
Blood mist

As they talked a hoard of creatures started to stampede throughout the city, as the monsters, demons, and even zombies rampaged, consuming everything in their path.

Just as Adrian finished his last word he sensed the massive vibrations they caused as they tore down the buildings in their path.

Jokingly Adrian asked, "Is that my cue?"

Playing along Sakura responded, ~Yeah, I think the audience is ready.~

Hearing her response Adrian smirked before dropping his body assuming a relaxed position.

After waiting a few seconds for the stampede of creatures to be mere inches away from him Adrian decided it was finally time to move.

In a fraction of a second Adrian switched from his relaxed position to a full dead sprint and after just 2.67 seconds Adrian accelerated to Mach 1 flashing from building to building as he climbed.

A quarter up the nearby buildings flying creatures suddenly shot down trying to stop Adrian's momentum only for them to become steps allowing his accent to progress even faster.

As his movements continued, shockwaves descended from the ground to the last place Adrian had been.

The pure vibration of the air started to destroy the buildings below and as they crumbled Adrian had to rely on the creatures as steps more and more.

As his accent continued his body began to break down from the strain of his strenuous movements causing a blood mist to cover him leaving a trail mapping his every movement.

As the blood mist became denser with his climb Adrian started to look akin to a taller, bulkier, blood-red Seal though admittedly with only two eyes.

Focused on his climb Adrian didn't notice the thinning number of creatures he could use to ascend further.

When he noticed there were only three 'steps' left Adrian added more and more force to his jumps propelling hundreds of meters into the sky as he pushed off the last creature.

With his final jump, Adrian's body had almost completely become blood mist, but with a single breath from Adrian, all the lingering blood mist that had accumulated below formed tendrils shooting outwards his mangled body pushing Adrian far above the core without him ever noticing.

Seeing this Sakura called out, ~Adrian, the core is around a hundred meters below at a 23-degree angle.~

Hearing this Adrian noticed that he still didn't start to slow down and almost immediately an idea came to his mind to make getting to the core much easier.

Suddenly as Adrian continued to speed up he started to make hundreds of hand signs before calling out, "Outsider to time!"

As those words escaped his mouth an invisible wave spread out from his body changing the island's causality thus allowing him to experience time at a fraction of the speed of light.

If anyone else tried to watch his next moves they would only be able to see him blink onto the core before destroying it.

But for someone who is protected by the fourth wall, you could see the events in perfect detail.

As soon as Adrian's words left his mouth he stopped floating in midair as he saw every creature pause.

Taking this opportunity Adrian kicked off the semi-solid air propelling him forward to the core as runes appeared along his body flashing in a mystic purple with other cherry-colored runes mixed in.

After a small trip, Adrian was centimeters away from the core before he deactivated his ability causing his previous momentum to travel forward shattering the core and impaling him into the ground below as his body exploded on contact before reforming in a blood mist without any visible runes.


Meanwhile at Nexus entertainment…

The entire party was a complete mess, all except for the Cursed Writer who was simply taking notes.

While every viewer had a basic understanding of causality most could never even dream of altering how it worked much less as casually as Adrian has just done.

Even if no one but Cursed Writer could see the change in causality as time was almost stopped on the island they could all tell that after Adrian blinked to a new area and their restrained memories of Adrian's explanation they all knew of his ability.

Every viewer was even more terrified because Humanity's only special traits were their origin and the fact that they could never learn Dao or causality while still having the same body.

And now this ex-human could use abilities that could potentially rewrite his current universe when fully asserted.

Luckily humanity in Adrian's universe was constrained by their mind as they had never seen Dao or causality allowing for stagnation in his abilities or no one here would be safe.

As everyone was ranting and arguing they all had their eyes on Cursed Writer, who looked as if he had already expected it.

Though no one would say anything to him because they could never even touch this being even if they had a problem.

Cursed Writer is a being who- [I'm sorry are you trying to spoil my fun? Enough talking goodbye!]


After being forced away from Nexus entertainment and its information by Cursed Writer your view readjusted in the multiversal battleground…

As you showed up, Demon's hyper voice sounded welcoming you back only for Seal's emotionless voice to say, "Demon, do you have to be so hyper everyday?"

Looking around Eve was nowhere to be seen, but Demon's voice brought you back to their conversation, "Why are you so emotionless?"

At this comment Seal only looked away staring into the lake remembering Adrian's previous appearance covered in blood mist her eyes flashed with a hint of affection.

Misreading the look in Seal's eyes as resentment, Demon quickly changed the topic, "This one's authority is broken, why did you give that to him?"

Dumbfounded Seal replied, "…How do you not know I have no control over which of my abilities gets passed on?"

Embarrassed Demon's scales turned a light pink color before he teleported away leaving only Seal to talk to you.

"I doubt you want to talk to me of all people. I'll let you leave sorry for Demon's actions." Seal said as her small hand reached out forcing open a path back to the island's view


Your vision stabilized once more back on the Island only this time no time had passed from when you left.

As Adrian stood up with the second shard he needed, the broken Sanctuary started to fade into ash.

Seeing the floating ash that had passed Sakura asked, ~Why is it that two out of three nightmares not have an effect on you?~

Hearing this Adrian solemnly replied, "Well the first one we met was my fear of hurting the people closest to me, this one is probably the nightmare of failing humanity, and the theater is probably a combination of my fear of losing control and my fear of being happy…"

After a short pause, Adrian continued to say, "I mean I came to terms with my regrets so the monstrosity had no power, and I gave up on humanity so this one had no power, but… I can't think of a world where I can be happy and if I lose control I…"

Seeing how difficult it was for Adrian to put his thoughts into words, Sakura comforted him by saying, ~I'm sorry… I shouldn't have asked. It's ok I'm here especially when you're happy.~

How can Adrian's authority affect causality?

The short answer is he is Overpowered...


Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Special note: Adrian's authority is limited by his imagination aka its power is currently unknown.

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