

The torture kept going as it progressed at a steady pace.

Ash started slowly with smaller methods while slowly working her way towards the more effective measures.

Her cold voice could be heard inside the room. "You know, perhaps we may never have met like this if it was not for this unpleasant relationship we have now. I wonder who is to blame for that?

Is it you who is to blame? Or perhaps it is someone else entirely? How did you reach this point in your life that led you to live a life like this? Perhaps that is all to blame or is the person who introduced you to such a life?"

The angered and pained voice of Cal was raised in between his screams. "Shut up! I do what I want! Aaaah! Argh! Aaaah! You! You will not get away with… aaaah!"

The shouts from Terrance accompanied his cries. "Damn you! Let us go! Argh… you have made an enemy of the wrong people! It is not too late to turn back now otherwise…"

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