
42. Feeling a sensation


I swallowed heavily as Bee wiped my leg slowly .

Ugh , how am I going to survive this ? I asked myself .

We were in the bathroom and it was time for my bath . Bee was wiping my body again with a towel .

I was really ... restless . Or just whipped by his slow caress .

It was agony !

" Umm Bee , don't you think I should try to do it by myself ? " I asked and he shook his head .

" No , you need to not strain too much . I am fine with assisting you ." he said wiping my inner thigh and I gritted my teeth .

" But ... I can't ... I can't stand your slow speed . " I blurted out .

" Oh , I'm sorry . It is just I need to make sure that - "

" You don't miss a spot , I know ." I said sighing , " But ... it just feels ... weird when you do this . "

" Oh , does it make you uncomfortable ? " he asked looking up at me and pausing in his caress .

" Not really uncomfortable ... just restless ... like I want to do something ." I said breathlessly .

" What do you wish to do ? Can I assist you ? " he asked and I internally groaned .

I wanted to ... let him touch me more , I thought dejectedly . His motions caused my skin to tingle and my eyes slightly watered as I held myself back . I had never felt this ... pressure before . It was soul consuming .

" I don't know if you can . " I said softly . I don't want to seem physically needy , I thought .

" I will try if I am able . All you need to do is tell me , Nymph." he said and I sighed . He was a pleaser and I couldn't lie now that he knew something was wrong .

" Well ... it's just ... when you touch me like that- with the towel ... I feel tingly and a bit hot . It's hard to explain ... I just feel like ... I don't know ." I finished lamely . Saying that much was a struggle in itself . I didn't know how to explain these sensations , I had never had them before .

" Nymph feels hot and tingly ?" he asked tilting his head and I nodded my head .

He stood up and then he looked at me . I felt even more self-conscious as he looked at me even though I was not completely naked . But his eyes made feel bare .

He tilted his head and then before I knew what was happening , he took his shirt off .

" Oh my gosh !" I said under my breath .

Bee was ... he looked so ... tantalizing .

His chest was strong and devinely muscled . He had a six pack and his biceps were thickly muscled but not grotesquely so . There were small white lines on his upper chest and I realized they were his scars , they made him look rogue and dangerous . He was lean but also with alittle bit of buffness and that made an alluring sight . A very alluring sight .

I swallowed and looked away from his chest to his face , through sheer force of will .

" Bee , what are you doing ? " I asked him , he had taken his mask off aswell .

" I wish to know this strange experience , so I can help you with it . " he said and I frowned .

" What do you mean ? Do you want me to wipe your chest ? " I asked , it would be a ... challenge was not the right word . An impossible feet was more like it .

I could barely look at his chest and keep my thoughts straight . How was I supposed to wipe him ? , I wondered and then my mind went KABOOM !

" Bee , what are you doing ? " i asked him mortified , whilst quickly covering my eyes with my hand .

Bee had just reached for his trouser fly and had started pulling down the zip .

" It would not be fair if I was not in the same state as you . " he said in answer , " But , Nymph , why have you covered your eyes ? "

" I... I... don't think this is a good idea . " I said vehemently , my blood was pumping through me in waves and a certain organ was stirring between my legs. I folded my legs so as not draw it's attention .

" But this is way I can understand how you feel . Although I did not feel physical stimulus before , I now can . Especially when I am with you ." he said softly.

" What do you mean ? You couldn't feel anything before ? " I asked and I think he nodded his head but I still had my eyes covered .

" Yes , physical stimulation did not affect me . I felt neither pain nor cold . I could suffer any injury and it would be as if someone had merely touched me with their finger . " he said and my mind flashed back to the alley where we first met .

He had swatted away a metal pipe with his bare hand and then he had ... been stabbed with a knife .

Yet he had never said anything about it , and I had never brought it up . He hadn't groaned in pain or stumbled once since that day I met him .The only time I had seen him in actual physical discomfort was when he had been hungry .

So did this mean ... he couldn't feel pain ? Even the cold , or warmth ? That sounded ... pretty terrible .

How could someone live without feeling something soft or rough ? I thought . Texture was one thing that most people loved about life and he didn't have a deep sense of touch .

I remembered the time in the hospital when he had asked me to touch his face and describe it . I felt a stab in my heart as I realised what he had actually meant when he had asked me that .

He couldn't have felt his own face and had asked me to describe it instead . Oh my gosh , I thought sadly , that's tragic .

He was like mom , but instead of being deaf to sound , he was dead to touch . He was like me , except of being very sensitive , he was numb .

And right now he was asking me to help him experience touch . He was starting to feel and wanted me to help him understand .

If a blind person had asked me to help them understand colour I would have done it . If a deaf person asked me to help them understand a song , I would help them and everyone else who would ask me to understand something they didn't .

