

Azra settled down in a small village area that was not too far away from a town that was around a twenty minute walk away.

Her appearance there was strange to the villagers at first but Azra had caused no trouble for them.

She had paid for to use a house that had been left unused and since she had paid with cash with additional expenses, she had been able to avoid the trouble of doing any official paperwork or registrations.

It was more of a monthly payment that would be paid ahead of time but Azra was fine with that arrangement.

The living facilities and space available to her were pretty basic but it was enough for her to live in.

She paid a small visit to the nearby town and had visited some electronic and sports goods stores so that she could gain various useful things for herself.

So long as she did not enter into her old accounts or used a device that could possibly be possible to track, it was okay to purchase and use them.

Training mats, spring boards, bars and swing sets were put on order so that her practice could continue and she could regain back the training that she had lost.

Even if the world was different to how she had perceived it previously, there was still a need to keep improving on herself.

Different sets of weights and other training equipment were added to what she had purchased so that she could make more of an effort to build up her own body.

While waiting for them to arrive, she had to resort to taking the old fashioned approach and going running and climbing in the nearby forest and mountain areas.

It may seem strange for a girl like her to still have the motivation to keep going with what she was used to but Azra was well aware that the world she had been introduced to was full of monsters.

The world was full of monsters both literally and figuratively.

The world Azra had experienced was just a tiny amount of the world that was hidden away from the eyes of the public.

There were other areas all around that was full of strange things that normal humans could not perceive or comprehend.

Azra was not part of that world due to her not possessing the ability to see into that part of the world.

She lacked the sight and was not considered one of those special individuals that were blessed with special talents.

Those things that normal humans could not see may not interact with the human world but there would always be many cases of mysterious deaths and people going missing.

Certain special items could always bring troubles to those hear them and there just because those things could not be seen by normal humans did not mean that those things could not see those humans.

If they were aggressive and had the ability to harm them then humans in the area were usually the first ones to be harmed or die.

Azra could not possibly fight against something that she could not see or did not have the ability to harm but it was better to build up her body again so that if she got caught up in something then she could run away or avoid being harmed.

She had chosen a village to stay in due to it being a better place to not be caught up in those power struggles between those things and the special individuals that could defeat them.

According to her revelation, it did not matter if she tried to hide out and avoid them for the rest of her life, there would be big events taking place in the future that could not easily be kept safe from if she chose to hide away.

It required training and proper discipline if she wanted to survive so she set up certain methods of training for herself.

Those other special people had been born with their abilities and had time to nurture it under the guidance of mentors or had practical experience from a young age.

It was not something that could easily be overcome with a little more effort and training but Azra had the knowledge within her that could point her in the correct path.

She was sitting inside of her house and was watching a scary movie but there were all kinds of different movie genres by her side.

Azra was sat there calmly and thought to herself. 'I have always been quite good at managing my emotions since young so this part is not too difficult but I guess that it was not good enough.

If it was then I would not have pushed her back then and now it has become worse since I have so much pent up negative emotions built up. Hmm.. first I just need to calm myself and not be affected by anything else then I can work on managing or directing those emotions.'

She then thought to herself. 'I need to make some notes so that I can write down anything important along with a plan. The revelation may be fresh in my mind but I can never know if one day I will no longer remember parts of it.'

Azra started to collect different types of body and mind training guides or information but had also come across many articles and information that let her believe in her revelation even more than before.

She had later scrolled through a website and found different parts that had mentioned the past of different cultures around the world.

Their belief systems varied but there were religious or other groups that were known by different names.

They had a similar way of doing things even if they had different names or stories surrounding them then there were other stories related to folklore legends that most people would think were make believe.

There was no proof of the occult or any kind of supernatural forces in the world so the rest of the world lived in ignorance of it.

Those different cultures called the special people by many different names which were sorcerers, shamans, spiritualists and exorcists but there were many other names they were referred to as.

The type of energy or power that they used was a form of spirit energy, chakra, aura, willpower, mana or life energy that could be used in the form of different spells or uses.

That power, different special materials and spirit tools would be used to exorcise, subdue, contract with, trap or seal spirits.

The human collective mind, will and imagination was more powerful than what everyone believed it was.

Enough collective wills that formed similar emotions, thoughts or ideas could help to manifest a spirit.

The spirit would be based off what had been used to form it so there could be very pure spirits that caused no harm so they were seen more like guardian spirits that were brought to life by the positive thoughts, faith and feelings of humanity.

Cults and religious groups that had a strong following could create a spirit into existence if it was big enough and there were enough people to help with its growth.

Negative emotions, wishes and ideas could bring forth what was known as a corrupted spirit and a pure spirit would not always be free from being influenced by the negativity of humans.

What was known as a guardian spirit could just as easily be corrupted by the many vengeful wishes made to them by humans or it could be corrupted by other means.

Different spirits had a certain amount of power and were put under surveillance when they were discovered but there would be times when pure spirits would be exorcised for various reasons.

Pure spirits was still not the right way to describe them but they had less aggression than the corrupted spirits even if they did possess some corruption within them from their birth or that had built up.

They would be classified as spirits so long as they did not get overwhelmed by corruption to become a corrupted spirit.

Normal spirits grew in power gradually and they grew based on the amount of power they gained from the faith of humans.

Certain legends helped to spread their form within the minds of the humans so there would be times when they would grow in power during those times or if they had already been killed, a new spirit would be born in its place but others would say that it had been brought back to life in a newborn state.

Each spirit was unique and there was no spirit that was exactly the same as another so the only time another would appear that looked the same and possessed the same abilities was when one had died before a new one had appeared.

In an age where there was the internet and other forms of media to spread information, it was becoming a new age of spirits where spirits would be reborn earlier or could gain power faster than before due to their information being spread to humans all over the world that could access them.

In a small village, it would be difficult to find a strong spirit but in bigger towns or cities all around the world, there would normally be places that housed spirits that were classified as very dangerous.

With the introduction to the new age, that would gradually worsen until there would be a major challenge for those who had maintained their power and the balance the whole time.

The people with abilities to deal with the spirits were called Balancers due to them having to maintain the balance of the world between the normal and supernatural world but that did not make them justified in the way they lived or on the side of good.

There may have been some good people or groups among them that tried to do good but Azra knew that a lot of them had already become corrupt in their ways and were only bothered about maintaining their control and power in the world.

Their way of doing things and beliefs were very different from the masses that were kept in the dark about their world and it would not be accepted if made public.

The rulers of the world that could control both the supernatural and human world were the strong.

The strong could own and influence just about anything if they wished to do so even if it was the lives of others.

it included influencing the media and covering up the events that took place between those in the supernatural world even if innocent lives were caught up in the middle of the battles between balancers, between spirits or between balancers and spirits.

Most deaths or bigger events that caused a large amount of destruction would be covered up as a terrorist attack, an accident or a natural disaster while others would be covered up as deaths from disease or other possible causes.

The family that Azra had offended was connected to one of the clans that were part of that world so if they were a righteous group then they would not support a place like the mental institution that could birth corrupted spirits from the suffering of others.

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