
Bus Ride

Hours kept passing as Ash sat in her seat by the window near the back of the bus.

The seat was not the most comfortable to travel on for an extended time and there were some times when she felt a little travel sick during the journey.

A part of her wanted to close her eyes and rest up a little but another part of her needed to stay alert of her surroundings.

She was still carrying many strange things in her backpack that was by her feet and she could never lose sight of it.

All it took was for one curious or greedy person to get their hands on her bag once she was not in a position to notice it.

If someone looked inside while looking for something valuable to take and then saw many strange things then that would be very bad for her.

If she was asleep during that time then she would not be aware of what could take place until the next time she opened up and checked her bag.

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