
Azra’s Execution

The date of Azra's execution had been set and that date had arrived.

There was no struggling or pleas as it was about to happen and the steps of her feet were normal as she had followed behind the doctor obediently.

There was a little hair growing out on her head but it was not like her usual light blonde hair that she previously had.

Instead it was a greyish white which was the result of the suffering she had to endure until the colour of her hair had changed to its present state.

She still had a slightly confused or dazed look on her face and listened to the doctor as he instructed her to be seated in the chair.

The doctor looked from further away as the guards had secured her in place and helped to place the metallic crown on her head before leaving the room. "I guess that this is our final time together."

He looked a little regretful as he stared towards Azra with a feverish gaze. "What a waste."

He may have been a cruel person who did a lot of bad against Azra for the sake of money but he had valued her greatly as a successful experimental subject.

Among those that he had subjected to his experiments, Azra had been the only successful one and further attempts on others had ended in failure.

He thought that continued exposure to the electrical shocks would cause problems to the results that had been achieved and would ruin his test subject buy he found that Azra had remained the same.

He tried to study her over the time that he had with her but that time was coming to an end without him reaching an understanding of what happened to her. 'If this could be replicated then making human puppets should be possible at just about any time. Why did they have to order her death now?'

He may have had his own wants and needs but his business was the type that could be crushed on the whims of those in power if he tried to go against their wishes.

There were criminal groups that would be used by the higher ups that tried to ask for more or had started to be disobedient so they were no longer of use to them.

in more extreme cases, there would be some criminals that would blackmail or take precautions to keep evidence so that they could be at an advantage in the business relationship but it usually backfired if those people did not take threats lightly.

The mental hospital was nowhere near up to code and many of the doctors had their doctors licenses suspended or revoked at least once but with a little support from those in power, they could have them back so long as they went along with whatever wishes the higher ups asked of them.

The doctor sighed regretfully and began turning up the dial until it could no longer be turned then placed his hand on the lever. "Sigh."

He turned towards the camera that was pointed towards Azra's body and said. "The execution of Azra Dash will now begin."

He pulled down the lever and a high voltage of electricity was released from the crown and the body of Azra began to shake and jolt around frantically.

Her movements continued for a short while until there was a sudden final movement from her which was had made her head and back arch backwards.

She suddenly froze after that and dropped back into the seat while not making any more movements.

The electricity was still running around the crown and her head but her body showed no more reaction to it.

Her body lay there lifeless and it continued for a couple of moments until the lever was turned off.

The doctor walked towards her so that his lower half was visible on the camera then reached out towards the body of Azra to check the pulse on her neck and to check her breathing. "Azra Dash, declared dead."

The camera was then switched off and he was busy preparing for it to be sent to the family when he heard something behind him.


The doctor turned around and looked towards the body of Azra and looked surprised. 'Is this just an after death bodily reaction or is she still actually alive."

He checked over Azra once again and was left surprised. "The pulse is weak and the breathe is very light but she still lives. Amazing. To be able to survive that.."

His eyes turned crazed as he stared at her who lay there weakly then came to a decision. 'No.. the conditions are perfect. If I can do this right then I will not have to give her up. Nobody will ever know..'

He began treating her right away and then dragged her body towards the already prepared body bag and stretcher underneath it. 'Hurry up. hurry up.. nobody can know about this.'

He took out a needle and punctured it through her skin then injected something into her before sealing the bag. 'Hu.. that should be enough to make this work.'

He turned towards the door and walked outside. "Move the body to the body storage unit in preparation for the bodies being dealt with."

He watched as Azra was taken away and thought to himself. 'The family will not want to see anything further or to confirm her death more than this. The data recorded is further proof of her death so they should not come looking to see the body and her family members are the only ones that could possibly come to see her body but they will not come either. This is a perfect opportunity for me so how could I possibly let this go.'

He knew that he was taking a big risk but Azra was much too important to him.

She had survived so many experiments and was successful from the beginning while she had survived something that was basically a death sentence for most people.

There was two options in front of him once Azra had suddenly revived.

The first was to take it into his own hands to carry out the killing of her again until it was permanent.

The second was to take advantage of the situation where there were no other witnesses and he could manipulate things for his own benefit.

He was already regretful that he had to throw away Azra but saw no other way besides carrying out what had been asked of him.

He had already done what was asked of him and there was a video and data to back it up so could use that to get what he wanted.

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