
The Lost Raven

'This world seems advanced, with tall buildings, strange foods with weird production methods, and technology held in the palm of the hand.'

Cain flew high in the sky, perching on trees planted on the sidewalk, and studied people walking along the streets.

'From that mother and child, I seem to be a rare type of bird. I should find out more about my feeding habits and such. Though worms should be fine for now; but what worries me is the patches of dirt in this place are few.'

Going back into the air, Cain was able to see everything. As the day went on, he traveled a far distance and reached the edge of the city, on the horizon were forests and highways.

'Hmm, what's going on down there?'

In an alley, two men cornered an exhausted man in tattered clothes.

"Vincent Gorn, you have nowhere to go. Come with us to the Bureau and you will get a fair trial. Resist, and we'll have to kill you."

"Bureau bastards! Just because I have a book you hunt me down like this! I've done no wrong!"

One of the agents replied, "But you might. Now surrender!"

Cain landed on a nearby trashcan and watched. However, Vincent noticed him.

"Haha! A raven! Yes, that's a raven tried and true! It's my lucky day!"

Both agents' heads snapped towards Cain, their faces turning pale.

"Weren't all the Ravens locked inside the Bureau, how did one get out?!"

"Shit, get out your tools, we have to capture it!"

Cain realized what was going on as soon as Vincent spoke. He flew into the sky.

Bang Bang!

One agent used a strange gun while the other took out needles and threw them.

Cain made evasive maneuvers and took cover on a roof. From below he could hear the agents talking.

"Damn it, the fugitive's running and the Raven escaped! What do we do?!"

The second agent spoke, "What else!? We have to inform the Bureau! If word gets out that a Raven escaped, the Cultists will go crazy to capture it! Didn't you get an education from the Bureau!? Ravens are the main material for powerful rituals, Ravens use abilities related to misfortune! If one escaped it's a big deal!"

The agents' footsteps rushed out of the alley. Cain watched them enter a car and speed off.

'Interesting.' He flew back into the sky. Not far away he spotted Vincent, who used multiple methods to throw off any trailers; but Cain could see him the entire time.

Eventually, Vincent entered a run-down building and went up to the highest floor, entering his study where his window was. Cain perched on the window and knocked with his beak.

Vincent looked over in the direction of the noise and almost fell over when he saw Cain, but he suddenly turned excited and opened the window, letting Cain perch on his finger and bringing him to his desk.

"Haha! This raven seems to like me! This is perfect, misfortune and luck go hand in hand, having a raven on my side will bring misfortune to those who wish to harm me, bringing luck to myself! This and I got the journal of Mabel Coachella! A powerful Soul Sorcerer!"

Mabel was a famous character who walked the Path of the Soul and fused it with another vague path that was something of sorcery. She could use her soul to create spells and even use the souls of others to make disasters. Unfortunately, after her death, nothing was left of her methods, even her journal only detailed the Path of the Soul, one of the main paths. She was too paranoid to leave behind the other path that made her so strong.

Even so, the book brought immense value and revealed the secrets to walk the Path of the Soul, the second easiest path of the three to enter.


A month passed, and Cain was well taken care of. He lived on the rafters of Vincent's office. He would read from the pages of Mabel's journal when Vincent did.

"Haha! It was worth it to buy this book from that fence, even if it was a trap! I've always dreamed of entering the world of the occult, and now I can! This Path of the Soul is so interesting! Advancing the soul is advancing one's self, the Path of the Soul is the safest and balanced branch in terms of danger!"

Cain snickered above, listening to Vincent's excited ramblings, 'Indeed, the Soul is where I excel, this is perfect for me. From the looks of it, the first part of this path is to Purify the Soul. Everyone is impure, but purifying is easy, either use specific medicines and mediums or meditate for long periods. Vincent seems to have money, I'm sure he'll buy materials, I can snag a few while I'm at it.'

A week passed and Cain was right, Vincent came back one day and began to lay out different medicines on his desk.

"The journal says the best way to purify the soul in the fastest time is to take three parts soul-purifying grass, two parts golden cicada shell stalk, and four parts medicinal paste made from an assortment of soul-nourishing seeds, dew, and fruits, mashed together. The point is to purify the soul but not completely, or else I'll become retarded.

"Each batch will make three doses. A dose should be taken every day in the morning and afternoon. In three weeks I should be purified."

Vincent got to work, but the first few batches failed as the ingredients were not in equilibrium, making the product black instead of purple. But eventually, Vincent got the hang of it and made a batch.

Three smooth pearls sat before him. Vincent wiped his brow, "Phew, who knew the process required the occult so heavily, The incantations were hard to pull off, I've worn down my soul but at least I was able to make the pills! The materials fused perfectly this time!"

Vincent picked up a pill, put it in his mouth, and swallowed. There was some discomfort but it was overwritten by a strange soothing breeze.

After he ate the pill the Raven above him swooped down and stole one, returning to raptors and eating it.

"Ah! Rowan these are for me! Haa...I suppose I can give you one a day. You are my lucky sign after all."

Vincent had named Cain Rowan, not like Cain cared at all.


Time went by, Vincent had it easy, he wasn't bothered by the Bureau and lived peacefully, taking the daily dosage stated in the journal and feeding Cain one pill a day. Both of them were seeing improvements.

'It seems my soul is improving just as fast as Vincent, is it because I'm a bird or because my soul is different from his to begin with? The purity of the soul doesn't relate to morals, after all, it's some other form of purity even Mabel didn't know.' Cain had some speculations about the Path of the Soul but he was unable to test his hypothesis.

It was easy to tell if someone's Soul was close to being purified, they would feel an increase in motor function and energy. Their skin would also glow.

Cain's wings had a sheen to them and Vincent commented on it more than once.

"Rowen, daily pill feeding, come get it!"

Cain flew down and perched on Vincent's shoulder, eating the pill. Vincent tried to pet Cain but the raven flew away immediately and returned to the raptors.

"What a shy bird..." Vincent smiled and went back to reading the journal.

A week later, Vincent woke up with elation.

"Haha! Rowan, I've purified my soul! I feel so different!"

Cain woke up to Vincent's yelling, he also felt different.

'My thoughts are faster and my mind is clear and tranquil. Not that it wasn't before but there was a change. The main point is the soul energy.'

Soul energy was a measurement of the soul. As someone advances down the path of the Soul, they gain more abundant and concentrated soul energy coming from their soul.

Soul energy is like a person's innate energy, it's used throughout the day for things like thinking and is replenished with sleep. Soul energy can be used for other practices and has other uses as one progresses down the Path of the Soul.

"Haha! Now I can use those basic methods of protection the journal mentions! Talismans as they are called. I must get the materials and make some! Then I'll feel more confident in the next step!"

Vincent jumped out of bed and got dressed. Heading out the door in a hurry. While he was gone, Cain flipped through the journal like usual. He used this time to solidify his understanding of the "soul" in this world.

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