

Ash was able to make out that the person she had passed seemed to be in their late teens with long messy and slightly greasy brown hair.

The chubby body they had was a little bit taller than her own size.

His skin looked quite greasy and his face had not been shaved for some time.

He clearly did not care for his own appearance and body by how he presented himself when outside of his own home.

He either did not care about how others saw him and made no efforts towards himself or he lacked the means to properly care for himself.

It was like a small window into how Ash could turn out if she fell too deeply into her own negative thoughts and emotions.

All it could take was having less energy or motivation towards the most basic of things she did in her everyday life.

It could start with skipping out on meals due to having a poor appetite or overeating which would be caused by her poor mood.

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