
Rest For A Realm

Struggling with each step, Sakura walked almost 25 feet before she tripped, still far from the temple's steps.

Cursing under her breath, Sakura couldn't put enough strength into her arms to push herself up.

Indignant, Sakura rolled onto her side, slowly fumbling to her feet.

It was only when she rolled over that she noticed the blazing sun had disappeared and been replaced with a giant bright moon.

Confused and angry, Sakura somehow came to the conclusion that she had been time blind and just missed the time changing around her.

This gross misconception led her mind to wonder before remembering the abilities Adrian took for granted.

Memories of Adrian's amazing physical feats flooded her mind causing her to become a cherry tomato in embarrassment.

Desperation filled her eyes as she struggled to walk like a drunk toddler.

With newfound determination, Sakura slowly stumbled over herself as she inched closer to the temple's steps.

Fortunately or unfortunately, with Adrian unconscious and the others watching after him, no one was around to see her fail, but on the flip side, no one was there to help her.

~... isn't this supposed to be easy.~ Whispered Sakura as she once again fell on the vibrant grass gazing at the moon.

What made the least sense to her was that before she fell down the first time, she walked almost 20 steps, and now she could barely manage 2.

While Sakura was busy creating a new form and struggling to adapt to it, Zero, Bemo, and the others were carefully watching over Adrian.


Half an hour earlier…

After Bemo jumped up the steps to the peak of the Temple, Zero noticed an extra space appear in this world.

Zero was tempted to check on the commotion, but it soon sealed back up, taking the ball of light with it.

Bemo noticed Zero spacing out and decided to kick him while scoffing, "Are you gonna leave Master in your claws? Set him down, he's gonna hurt when he wakes up!"

When Dee noticed Bemo's intention to kick Zero, he tried to warn Bemo that he would only hurt his leg but was proven wrong before he could speak.

Not only did Bemo's leg bounce back completely fine, but it managed to force Zero to sway.

Dee, Fue, and Qi stood there stunned after learning their new friend was actually such a monster, one that could even harm Zero.

Ignoring the kids' games, Zero ordered the air, "Make a bed."

Without delay, the air condensed into clouds, then solidified further to create a soft cotton-like bed.

After checking the bed's softness, Zero slowly lowered Adrian onto it, allowing him to rest and regain energy comfortably.

Fue and Qi rushed to Adrian's side, Qi using her fluffy body as a pillow for Adrian while Fue heated her body before burrowing under his arm to keep him warm.

Seeing his older sisters try to make his Deddy more comfortable, Dee felt left out.

Curiously looking around, Dee came up with an idea that only he could do.

Opposite Fue, Dee burrowed under Adrian's other arm. Maybe Fue would warm him up too much, so it only makes sense to return to his Devolver Sword form, which releases cold killing intent, to cool him off.

Bemo was confused, but seeing that everyone else his size did it, he followed suit.

Unlike Dee and Fue, Bemo opted to follow Qi's example and curled up into a warm ball of fluff covering Adrian's feet.

Dumbfounded, Zero coughs, "He's just sleeping… He'll be up in a day or so."

Not a second later, the extradimensional space opened again, except this time it spat out something with a similar aura to the ball of light, but that one had a much different look.

Skeptical of its intent, Zero stopped trying to question the kids' actions and sat near the temple peak's archways, examining this new entity.

However, after watching its shaky breathing and inability to walk properly, Zero deemed it unfit to harm anyone in this realm.

Sighing, Zero looked over at the kids, who were now asleep on Adrian, before closing his eyes and whispering, "Night, Night."

The sky, like a faithful servant, followed his voice as the once blazing sun seemed to fade like an illusion as an impossibly big moon lit up the sky.

Eyes closed, Zero's mind slowly slipped into sleep.


Back at the lower island below the temple…

After having wasted close to an hour falling on her butt and getting back up, Sakura realized every time Adrian ran, his arms would always move opposite of his legs as opposed to keeping them static.

This one seemingly simple observation made Sakura realize she had been trying to force her arms to stay still each time she walked.

Just making a simple change to her form Sakura instantly knew why she walked so much better when she first took control.

A bright smile lit up across her rosy cheeks as she felt extremely accomplished after finding out her mistake and began improving.

With a newfound source of information, Sakura was all the more determined to walk up through temple steps on her own.

Each time she fell, she would reflect on how Adrian moved and improved by leaps and bounds.

It also helped that she felt thrilled over every small improvement, and she knew every part of her biology as she built her body herself.

Even still, it was only after another three hours before Sakura was confident in her walking ability.

Over the four hours it took to 'master' walking, Sakura had repeatedly thought about why the sky had suddenly changed.

And it was only once she could walk from the shore to the steps, and she was happy that Sakura put any real thought into the reason.

Thinking through her memories, Sakura could very faintly remember a distant voice saying something just before the sky changed.

After a few moments, Sakura correctly chalked it up to some other entity here messing around.

Once that was figured out and her determination waned, Sakura's soul body started to ache as waves of lethargy eroded her mind forcing her into a deep sleep.

Adrian's mental realm once again seemed to accommodate her for some reason.

As her body relaxed, the ground molded around her as plants grew from the soil, creating a comfortable bed that snuggled her tightly.

For the first time since its recreation, Adrian's mental world played a natural melody as silence descended.

All its inhabitants were relaxed and asleep.

At the same time, deep under the ocean of Mythos, a series of complex root systems and volcanic activity started to come to life.

In the chaos unseen by its sentient inhabitants, the mental world seemed to nurture a seed that could absorb and convert the pure Mythos surrounding it into energy.

Unlike what Adrian believed, his mind could breed more than chaos and destruction… it could form and nurture something more.

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter!

Why dose Adrian's mental realm act for Sakura?

What do you think that seed will be?

system_evolvercreators' thoughts
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