
An Unexpected Visitor

Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, the Village Hidden in the Leaves. 


June 1, x788. 


Two days have passed since the news about Orochimaru's apparent death spread throughout the Village Hidden in the Leaves. That was not the only thing that happened in that time, though. On top of the news spreading, the second part of the Chunin Exam ended, as well. 


However, the Third part of the exam, which would be a one-on-one single elimination tournament, would be held in a month's time, on June 30. So, all the participants would have a month to prepare. 


Meanwhile, Kakashi, Guy, as well as Teams 7, 8, 9, with the exception of Lee, who was hospitalized, and 10 were all gathered at the temporary residence where Alfonzo and the others were staying. Wendy and Carla were also absent, as Wendy was tending to Lee in the hospital. And the Genin were recounting their experiences during the Forest of Death phase of the Chunin Exam. 


"*Sigh* We were actually the last team from the Leaf to arrive at the tower." Kiba said in a disappointed tone. "Well, at least one of us made it to the tournament that will happen next month." 


With that, Hinata and Kiba turned to Shino, who was eating quietly with pride in their expressions. 


"So, how many people will be participating in the tournament next month?" Saeko asked curiously. 


"Eight." Sakura replied. Then, she lowered her head and looked a bit dejected. "Unfortunately, I won't be a part of it this time. *Sigh* I can't believe I had a draw with Ino-Pig. And I got so much stronger thanks to Wendy's help." 


"You think I was just playing around while you were training with Wendy?" Ino asked in an irate tone. "I was training just as hard as you with Rika and Laki, Billboard Brow!" 


"What did you just call me?" Sakura asked in a similar tone to Ino's. 


And that led to a round of the normal bickering between Sakura and Ino. Meanwhile, the others simply ignored them. 


"So, who else made it to the big stage?" Alfonzo asked with a smile. 


"Me and Sasuke made it." Naruto replied with a big smile. 


"It's too bad you'll be losing in the first round, though, Naruto." Neji said calmly. 


"No way! You're going down in the first round, Neji!" Naruto shouted. "I'm gonna be Hokage someday. So, there's no way I'll lose in the Chunin Exam!" 


"I guess that makes four." Alfonzo said, maintaining his smile. "Anyone else?" 


Instead of replying, everyone turned their attention onto Shikamaru, who looked like he would have rather lost. 


"*Sigh* It's such a drag." Shikamaru said while scratching the back of his head. "I think I would have been okay with losing. *Sigh* But that girl from the Sound Village was just too weak." 


'So, Shikamaru fought Kin in the prelims in this world, too.' Alfonzo thought to himself. 


"You all had to fight after reaching the tower in the middle of the forest?" Saeko asked in an interested tone. 


"Yeah, there were too many teams who passed." Choji said with a nod while stuffing food into his mouth. "So, everyone had to fight once to narrow the numbers down." 


"Who fought who?" Laki asked while tilting her head in curiosity. 


"I fought this guy from the Sound who controlled soundwaves with this thing on his arm." Sasuke said calmly. "He wasn't much trouble, though. I didn't even have to draw my sword." 


"I got to beat up Kiba." Naruto said with a big smile, causing Kiba to clench his fists and grit his teeth while Akamaru barked in protest. 


"I lost to Shino." Choji said in a downcast tone. 


"I fought with Hinata." Neji said. "But the fight was really close. Much closer than I could have ever imagined. I never thought my timid, younger cousin would ever be that strong." 


"Yeah, Hinata was awesome!" Naruto cheered. "I really thought she was gonna win!" 


"Do you always have to yell, Naruto?" Shikamaru asked in an annoyed tone. 


In response, Kakashi, Neji, and Sasuke nodded in agreement with Shikamaru's annoyed feeling. Meanwhile, Hinata, who was just praised by Naruto, lowered her head with a blush that reached the tips of her ears and poked the tips of her fingers together shyly. 


"*Sigh* I lost to this girl from the Sand who used a big war fan and [Wind-Style Ninjutsu]." Tenten said in a depressed tone. "If I had more time to learn the kusarigama, I could have won." 


"Well, you have plenty of time to improve." Saeko said in an encouraging tone. 


"And who did Lee fight?" Alfonzo asked, though he had a pretty good idea since he ended up in the hospital. 


"He fought that psycho guy from the Sand." Naruto said through gritted teeth. "I really thought he would win. He beat that guy up real good, too. But in the end…" 


"*Sigh* If it weren't for Guy, Lee would have probably lost his life to that kid." Kakashi said while shaking his head. "The rules stated that killing was not allowed, but he did not seem to care at all." 


'Yeah, that was definitely Gaara.' Alfonzo thought to himself. 'I wonder, should I slap a real [Seal] on Shukaku in secret?' 


While Alfonzo was having that thought, the mood in the room fell visibly. Luckily, it did not last long as Laki asked a question. 


"There's one more fight, right?" Laki asked as she put some food on Kakashi's plate with a smile. 


