
Absolute System & Explanations

As the view went down it was replaced with a static screen for a few seconds before Nexus Interface reconnected to its servers and returned to the view of the island, as Adrian regained consciousness.


When Adrian jolted awake he couldn't move as if his body was no longer his to control, each cell seemingly sentient as they moved and rearranged as they pleased forcing Adrian to have to wrestle back control for even a second.

Once Adrian tried to take back control, he found that each pulse of his new organs would cause all three energies to return to normal for a fraction of a second allowing enough time for Adrian to seize control of his body back.

Just as Adrian perfectly timed his mind to move his body a soft high pitched stifled laugh could be heard breaking his focus causing him to miss his chance.

~Poor Rain, you can't even control your own body.~ Sakura teased trying to force a more mature voice

Contrary to her teasing tone Sakura still helped Adrian by injecting a pale pink light into his body temporarily sealing the energies' movements while allowing Adrian to regain control at the cost of an odd sensation permeating Adrian's body one that felt highly restraining yet also inexplicable free.

Slowly lifting himself from the pool of pungent filth that covered Adrian from head to toe the pale light that sealed the energies faded but left him in control.

Though this went unnoticed because of disgust at the amount of filth that accumulated after his evolution.

The filth was the byproduct of every organized forced evolution as it was the waste accumulated from millions of years of evolution. A filth made of the liquid form of a lifeforms impurities, toxins, and useless matter within their body, be it unnecessary bones, organs, hairs, or even bacteria and symbiotes.

Further disgusted by the sheer amount of putrid waste Adrian opened the Nexus shop to buy a one-time use [Solar Cleanse] to burn away any evidence of the liquid with the equivalent temperature equal to a thousand white dwarf stars.

In the process, Adrian was caught in the blast, allowing himself to be immolated and disintegrated many times over but his unending endurance stat would never allow him to truly die.

If one was to watch from the outside one would have seen a human sitting still engulfed in flame. Though if one looked much closer one would have seen a human turn to ash only for a single spec of ash to divide billions of times latching onto the flouting ash around before rearranging into a humanoid figure all within a fraction of a second before the cycle would begin anew countless times per second.

After 12 seconds the process was complete, and though you may assume that the process would have been extremely, excruciatingly painful for Adrian in reality he did not have the time to register the pain signals to his brain.

As Sakura watched this her science spoke more than any amount of words.

"Replay last notification."

[Achievement: Evolution Without The Guide]

[Removing perquisites for Absolute System]

"Sakura, you're quiet, what's up?" Adrian asked expecting Sakura to tease him over spending such a huge amount only to clean himself


"Ok… Ignore me then… Open Complete System interface."

[Coins - 1,004]

[Efficiency System Status]

[System: 0.00015%]

[Endurance 100%]

[Wisdom 10%]

[Absolute System Status]

[Race: Lesser Okutiar](note: Congratulations you are now classified as a true non-human)

[Bloodline: Mythos (Awakened)]

[Attribute: Balance, Spiritual Energy, Mana, Gene cultivation, supreme alchemy]

[Authorities: Outsider to Time: Time waits for nothing, except for you] (Wow you can even make time wait you must be pretty slow)

[Tier 2+]


[Skills & Abilities]

[Evolution Tree](Locked)

[Bloodline Evolution Path](Locked)

[Evolution Points: 173,486]

Adrian flipped off the system, seeing the notes placed near his attributes, shouting as the light screen before him, "Fuck, even my systems are now making fun of me!"

Sakura's small voice interrupted Adrian's ranting as she asked, ~Uhmmmm… sorry to interrupt, but are you going to rant at a panel of light all day... again?~

Immediately Adrian became bright red, calming down while stuttering, trying to apologize for acting childish to the Absolute system and Sakura, while purposely leaving out the Nexus party.

Trying to change the subject, Sakura started to ask something before stumbling over her words and becoming too embarrassed to ask.

Only for Adrian to respond in a loving voice, "If you want to know something, you can always ask."

~Oh uh, ok… uhm... c-could you… explain what you did before, please.~ Sakura asked, stumbling through her words embarrassed that she couldn't understand

"What do you mean? … Oh, wait, do you mean my workout & warmup or my Nine Emotions Infinite Weapon Art?" Adrian replied in a confused manner

Suddenly the Nexus party stopped talking and discussing their "show" to listen and watch intently.

[The party awaits your conversation with much anticipation.]

[Cursed Writer sponsored you 50 fate value to ask you to explain both.]

After a small moment of silence as Adrian waited for Sakura's answer ignoring the messages that always got in the way of his conversations.

