
Design Flaw

[Full panel access or short form?]

Adrian sighed saying, "Open both systems in full access."

[Open full access Nexus interface?]

After a moment of thought, Adrian said, "Not now."

With that confirmation, a set of long system windows appeared in both Zero and Adrian's views.

[Coins - 2,864]

[Efficiency System Status]

[System: 0.00075%]

[Endurance 100%]

[Wisdom 100%]

[Communication 1%]

[Absolute System Status]

[Race: Lesser Okutiar] (Time to evolve)

[Bloodline: Mythos (Second Stage)]

[Attribute: Balance, Spiritual Energy, Mana, Gene cultivation, Supreme Alchemy, Toxin Body, Split Consciousness]

[Authorities: Outsider to Time] (Try harder and gain more you useless human!)

[Tier 2+]

[Titles] (Wow, you have so many names that you need a page to keep track of them) (Expand)

[Stats] (Expand)

[Skills & Abilities] (Expand)

[Evolution Tree] (Expand)

[Bloodline Evolution Path] (Locked)

[Evolution Points: 1 Billion/1 Billion] (Max reached)

The panel in front of Zero was ever so slightly different, but as it was Adrian's system Zero couldn't interact with the panel to find more information about himself.

After realizing such an annoying detail Zero rolled his eyes and didn't bring up the differences in their panels.

In the time it took Zero to look over his panel, Adrian started thinking over his next move while ignoring the extra messages that came along with the Abso System.

Having never opened his stats before Adrian muttered, "expand stats."

Expectant Adrian waited for 1 second, then 2…3…15…30…, it was only after a full minute that Adrian was greeted with a message.

[Absolute System's stats panel was absorbed by the Efficiency system]

Adrian was stunned in silence for multiple seconds before coming to terms with the blatant design flaw that was allowing the systems to absorb other systems…

Sighing, Adrian tried to open his next option knowing that the skills panel was useless for now Adrian called out, "Expand evolution tree."

Contrary to Adrian's belief that a new panel would appear, instead the world before him quaked as a tsunami rammed into the temple where he stood.

Quickly, Zero and Adrian rushed outside as Dee and company hid deep in the temple.

As the purple tsunami consumed the sky, Zero's hands moved at light speed as his eyes vibrated trying to control the waves themselves, while Adrian summoned his spear performing his signature art, The Nine Emotions, Infinite Weapon Art.

Just as the colossal wave bore down on them, Zero's hands clasped together as he shouted, "Obey!"

Even with Absolute Domination the purple liquid, the physical form of Mythos, could never be completely commanded, only halted momentarily.

However, even knowing that fact a look of confidence was plastered over Zero's face as a moment was all Adrian would need.

Jumping straight into the wall of Mythos, Adrian and his infinite clones merged, all shouting, "Second Form, Convergence."

Just before hitting the wall of Mythos, it evaporated under the pressure of infinity that was Adrian in that single moment cloaking the world in a purple mist, hiding the changes that occurred causing the quake and by extension the tsunami.

Adrian, still suspended mid-air, kicked the air under his feet gracefully landing on the temple as he released his art.

Once Adrian landed Zero's hands and eyes returned to normal making his entire form vibrate faster forcing his true form to once again become imperceptible in detail.

As the mist fell back into the ocean below, a completely new island was revealed.

The only thing connecting the two estranged islands was the thick roots of a colossal sky-piercing, multicolored tree in the new island's center.

Confused, Adrian yelled out to Dee and company to stay while he grabbed Zero to explore the new island.

As Adrian and Zero descended the steps they noticed that the roots that had connected the islands had golden Authoryian runes as sap from them dripped into the mythical ocean below feeding it.

The scene before their eyes looked to have come straight from a fairy tale as a small golden path was almost alight before their very feet deconning them to explore.

Half-jokingly, Adrian poked Zero saying, "I guess we're not in Kansas anymore."

Zero, in his deep raspy voice, joked back saying, "You think there's a wicked witch under our temple?"

Adrian turned looking at Zero in utter shock as only yesterday Adrian hated him, and now they could playfully joke like old friends.

Shaking his head, Adrian focused on the mysterious island that could invade his mental world.

As they bantered they had already reached the connecting roots.

Without hesitating Zero blocked Adrian's path as he jumped onto the roots checking them for traps, trying to insure Adrian's safety.

Watching Zero's actions the previous Adrian would have seen them as 'Zero looking down on him' however now he could see the genuine care in Zero's actions.

After getting the "OK" from Zero Adrian hopped onto the roots carefully walking the root bridge over to the new tree island.

Unlike how it looked from the vantage point of the temple, the roots extended quite far and took the pair a full five minutes to cross at their careful pace.

Once they stepped onto the tree island they were greeted by the sight of an expansive purple-gold pond that beckoned their action.

Looking closer Adrian noticed a message plastered above the pond.

[Active Evolution Tree]

[Cost 1,000,000 Evolution Points]

Once the message was read in his head a panel appeared in front of Adrian with a simple palm print marking plastered on it with the words [Do you Agree?] hung at its top.

Under compulsion from a system entity, and without his passive efficiency in the mental world, Adrian subconsciously agreed, placing his palm on the panel as 1 Million EP was drained from his account.

On the bright side after waking from the trance Adrian and Zero both had epiphanies about the workings of the system leading to two messages popping into view.

[System efficiency increase 0.005%]

[100% efficiency now encompasses from Natural to Mortal realm]

These messages shook the two to their very core, unable to process the new facts presented to them in a simple update message.

The near-immortal endurance was considered "Natural" and not even Mortal…

Looking at the tree before them an immense fear ran down their souls…

Sorry for the late upload. I had exams and couldn't even keep my schedule.

I hope you enjoyed the late chapter.

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