
Chapter 37- More To Him

Alejandra's Point Of View;

When we got to the police station Presley went to the front desk and I heard him ask for the Chief. Mitchum stood at the side of him while I was with Priya behind them. The man who was middle-aged at the front desk put his coffee mug down then sat up in his chair and gazed at Presley.

"Young man Chief Trust is a very busy person with many important duties and can't handle every case. So why don't you just tell me what the matter is and I will file the report. Please tell me the nature of the crime for example did you lose your ID cards or some sort of valuable personal belongings?" The man said while taking out some forms and a pen with paper.

"Uh no, nothing like that um," Presley said as he passed his hand through his hair and noticeably avoided eye contact with the front desk clerk.

Priya then tugged on my arm and said, "It's okay no need to pressure anyone. Maybe we can come back-"

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