Under the weight of silence Sakura hurriedly replied, ~Both, please.~

"Well, uh, in that case, umm, I guess I'll start with the warmup first." Adrian said confused as to why Sakura and Nexus didn't already know

Adrian was even more so confused by this fact because it had shown up multiple times before in the forest's memories and his fight with the Monster Lord.

As he spoke Adrian wondered, 'It seems someone has censored my memories... but why?'

"When I did the basic calisthenics and stretches, I was getting used to the changes in density of my body while also relaxing stiffened muscles. After that I started to practice the Weapon Art Break Down, or what looked like basic spear movements, to force muscle memory to form in this odd body. As I continue to practice and get used to the movements I increase the speed to build up sweat and create heat."

"But as the speed started to pick up I forced the heat generated by the slower movements to propel the next forward faster while starting to link movements, forcing the air out from around me to allow for smoother movements while not bursting into flames. Where was I..."

"Oh yeah. After linking the movements and combining the breakdown I disconnected my senses from my outer self to allow for deeper understanding of them individually allowing my body to mindlessly flow with the small vibrations of the earth, the hum of the heat radiating from me, and the feeling of a vacuum crushing me."

"Only after connecting my body and mind with the true sense of flow with the space around me could I then connect my attention fully to my body, measuring the position and density of each atom, did I start to use Nine Emotions, Infinite Weapon Art."

~...~ Sakura wanted to interrupt to ask thousands of questions but found herself speechless

[The entire Nexus party stares with starry eyes amazed at each of your words.]

At the start of his long-winded speech Adrian took a deep breath before continuing.

"After connecting my mind, body, and environment to their extreme, I leaned into my subconscious slowly treading and sorting my memories to my emotions to find the core of what drives me."

"The first emotion I found was a violent, unstoppable Anger which connected to an ever-present, unpredictable, Madness. And, with that Madness as the next fixed point, I connected to an elusive, untouchable Pain hidden within."

"But, only through the connection with Pain could I draw out the hyper, flexible Joy, and only with Joy could I draw out the protective, passionate Love. Through Love, I could find a deep, defensive Shame that breeds from the buried, intrusive Guilt."

"Through Guilt, I could find and understand that an oppressing, unending Loneliness existed far below the surface, but that Loneliness also breeds an analytical, piercing Curiosity. Finally, through that Curiosity will you can once again find the source of your Anger."

"Each emotion gives birth to another, while also developing different styles of combat and in each style are an infinite amount of variations and depts of each emotion."

Pausing again to catch his breath Adrian before ending his explanation by saying.

"Using that aforementioned connection between the mind, body, and environment you can manipulate the connections to summon and visualize each emotion drawing in their infinite variation along with their respective knowledge and energy."

~...~ Sakura was once again silenced by the almost omnipotent gaze that Adrian assumed as he stopped speaking

[Nexus Entertainment has sponsored you 500 fate value in compensation for your wisdom.]

The entire time Adrian spoke he activated his Authority over time causing the sound and light around him to bend, extenuating each of his movements.

Once his explanation was over the time around him bound the existence of his voice, erasing all evidence of the speech's existence only living in each listener's memories, forever bound by a new law of time.

Once this law formed the sound and light that had once accentuated his movements obscured and destroyed any evidence of its existence.

Each god, energy, constellation, incarnation, and outsider could feel part of their existence was now bound to the causality of time, but they knew to resist that power would mean forgetting the speech, and if they forced causality to intervene their authority would only be stripped by Nexus.

None of those that listened could bring themselves to forget.

Sakura was the only one to voice a serious question that still loomed after the explanation, ~Then, how did you absorb those three rewards from before to evolve?~

"Oh, you wanted to know that… umm, ok how do I put this…" After a few seconds, Adrian came up with a decent answer saying, "As my emotions connected me with all iterations of emotions I, how to put this, resonated with the three energies. It also opened gates throughout my body opening the pores all over my skin, absorbing more oxygen into my blood so I can increase blood flow."

"The endurance stat saw the increase in blood oxygen level as a threat and started its 'repair' only to continuously find it could do nothing so it caused my adapt to the new situation causing the absorption of each energy which then was seen as 'problems' to be fixed only to end with the same result causing my body to fully undergo evolution."

"And as the energies are now seen as benign, endurance even flows through their paths replenishing their stores of energy. TLDR I now have almost infinite energy in my body along with infinite reaeration. On the plus side for Nexus they get 10% of infinity."

~Somehow I have more questions now than before, but I don't think I can use any existing logic to define what I want to ask so I'm going to just leave it at that.~

Who wrote those notes?


Sorry for the lore dump but someone asked for specifics on how and why Adrian could do any of this so I had Sakura ask.

Also friendly reminder you can potentially interact with Adrian's adventure by commenting with [ ] surrounding the comment.

system_evolvercreators' thoughts
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