? I would feel better if he did ."

" Yes , I am. " Bee said next to me .

" Well then , finish up and get ready . I always wanted to have more nights out when I was young and you barely ever go out at night . " she said , " This could be a fun night for you. Just don't get into any trouble , okay ? "

" Yes , mom . I won't ." I said wishing I could say I didn't want to go but Terry had swooped in and said his greetings to Mom .

" You better get ready . Both of you ." Terry said to me and Bee and I internally groaned .

So now we were walking , outside in the Park . It closed later on Wednesdays and this was where Terry decided for us to go to . It was a cool evening , the sun was already gone but a faint orange hung by the horizon . The park was mostly deserted and cool breeze blew making me feel a slight chill and wishing I had taken a jacket .

I was wearing a fall back dark green T-shirt with a bright blue flower logo on it . I had on grey trousers and a face that said I would rather be anywhere else , preferably home .

Bee was wearing his old clothes from the day we met but you couldn't tell they were old . Mom had cleaned them up and they looked as good as new . He also had his mask on and was looking the Park as I'd searching for something .

" Okay , question time . " Terry said next to Steve who appeared to love Terry's attitude . Wow , I thought , what a pair .

" Bee , how old are you ? " Terry asked Bee but I answered .

" He is twenty ."

" Where do you come from Bee ? " he asked him but again I answered .

" He comes from far away . "

" Why does your voice sound so gravely ? "

" He has a sore throat ."

" How long have you known Yuree ? "

" Awhile now ."

" What's your goal in life ? "

" He lives life , step by step ."

" How long is Yuree going to answer these questions ? "

" Aslong as it takes ! " I yelled and covered my mouth like I'd burped in company .

Terry laughed at my face , which was probably red from embarrassment .

" You can't keep answering them you know . I want to get to know Bee . " Terry said giving me a look , " Even if , a very big if , he's not your boyfriend , I still have the right as your best friend to learn something about the guy you stay with ."

If you heard the truth you'd never be able to take it , I thought grimly . Bee isn't human , he's something called a Corpse which I think is another name for zombie and there was this one time where he saved my life and almost killed a supernatural creature .

Instead I said , " Bee isn't an open book about some things . It's just the way he is ." I said hoping , stupidly hoping he would let it go .

" I didn't drag you out here to see the park ," He said cynically and he grabbed my arm .

" Stevey , you stay and interrogate Bee . I'll take Yuree away from you guys for privacy ." he said and my heart screamed in panic .

" Wait , no . I don't think - " I started to protest but he dragged me away .

" Calm down . They're both strong guys , at least I'm guessing Bee to be a tough one . They won't share anything warm or fuzzy but they will talk ." Terry said but that was exactly what I was afraid of . I looked at them as they talked and my body quivered with apprehension .

What were they saying ? Was Bee telling him anything about himself ? What would happen if he slipped something out ? Oh my gosh !

" Wow , you're like crazy anxious . What secrets are you afraid he'll say ? " Terry said looking at my face and I tried to use every technique of acting to look normal .

" It's nothing ... I just don't want Bee to say anything misleading about us . Or something you could misunderstand ." I lied but Terry shook his head unbelieving .

" You're a terrific actor but a terrible liar ." he said and turned to the boys . " You know ... Steve and I ... we aren't a fling ."

" I never thought you were . Remember , I was there when you were with him in the cafeteria . I've never seen you so ... up . It was amazing ... you looked like you were Inlove ." I said softly and he smiled .

" So did you when I saw you with him , Bee I mean . Yuree , I know part of you is afraid to rush into a relationship . You have no experience in them but I also know that the rest of you is slowly caving in ." Terry said , " You like him , and you'll not convince me otherwise . "

" Not again , " I said exasperated , " I told you , I only said - "

" That he's your boyfriend just to escape an awkward situation . " Terry said sarcastically , " Yeah . I never bought that for a second ."

" What do I have to do to convince you that nothing is going on between us ? "

" Well , it's simple really ." He said turning to me with a smile that made me dread his next words , " You have to kiss him . "

" What ? " I shouted .

" You heard me ; Kiss him . On the lips . Tongue is optional ." He said chuckling .

" Why would I do that ? " I asked him .

" To prove you're not together . If you can kiss him without showing any sign of passion or longing then I'll let it go but if you can't , " Terry grinned at me , " Then I will cheer you and your boyfriend on ."

" I ... I ... I won't play something so crazy ." I said folding my arms .

" Play ? This isn't a game. It's life ,your life to be exact and you have to decide on it ." Terry said gently , " You say he's your friend but your voice denies it . I say he's your boyfriend but your mind rejects it . You don't know how feel for him completely . You're new to love and that's why I'm pushing you to face it head on . I told you before ; life's to short for these slow easy moments of looking for the right relationship and the right person . We find someone who makes us happy or we stay with someone because we want to be happy . They're different things but ultimately it all comes down to happiness . You've been my friend for a long time and I really want you to be happy . I saw the way you looked at him when he showed up . You like him , Yuree . Your mind and your mouth can say no all day long but your heart ... it knows what it wants and he is what you have been looking for ."

I kept quiet as he said this . Terry could be so deep sometimes and made me confused on why he was such a wayward guy . He should write a book or be a public speaker . He would make millions of dollars .

" So , are you going to kiss him or not . " he asked and I shook my head .

" I already did that . " I confessed and he gaped at me .

" Oh damn ! My sweet little friend actually kissed a guy ! Help me universe to understand how I missed this ! " he said dramatically and I chuckled .

" It was a few days ago . In my meadow . " I said , Terry knew I had secret meadow . " It was just a gesture of gratitude for something he did . "

" Oh , a thank you kiss ... how long did it last ? I'm guessing by the colour you just turned that the kiss turned into more than a thank you kiss ." he said smiling at my bashfulness .

" It ended fine . How long are they going to keep talking ? " I said looking back at the boys .

" That's enough time I think , for a successful interrogation ." Terry said and we decided to go back to them . We unfortunately didn't get the chance .

Hands reached out behind us and grabbed both me and Terry .

" Hey what the hell ! " Terry shouted into the dark .

" Look what we caught . " A wheezy voice said next to my ear .

" Two delicious humans . I love blondes . They always taste like pudding ." Another voice said from Terry's side .

" Who the hell are you ? I'll bloody teach you a lesson ! " Terry shouted but I kept my mouth shut .

Unlike Terry , who was being held from behind I could see the faces of our assailants . They were short , with moldy skin like rotten bread and their eyes were pure black . It was clear they weren't human but Terry was still shouting threats .

" I'm going to eat this loud one first , I can't stand the noise it's making ." one of them said opening its mouth and I saw teeth like needles ... I had seen similar ones before .

I knew what I had to do but part of me was afraid of what it would cause . But as I saw my friend being turned around and facing the inhuman creatures open maw , I knew I had no choice .

" Bee ! " I shouted

Here we go again ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Nixel_Lazulicreators' thoughts
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