

Nicolas tried to struggle free from his confines but the more he heard, the more that he was fearful of doing anything that would upset his captors.

When the options were made known to him, he was petrified that he could die if he went against them.

His only hope was to agree to anything they demanded if he wished to live on.

If there was some hope to get away or turn on them then he could think about it when he was in a safer environment with more control over his situation.

Since he had been so easily dealt with by a lone girl who was smaller than him and that there was more than one of them, he feared that such an incident could happen again in the future and he would fall victim to such things again unless he had a way to protect himself.

He did not know exactly what type of group had captured him in his own home but he had already realized how dangerous they were.

If they could get to him once then they could do it again.

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