
Ash's Suspicion

She watched on as Max took one final hit and went down in the middle of the ring where he did not get up again.

The referee declared the winner after checking over the condition of Max. "Gerald wins by knockout!"

Those who previously supported Gerald broke out into louder cheers as Gerald stood further away from Max who was down on in the middle of the ring.

Gerald had his arms up in the air displaying his excitement after winning while responding to the cheering of the crowd.

Others arrived in the ring to pick up Max and check over his condition before moving him out of the ring.

Gerald stepped out soon after which allowed for another fight to begin once the ring had been wiped down a little.

Ash had already moved from where she had previously stood and moved closer to the ring.

Her body seemed to have moved on its own before she realized it as she went toward where Max was being taken.

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