So , I slowly lowered my hand and looked at Bee .

He was wearing dark green boxers and he was looking at me expectancly . I sighed and pulled a towel from the towel rack .

I dipped it into the water inside the tub .

" Okay ... I'll wipe your body . " I said quietly and quivered internally . I had never thought I'd say that .

Bee smiled and then he sat next to me on the tub rim , he turned around and offered me his back.

I raised the towel and after rinsing it , I started to wipe Bee's back . I tried to keep my mind focused on the task . It took my entire will not to pay attention to how smooth his back was , how it was cream with a light grey hue .

I smiled involuntarily but honestly I couldn't help it . He was so -

" Oh my gosh ." I said softly and Bee turned his head around to look at me .

" Is something wrong , Nymph ? " he asked and I shook my head .

" No , it's just ... on your shoulder . There's a small wound ." I said .

It was true , there was a small cut that seemed to be closing up on his shoulder . Bee looked at it and and groaned .

" It was from the boy who stabbed me in the alley ." he said and I swallowed .

" Oh , I'm sorry . Does it ... hurt ? " stupid question , I realised even as he answered .

" No , it does not . " he said , " Does it ... bother you ? "

" No , it's fine . " I said shaking my head , " I'm done with your back . "

He turned around and faced me and I drew my breath in as I looked at his chest . Oh my gosh , i thought , my cheeks heating up .

" Is something wrong , Nymph ? " he asked me as I stayed quiet and I shook my head .

" No , nothing . It's nothing ." I said quickly dunking the towel back into the tub . I rinsed it and then I raised my hand ... then I froze .

This was too intimate , I thought instantly , it may not have been skin on skin contact but it was just too ... much .

" Nymph ? " Bee asked and I shook my head unable to answer , " Do you need help ? "

He touched my hand and brought my arm towards his chest . As my hand touched his skin through the towel , I breathed out heavily , oh this was beyond disorienting .

Bee left my hand to wipe his chest and I took a deep breath to steady myself . I began wiping his chest methodically , keeping my mind as blank as possible .

It was impossible ! I needed a distraction , right then .

" Umm Bee ? " I said quickly , hoping he would distract me , " You never told me ... how you healed my arm ."

" I did not ." he said and I nodded my head with a wryly smile .

" Yes , I know you didn't tell me that's why I'm asking . " I replied .

" No , Nymph . I meant , I did not heal you ." he said and I drew my eyes from his chest . He was frowning now but not at me .

" If you didn't ... then who did ? " I asked softly and he sighed whilst looking at the side .

" It was ... a being . He was smothered in grey smoke and had long black claws . " he said and I shivered , " He drew my blood out from me and mixed it with yours as you lay in the tub . Then you sank into the water for a moment and then after a few seconds you rose back up again . You were healed and better . Then the being left and I took you to your room . "

I had forgotten all about wiping now , my hand lay still on Bee's lower abdomen . My mind was swirling with thoughts .

Who had been the being who came here? What creature is this ? And why did he help me ?

" Did ... this being say anything ? " I asked and Bee tilted his head.

" Yes ... but Nymph would not like to hear it . " he said and I frowned.

" What do you mean ? Is it something bad ? Did he curse me ? " I asked and Bee sighed .

" No , he did not . He said you would heal faster now but that he would seek payment from me later . " he said frowning and then he looked up at me , " I will not let him ever get near you again . "

I didn't know how to feel about this . Was I in danger ? Who was this being ? What had happened between them that made Bee seem angry ?

" Okay , that's fine ." I said , I would think about this later . " Well , I think my arm is tired but I cleaned alot . "

Bee frowned , " Yes ... but ... "

" What ? " I asked , did he want me to continue ? I didn't think my mind was up to it .

" I did not feel anything ... no warmth or sensation . Why ? " he said softly .

" I don't know . I don't even know or understand why I feel it . " I said lying between my teeth , It's because you want him ! my mind screamed but I smothered it and dropped the towel into the tub .

" But HOW do you feel it ? What makes you feel the tingly sensation ? " he asked me desperately and I sighed .

He was so absorbed in this that he didn't notice the bombshell he had just placed on my lap . But I decided to tell him a bit .

" It's ... just YOU touching me . That's why I feel ... strange ." I said honestly and sighed .

It was true , I admitted to myself. Nobody had ever brought these feelings up before .

Bee looked down for a second and then he looked back at me , " Then will it work ... if YOU touch me ? I mean with no towel ? " he asked and I caught my breath .

" Umm I don't know ." I said softly but my heart was beating the ChaCha .

" Can you touch me , Nymph ? I wish to know . " he said looking at me pleadingly and I groaned but still nodded my head .