"Yeah." Sasuke said with a nod. "A guy from the Sand who used puppets fought a guy from the Sound who shot air waves from holes in his hands." 


'So, Kankuro fought that one guy.' Alfonzo thought to himself with a smile. 'I can't remember his name, but I remember Naruto calling him "Handjob Man" in that one fan fic.' 


"Well, congratulations to those who made it to the big show." Alfonzo said cheerfully. "and to those of you who didn't, you'll just have to train harder and try again next time. By the way, what are your plans when it comes to training for this month." 


"I want you to help me train, Big Bro Alfonzo." Naruto said, raising his hand high. 


Although Kakashi twitched an eyebrow at how easily Naruto was ready to ditch him for someone else, since he planned to focus on Sasuke because he had some of the same affinities, he did not say anything. 


"I'd like to train with Saeko, as well." Sasuke said as he made eye contact with Saeko. "I want to learn more about the sword from you." 


Hearing Sasuke ready to ditch him, as well, Kakashi's brows began twitching even more violently. However, this time he could not stay silent. 


"Actually, I'll be taking care of your training, Sasuke." Kakashi said in a tone that was extremely irritated just under the surface. "I planned to teach you my signature Jutsu, [Chidori]." 


Hearing that, Sasuke's eyes lit up. He had seen how powerful that [Ninjutsu] was when they confronted Zabuza on that mission. And ever since then, he's wanted to learn it. Then, he wore a rather complicated expression because he wanted to learn more about the [Flying Heaven's Sword-Style], as well. 


"Unfortunately, we won't even be in the village for most of the month." Alfonzo said while smiling wryly at Kakashi's reaction. "I'm getting married again. So, we're all gonna be back in Magnolia for the ceremony." 


"Again?" Guy asked, as he had attended Alfonzo and Elicia's wedding. "How many will that make now?" 


"Weddings or wives?" Alfonzo asked whiles smiling awkwardly. 


Everyone from the Leaf Village could only look at Alfonzo dumbfoundedly. The fact that he made it seem like the number was different for each was astonishing to them. 


"Both?" Guy asked in an uncertain tone. 


"Well, this will be my fourth wedding and I'll get my ninth wife." Alfonzo replied nonchalantly. 


The room fell into an awkward silence for a while after Alfonzo's declaration. But like the last time a silence fell, it was broken rather quickly. 


"Does that mean you won't be here to see us fight in the finals?" Naruto asked in a sad tone. 


"Oh, don't worry about that." Alfonzo said while waving dismissively. "We'll definitely be here for that. We just won't be here to help you train." 


Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Magnolia. 


Meanwhile, a man who looked much younger than his actual age and wearing predominately black robes was strolling through the streets of Magnolia. While he did, he listened to the conversations of the townsfolk he walked past. 


However, even though he walked past them leisurely, none of those townsfolk seemed to recognize his presence. Eventually, he reached a large tower past the northern border of the city. And when he did, he could not help looking up at it in awe. 


"This wasn't here the last time I came to Magnolia." The man, Zeref, the emperor of the Alvarez Empire said to himself while examining the tall, metal tower. "I guess things can change a lot in a hundred years, huh?" 


Just as he said he would after receiving the report about Jacob cutting communications from Invel, Zeref made his way to Ishgar. And since he knew that Irene, Brandish, and Jacob were all sent to Magnolia, he, too, went to Magnolia to find out what was going on. 


Although Zeref was surprised by the grandeur of the new Fairy Tail guild hall, what surprised him even more was the fact that he could not sense anything that was going on inside. He even had the feeling that he would be discovered if he were to enter. 


"Going inside is not my objective, anyway." Zeref said as he shook his head and turned around. "First, I need to find Irene, Brandish, and Jacob. Then, I need to find out what is so special about that Alfonzo boy." 


After saying that, Zeref turned his head to the right and looked up in the sky. 


"So, do you have anything to tell me about any of that, Irene?" 


At the end of Zeref's line of sight, Irene was floating in the air, looking down at him from above. 


"I thought you would eventually come to see what was going on here." Irene said with a cramped smile. "But I didn't think you'd come so soon." 


Smiling in return, Zeref gestured for Irene to come down. 


"I know what you're thinking, Irene." Zeref said. "But I'm not here to fight or cause an uproar. That would ruin my plans for the future. I just want to talk." 


Knowing that Zeref had no reason to lie to her, Irene eventually landed next to him. 


"If talking is all you want to do, then, you can follow me." Irene said, not confident that she would be able to beat Zeref at this point. 


Then, without another word, Irene strode away from the guild hall with Zeref following her. She led her former emperor towards Magnolia. And after about a twenty-minute walk, they arrived at the residence where she lived with Heine and Juliet. 


However, when Zeref saw the four-story home, he was once again surprised by what he saw. 


"It looks like you're doing pretty well for yourself, Irene." Zeref said while examining the house. "To think such a ffine magic item is your house. This place might even have better defenses than the Imperial Palace." 


