Mr Popular' s Crush
( ๐ She own his heart ๐ )
๐ฎ Do not copy ๐ฎ
Chapter 16
Her face, her curves, her glowing skin, her voice, her dimples, everything, Bryan find himself loving everything about her.
Bryan is sitting on a couch situated at the left side of the living room. His right hand is positioned under his jaw, more like a support. His cheeks heat up at the thought of her voice alone. What spell has this girl casted on him. He chuckled shyly when he remembered how she rolled her eyes at him earlier. That single cute act of hers is driving him crazy. What is this girl doing to him ?.
It has only been for a few days, he had only known her for a few days, but yet it felt like forever. She is messing with his brain and her thought has clouded his sense of reasoning, he felt like he was losing it.
Is this what is called love at first sight ? Is this how it feels for your heart to beat for someone ? You begin to go crazy and all you ever think is the person your heart beat for ?.
He smiled to himself. Who would have thought the great Bryan will fall in love. He had never thought so himself, at least not now. But to say he fell a victim of love at first sight, it sound ridiculous. Deeper.... And deeper into the pit of love he keeps falling.
This girl... This strange girl, that made him fall for her without doing anything. This mysterious girl that made a playboy like him fall for her. This girl whose beauty is out of this world. This girl who is inhumanly beautiful. This girl who didn't scream out in joy when she sees him. This girl who doesn't blush when he talk to her. This girl who always makes him blush silly.
He is used to girls screaming whenever they see him. He is used to girls blushing heavily whenever he talks to them. He is use to getting every girl he want without doing much, he is playboy afterall.
But this girl is different. What did he fall for about her ? Was it her looks ? Or maybe her shape ? Or is it her entire being ? He just love her for who she is. His cute angry bird, never seen with a smile. His sexy diva, with the beauty of a goddess. The thought of her do things he does not understand to his body. He need no soothsayer to tell him he is in love. Wait a minute....... Could this be mere attraction, or maybe lust. No.....No....No, it is definitely love. The way his heart skip beat around her, the happiness he feels whenever he is around her, the blush that stain his cheeks at the thought of her, this are all signs of love. He had read it in stories a lot of time.
And now that he have come to terms with his feelings, he have to act fast. Adrian.....That guy named Adrian, he doesn't trust him one bit. He have to make Bianca his before someone else does.
The sound of his ringtone jolt him out of his thought. He looked at the screen to check the caller and it turns out to be their manager.
Can't this man give them peace ? He sighed and swipe the call to green before lifting it to his ear.
๐ " Why are you guys not here yet ? " The manager yelled through the phone making Bryan shift the phone away from his ear for a while before returning it.
๐ " Why are we not where ? " He asked calmly.
๐ " Why are you not at the studio yet ? I've been here for the past 30 minutes ".
Oh-oh, they are really suppose to go to the studio today. He looked at the remaining boys and they all seemed engrossed in the video game they are playing.
๐ " Hmmm..... We will be there in the next 20 minutes ".
๐ " You better be, and when you are coming get your minds ready for your penalties ".
๐ " What do you mean by penalty, it not like we intentionally want to come late, it just skipped our mind ".
๐ " That why you need to face penalties, so next time it wouldn't skip your mind ". He said and hung up.
Penalty, that seems to be the only thing that caught the attention of the trio that were playing game. They dropped the gamepad in their hands and rushed to settle on the couch beside Bryan.
Bryan sighed and angrily dropped his phone. He ruffled his hair and made to stand up and go upstairs to pick his jacket when Chris voice stopped him.
" Were you talking to the manager ? ".
" Yes ".
" What did he say ? ".
" He said something about been late and some certain penalties we have to face ".
Justin who happened to be younger than the other members stood up abruptly. He began to pace to and fro while chewing his right pinky finger. Penalty....He hate penalties. He remembered their last penalty, they had been made to ride a rollercoaster ๐ข and he has been so scared that day and since that day he has tried his best to avoid doing things that will attract penalties. But to think they will have to face another penalty, he couldn't help but shudder in fear. The last incident with the rollercoaster is still fresh in his head. Oh...Curse rollercoasters.
" Will you keep moving to and fro, or will you go pick your jacket and let go. I already told him we will be there in the next 20 minutes " Bryan voice snapped him out of his thought.
He quickly ascended the stairs and rushed to his room to pick his jacket and so did the rest. They all ran out afterwards and rushed into the already waiting car. The driver drove off immediately with guards following behind.