

The driveway would lead to the front of the house of the doctor once she had opened the gate which did not take long to do after she had got out of the car.

The doctor liked to keep his private life private so he lived in a house that was not connected to others and had big walls up around with a gate.

It was close enough to his work but it was not completely secluded from the outside world.

If he needed to leave then he needed to be able to have a car ready or access to other services nearby to take him away.

The doctor had included Azra in his escape plan since he would bring her with him so there were various reasons for taking the time to go back to his home.

Azra may not have been a genius during her school years but she was not stupid and she had been around the doctor so she had to pick up a thing or two about covering all bases and preparing for possible failures.

The guard coming along was something that Azra had planned for and she did not expect him to be so insistent on taking her to the house but she accepted his offer.

The offer was not accepted due to him being needed to take her or him being helpful but it was instead that Azra had felt that he would continue to insist further.

It was likely that the guard would continue to ask until she agreed or would ignore her wishes anyways so it was best not to waste time standing around.

Azra had looked behind her once she had unlocked the door and the car was pulled up outside with the guard standing by the open car door.

Memories of the past torture that she had to endure and the humiliations that followed had been deeply rooted within her.

Azra was a girl inside a mental institution that had male guards and doctors around her.

Even if they did not do anything to her beyond groping her during their torture sessions or when they were subduing her, there were other women that had suffered at the hands of those men and Azra had heard about something that was planned for her if she was kept until she reached the age of sixteen.

The only reason why they had not touched her was due to her being underage but that would not stop every single crazy parson in there from doing something.

There was some kind of agreement in place for those over sixteen that was in place to sell her and others first time to those that were willing to pay for it.

It was an extra form of torture for the girls inside but it was more fun and a way for them to make more money off their patients.

There were many people with various fetishes and one of them could be scars so there would be those that would still bid on the females first times or later visits within the mental institution.

It was an additional reason why they did not go as far as harming the faces of the prisoners.

The females all would be believing the same thing just like Azra and that was that they had endured and lost just about anything but their life, not knowing that they still had much to lose.

Once one form of torture the prisoner had been undergoing became something they had grown used to or they had built up some tolerance towards it, the method of torture would be changed to another

Azra would have been built up to that kind of torture if she had remained there for a long time and she was certain that the doctor had similar thoughts towards her recently.

As she had walked inside, the door was pushed closed but it had been left open a little due to it not closing completely. 'He was one of the ones that liked to put his hands in inappropriate places when he was restraining the girls. His purpose for coming here is obviously not to help me.'

Azra started to make her way further into the house as she went looking for the things she needed to solve before she would have to leave.

A suitcase was pulled out and she had opened it up so that she start packing.

The most simple among the clothes that had been purchased for her were selected and Azra found a hat and sunglasses which were placed on the bed.

If she wished to reduce the costs of additional expenses and to provide herself some form of cover for her identity then she needed to be able to change her appearance a couple of time when on the run.

There were other things that needed to be handled before she left and there were some more things that had to be packed away but Azra had suddenly revealed a cold look in her eyes. 'I knew it.'

The sound of the door closing had been heard by her then there were footsteps inside. "Where are you? Come out come out. Where ever you are?"

Two syringes had been placed aside on the bed so Azra reached towards them and prepared them in each hand.

Her hands were placed behind her back when the door opened and the guard had faced her. "Hehehe I knew that you would be waiting for me. Come here."

Seeing her not respond and standing still, he did not seem too annoyed and he looked around the room. "The doctor sure does have a nice house. Oh, is that your bed?"

He was in front of her and leaned in close to her, Azra could feel the heat from his breath on her.

The hands of the guard were travelling towards her when her arms that were behind her back had suddenly come out.

His attention was taken away by the suitcase that was left open that was almost completely filled that was within his view behind her. "Huh? Are you going some.."

The two points of the syringes had went into each side of the guard's lower part of their neck closer to the shoulder. "Ugh.. argh what?"

They went in deep had with the force applied by Azra and the sudden sharp pain had caused the guard to flinch suddenly and tried to back away from her.

His hand pushed towards her to put some distance in between them both when she was injected the remains of what was inside of the syringes but Azra had already been prepared for what was coming.

The injections had already taken place when Azra had suddenly retreated out of his reach, he may have pushed her a little but that only helped her to put more distance between them the Azra had ran towards the other door leading to another room besides the main hallway.

There was a bathroom connected to her own room so it would be safe in there, the guard was much bigger than the doctor so she had used two doses to bring him down but she did not wish to stick around to see if that was enough.

The guard saw her retreating after he had been in pain and shock over being attack then anger took ahold of him. "You bitch!"

He did not have time to pull them out of his neck and his leg had given out suddenly after a couple of steps.

He crawled forward and saw the door close in front of him before his consciousness slipped away.

The door had opened again a little later and Azra stepped outside. "I did not intend on increasing the amount of people I have killed today but you just had to volunteer yourself. Creep."

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