

There were telltale signs of those that had the ability to see into the supernatural world.

Their eyes followed the spirits around them or their bodies reacted to spirits being close to them.

Those without the sight would have not noticed the spirits and would have acted like they did not exist but those with the sight would find it difficult to do so.

There would be some people that were too familiar with the supernatural world and had trained themselves to not reveal themselves to other Balancers or Watchers.

Those people would be able to carry out their tasks while evading the notice of others like themselves.

Some strange or unexplainable actions taken by Watchers and Balancers would still be witnessed by ordinary people so they would look strange to those people.

There may have been someone that had been born into a family without such abilities so their actions would create many worries for their families.

If they were lucky then they could be put forward to the right people and gain contacts that could help them adjust to the world and allow them to know more about themselves and the world they saw into.

If they were unlucky then they could find themselves outcasted or even placed in an institution due to them not being believed about what they could see and interact with.

Nobody could really be blamed for taking such actions against those individuals since they were unaware of the supernatural world and thought they were experiencing some kind of hallucinations or had imaginary friends of some kind.

They were viewed as crazy or weird so some had to adapt from an early age to block out the supernatural world and keep their head down or they just kept everything to themselves.

Their lives would be able to go back to normal that way since they were able to let everything pass off as a phase they were going through during their youth.

As they grew up, there were chances that they would run into others like them and they would run into more supernatural events.

Those that had received harsher treatment would disappear into the system unless they were discovered later and were lucky enough to be taken out of their current environment where they could gain a better environment for their growth.

There were people looking for students, people to serve their family or organisations and schools that were on the lookout for special individuals that could be raised so not everyone exposed to the supernatural would disappear into the system.

The main issue was that they would end up serving another force or would be exposed to danger so their previous lives may have been better for some and much safer for them.

It depended on each person's individual circumstances from where they were born, which family they were born into or what they were exposed to as they grow up.

Not everyone was born into a nurturing and positive environment that was able to provide the best conditions for them.

Ash had lived as a part of the normal world that most others had done so without being made aware of the fact that there was another world that remained unseen.

She was still new to the supernatural world and had only just stepped into it slightly.

She may have had the prophetic vision of the future events to aid her with the pieces of information that had been a part of it but those would not cover everything.

Ash had expected to be able to spot those like her among a crowd but it was not as easy as she had thought it would be.

She had kept exercising inside of her home and used her equipment outside when the village was quieter and less crowded.

The only times she made any additional trips was to stock up on her daily necessities from the stores nearby.

She rarely ever interacted with the people in the village unless she had passed by or come across them by chance and even then, she only gave a small greeting or said a few words.

Inside of her room was where her body was lifting up from the ground and her chin was being brought up above a bar she was hanging on.

Her body was raised up and lowered back down as her feet almost touched the ground. "Ha… hu.."

Ash was dressed in a long sleeved and high collar sports top along with some long length sports pants and trainers.

It had become a habit for her to wear clothes that covered a lot of her body due to not wishing to reveal the scars on her body or see them herself.

The scars were just another reminder of her past experiences so they were better off being hidden away and covered up.

The less she was exposed to them the less she had reminders and the less that others noticed them, the less that they would be able to see them and ask anything about them.

It was not something she wished to talk about with others so it was the best option for her to dress more conservatively.

The repetitive exercises continued and the feeling of her body improving had let her feel a little better and more focussed towards something besides the stray thoughts and worries that plagued her.

There was a slight sensation of pain that occasionally came from her body which caused her to grit her teeth.

She did not know if it was the old wounds acting up and there being some issues being left behind that had caused her to feel like that but it could have been phantom pains that came from her past injuries and trauma.

Once it had started to become unbearable, Ash stopped exercising and took some time to bathe and rest up.

It was just like any other day until there was a sudden loud bang that came from the front door of her home.

One thud was followed with several more as something struck against her door. "One minute!"

Ash hurried to dry her short ash grey hair which had started to become a little messy and then put on some clothes. "Who is it?"

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