"Well, it was designed by the same person who built the Fairy Tail guild hall." Irene said with a shrug. "And I'm pretty sure you're already aware of who that is." 


"Ah, yes. Your original target." Zeref replied while continuing to look up at Irene's house. 


"Anyway, let's go inside." Irene said, sounding completely at ease. Though, the only reason for that was because there was nothing she could do if Zeref decided to be hostile. 


Nodding his head, Zeref followed Irene into the house. 


Upon entry, the first thing Irene and Zeref noticed was Heine, who was tending to some potted plants in the foyer. 


"Oh, Lady Irene you're---" Heine began to say. 


Before she could finish her greeting, Heine's words were caught in her throat. Seeing Zeref following her master was more than what she was ready for, after all. 


"Heine, bring a pot of tea to the reception room." Irene ordered casually. "And where is Juliet?" 


"She's out on a quest." Heine replied after taking a moment to get her emotions under control. 


"I see." Irene replied with a nod. 


Then, without another word, Irene walked towards the reception room with Zeref following behind her while examining the magic that was placed all over the house. 


Eventually, the two reached the reception room where Irene and Zeref sat on opposite couches. 


"That boy really is much more than Serena reported to us, isn't he?" Zeref asked with a smile. 


"Yes, I was quite surprised when I found out just how skilled he is, as well.' Irene replied as she took her hat off. 


Nodding in response, Zeref dropped his smile. 


"So, tell me how it happened?" Zeref asked in a solemn tone. "How did you regain your humanity?" 


"*Sigh* I knew you'd notice right away." Irene said with a shrug. 


"And that's why I did not ask why you betrayed me." Zeref said in the same tone. "That was the only way you would have betrayed me, after all. I just want to know how it happened." 


"Unfortunately, I can't tell you that." Irene said while shaking her head lightly. "If I did, I would be betraying the one who helped me. And I'm not willing to do that, even for you, who has also helped me quite a bit." 


Hearing that, Zeref's expression relaxed. 


"*Sigh* I figured as much." Zeref said while smiling helplessly. "But now, my curiosity is killing me." 


"Sorry, but that information will be one of Fairy Tail's trump cards during your inevitable invasion, Zeref." Irene said in a solemn tone. 


"So, you told them about that, too, huh?" Zeref asked while smiling wryly. 


"It was the condition I had to fulfill to become human again." Irene said in a resolute tone. "And I don't regret it in the slightest." 


"Nor should you." Zeref replied with a gentle smile. "I really am happy for you, Irene." 


As soon as those words left Zeref's mouth, his expression switched back to a solemn one. 


"Although I am happy for you, that will not change the fact that you have become the enemy of the Alvarez Empire." Zeref said in a heavy tone. 


"I know." Irene replied, her expression turning solemn, as well. 


"I only have one more question." Zeref said without changing his tone. 


Instead of responding verbally, Irene nodded her head, gesturing for Zeref to ask his question. 


"What happened to Jacob and Brandish?" Zeref asked. 


"Brandish chose this side, as well. She said she was tired of all the missions to kill or subdue the Empire's enemies." Irene replied. "AS for Jacob, he's been imprisoned. But he's still alive." 


"I see." Zeref said with a nod. "It looks like Brandish has become my enemy, as well." 


With that said, Zeref stood up from the couch he was sitting on and looked down at Irene as he began speaking once again. 


"Well then, I'll be going now." Zeref said, his expression becoming tranquil once again. "Enjoy the time you have left, Irene. Because I doubt that you will survive our next meeting. Especially since the next time we'll meet will be on the battlefield." 


Then, before Irene could respond, Zeref flared his magic power to activate his [Teleportation] spell. However, nothing happened. And after a few moments, his expression turned rather awkward. 


"Oh, I forgot to mention, this place is protected against [Teleportation]." Irene said with an awkward smile on her face. 


Zeref could only stare at his awkwardly smiling ex-subordinate with a dumbfounded expression on his face. 


Just when the awkward atmosphere in the reception room reached its peak, Heine, carrying a tray with a teapot and two teacups on it, entered the room. However, when she felt the awkward atmosphere, she could not help but ask… 


"Did I come at a bad time?" 


"Well, since Heine has brought the tea, don't rush to leave.' Irene said with a smile. 


In response, Zeref sat back on the couch, feeling rather awkward. Still, he had a cup of tea with Irene and talked about some random things before leaving the house and [teleporting] back to Vistarion once he was outside. 


A few minutes after Zeref [Teleported] away, Elicia, Gildarts, and Ur arrived at Irene's house to ask about the massive magic power signature that just left. And Irene told them about her meeting with Zeref without hiding any details. 

Thanks for reading, I hope you're enjoying the story so far.

Comments, Reviews, and Power Stones are always appreciated.

If you wanna read 5 chapters ahead (the 5th chapter will be up after I get off work) or just wanna give me a little support, join my Patr3on at:


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