

It is 2011 within the imperial calendar as the Holy Britannian Empire marshals, it's armies to conquer the world 11 areas has already fallen to the empire, and the several more territories fell after Japan within the African continent of the EU territory, the empire began its rapid expansion. Its military might threatens all other world powers.

With the introduction of the new weapon of the empire now employees the KMFs these mighty machines piloted by the best that the empire can offer threatens to change how war is fought.

The other world powers Rush to match the empires KMFs with their own, with the EU deploying, their newly created Panzer Hummels which appears to be somewhere between the technological level of the Chinese Gun-Ru and standard Britannian Knightmares.

While the Chinese Gun-Ru is an inferior but mass-produced model used in swarm attacks, both the E.U. and Britannia have a quality-over-quantity approach to their mech designs: a relatively small number of elite and powerful (albeit more expensive) armored units are supposed to dominate the battlefield out of proportion to their numbers. The main difference between Britannian and E.U. design philosophy is that Britannian Knightmares have more close-range weapons meant specifically for hand-to-hand combat against other Knightmares. In contrast, the E.U.'s philosophy is that they don't have to fight Britannian Knightmares in close quarters combat if they can not get close enough to engage.

Thus E.U. Panzer Hummels don't have hands to wield close-range swords with, but instead, their arms have integrated long-range guns.

Cornelia and Zenith are both deployed in the African territory to conquer as much as the EU as possible as they won victory after victory thanks to the new weaponry that Zenith has created, especially the new models that both of them, and the royal guards have given them significant advantage over the enemy.

However, their number list victories came to a grinding halt. Thanks to the new tactics weapons and KMFs deployed by the EU that has kept both him and his sister at bay, as well as their other armies across Africa.

Similar reports came across on multiple Battle fronts that the rapid expansion is coming to hold, which is not a bad thing for the Empire just has the hold the territory they have already taken and developed those areas to fuel the war Machine to continue the expansion of their glorious empire.

Realizing that the empire and the EU are in a stalemate for a time Zenith requested his father, the emperor to transfer him to area 11 in order to get it economy up and running and to use his new machinery on Mount Fuji to extract the Sakuradite in the Mountain.

The emperor excepted the request saying that his son would be more effective on getting the resources needed from area 11 thus made Zenith the first Viceroy of area 11.

Zenith first act as the viceroy, who is the began building up the infrastructure of their economy, as well, as installing the idea of Honorary Britannian we are numbers could climb the social ladder, and earn their way into Britannian society.

At first, not a lot of the 11s joined up to be Honorary Britannians however, the few that did you got better living conditions, and were able to receive pay for their work.

Gradually more 11s eventually became Honorary Britannians in order to feed their families, and thus area 11 Began Its road of rebuilding.

Zenith as the viceroy made special arrangements for those 11s that became Honorary Britannians in order to integrate them into the empire, society more easily and the ones still considered 11s are those who rejected to sign up as a honorary Britannian.

Cities were built, railroads constructed, bring supplies and goods ships entering, restablished harbors and Zeniths KMF factories were built as well Bring forth much needed jobs for the poor to take up to earn money.

It took less than a year for Zenith and as newly made policies that made area 11 more prosperous than it was Canaan after the major cities were rebuilt, it took another year to build a machinery necessary to mine the Sakuradite from Mount Fuji.

He even had help from a group of 11s that collaborated with him and his administrators in order to make the process smoother for the 11 population in order to avoid unnecessary resistance.

In the future, this group will be known as the six houses of Kyoto that would use their vast wealth to fund and support resistance movements all across Japan that is now area, 11.

In order to get to that point, they had to collaborate with the third prince of Britannia to make it look like They've accepted the empires rule.

Zenith already knew this, since he came from another world and seen the anime already knew what these old men were up to however, he let them be because his main priority was to get area 11 to begin manufacturing, the necessary materials, and Sakuradite for the empires, future wars.

By the year of 2014 Area 11 stabilized to the point where Zenith presents wasn't required anymore where he had to be redeployed with his forces against the EU.

However, because of his policies towards the reconstruction of area 11 and the fair treatment and policies towards the 11 population made him a fair, and good ruler to them.

While others and resistance group, see him as no different from the emperor him self like they see all Britannians these resistant groups sees the Royal family as conquerors, oppressors and liars.

The one to replace him as Viceroy is his brother Clovis. He would take over for him as the new ruler of area 11.

However, before he left Zenith Took Half of the army of Honorary Britannians and there families that swore personal loyalty to him because of his fair treatment of the people.


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