

If Ash retreated after the first couple of steps she had already taken and had exposed certain aspects about herself then she would put herself at risk so she had to go all the way.

The moment that she started to use her various hand signs together was when she could no longer stop herself.

The glow in her eyes could be seen by Nicolas the moment that she began and even if she stopped and let him off, if he ever told anyone about what he had seen then in the worst-case scenario, Balancer influences would probably come to hear about it.

All it took was one post online or for him to make a report to the police about what happened to him to have his case marked as a supernatural-related incident involving a rogue Balancer who had light blue eyes and was a female who had her body shape.

It was not enough to go on but when others saw her in her original state, it could be enough to spark the memory of such a past incident they knew about.

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