
Shawn On Fight Day

It was the day that the fighting event was taking place moments before Max and Ash arrived.

It would be the very first time that Ash would enter and participate and the surroundings were already beginning to be filled up with those who were in the audience.

Many spots were already being taken up by fighters leaving some left open that some could choose from or negotiate with some other fighters to be able to fight against a certain opponent.

It was starting to get very noisy as the final preparations were being put in place and the music was playing to keep the audience entertained until it began.

Shawn was well connected with the events and a lot of people there already so he showed up earlier than most guests.

He had to do so since he had many fighters that regularly fought in the events.

It could be said that he had a great deal of power and sway compared to regular people and that helped to gain some special treatment and privileges.

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