" Okay ... where exactly ? " I asked him, I felt so weird asking this .

Bee looked at his body and then at mine . Then he ... pointed between his legs , at his crotch .

I gaped for a second before I could recover myself .

" What ? You -you ... want me to touch you there ? " I choked out the words and Bee nodded .

" Yes , I saw that your outer genital organ seemed to react when I touched you and this way I can see visibly wether it works on me or not ." he said matter-a- , like it was no big deal but I shook my head .

" No , no , not there . We can not ... it's not ... It's too intimate Bee . " i said shaking my head , the very idea of touching him there was ... it was not repulsive , oh no . it was too tempting and therefore a bad idea .

" Oh , then where do you think you should touch me ? " he asked and i looked at him .

His chest was smoother looking from my wiping and his abdomen slightly damp from the towel .

I took a deep breath and put my hand on his abs before I could change my mind . I breathed out slowly and I started to move my hand in slow circles . I stroked and caressed his skin and my mind blew away like a leaf in the wind. I became totally absorbed in Bee's body.

His skin , his texture and how he felt chilly even after I wiped him with warm water . But maybe it was because he didn't have a beating heart , that's why his body was cold .

But it still felt nice though ... So nice ... REALLY nice ... mmmm ...

" Nymph ."

I lifted my eyes for a second and saw Bee looking down at his boxer . I followed his eyes and almost choked .

Bee's boxers had a large bulge right by his crotch . It seemed to be straining the shorts .

" You stimulated me " Bee said smiling , " I felt a variety of sensations just as you described and my own genital organ has reacted . "

" Oh ... great " I said swallowing hard , " Let's go now . " I said drawing my hand back from right by his naval and very close to the mentioned organ .

" It feels strange . My nether regions feel hot and my organ is tight around these shorts . Should I remove them ? " he asked me and I quickly shook my head . From anybody else it would have been a snide sexual joke but because it was Bee , I knew he was completely serious .

" No , no , no , no , no " I said vehemently , " it will go down on its own . Now let's go . "

I quickly got up but then Bee touched my arm . I looked down at him and saw that he was stroking my arm slowly and shivers rain down my spine.

" Bee what are you doing ? " I asked for the upteenth time .

" I wanted to know if I could feel you . And I was correct , my senses are very sensitive when it comes to you ."

Same here , I thought wryly .

" Okay Bee , but I really want to change now . Let's go ." I said and he let go off my arm.

I opened the door and walked out of the bathroom . I had just opened my door when I heard yelling behind me .

" Sweet jam on a whale ! "

I turned around and saw Gus . He had apparently just come up and was next to the stairs . He had his hands on top of his head and his eyes were wide open . His mouth hung agape and he looked like the definition of shock .

I frowned confused , what was wrong with him and I saw he was looking at Bee...who was still in his boxers and , oh my gosh , had a semi hard on . I instantly knew what was going through Gus's head .

" Gus , nothing happened . We were just bathing . " I said quickly and he looked at me .

" You ... two were bathing ... together ? " he asked and I groaned at my poor choice of words .

" Not bathing exactly . . just wiping each other . That's all ." I said and he tisked his tongue .

" Really , that's all ? Then why does he " he pointed at Bee , and then at his crotch , " have that ? "

" I have always had my genital organs . " Bee said , " But right now it's stimulated because of Nymph ."

" Oh my gosh ! " I groaned .

" Holly Margarine ! " Gus exclaimed and then he turned to me , " You go upstairs for fifteen minutes and this happens ? I only wonder what you two did yesterday the whole day . "

" Nothing , he wiped me and end of story ." I said defensively , " We did nothing profane . Not a thing ."

" Of course , whatever you say ." Gus said walked up to the bathroom door , Bee moved out of the way for him whilst holding his clothes .

Gus paused and turned to Bee , " You want to ... polish your pole before I go in ? " he asked and I felt mortified . Who asks that !?

" My ... pole ? " Bee asked confused but before Gus could say anything else I quickly interrupted .

" Bee , can you please change . I want to go with you for a walk around the block ." I said quickly and Bee turned to me .

He had his mask back on and but I knew he was smiling at my suggestion .

" Yes , Nymph ." he said and walked to his room and shut the door .

" Oh thank gosh ." I said under my breath .

" Very , very naughty . What would your mother think ? " Gus said and I glowered at him .

" Nothing , because nothing happened . " i said crossly and I went into my room and shut the door .

What a day ! I thought emotionally .

I'm running out of ideas ... can you please motivate my mind ?

Anyway ... next chapter is Terry's .

Also , these bathroom moments are starting to be real trouble ... who knows what will happen in there , with those two ?

Nixel_Lazulicreators' thoughts
Next chapter