
Millennium Power Smooching (Part 4)

DIMENSION: MANGA (The One Who Saves the Day)

"Shizuka Kawai to you!" Jounouchi was pulling her away from the computers. "You shouldn't be here, Shizuka, this place is not for you. It's dangerous. Let me take you home."

"She is home." Kaiba wasn't faltering. "Now what are we going to do about this? If they could do this to Australia, they could do it anywhere. They don't even need water, it's just pushing down the Earth."

"The millennium ring could detect what the user wanted." Yuugi looked at the computers. "Finding it wouldn't be any easier."

"No, but I think you are on the right track for once, Yuugi." Kaiba turned around. "Pharaoh. Smooch the light goddess. She might have the power of that ring inside of her."

"She did drive Bakura mad." Could that power be in her?

"Anzu." Yuugi pulled her towards him and kissed her.

Right. "They both have the power." Did Anzu hold enough in her? "Yuugi?" He was still kissing her.

"Earth to Yuugi," Jounouchi said. "Hey, make out later, did you get anything?"

"It's faint." Yuugi smiled at Anzu. "Feeling better?"

"I'm okay. Sorry," she apologized. "Overwhelming. You aren't supposed to do that," she warned him. "Friends, Yuugi."

"Friends help friends find villains before the world is destroyed?" Yuugi tried. "I don't think you have nearly as much power as Satiah had. I can sense it a little. I really should try again."

///Atem: Now is not the time for jokes.//// Atem criticized him.

///Yuugi: I'm not joking, Atem, I can feel it. It's not very strong. To the south?/// Yuugi looked South and tried walking. "It's too general."

"Then don't kiss the general girl. Kiss the born again spirit girl brimming with power," Kaiba said.

"I can't. I'm in a committed/non-committed thing with Mai," Jounouchi said. "Yuugi's got Anzu."

"Yuugi doesn't have me," Anzu corrected him. "Sort of not."

"But I thought-"

"Not right now," Anzu yelled at Jounouchi. "This isn't helping."

"I'm not leaving Mokuba, so figure this stupid thing out already," Kaiba criticized them.

"Anzu. This way." Yuugi took her hand outside the room.


"We need to try again," Yuugi insisted. "Atem and Satiah aren't going to be comfortable with kissing, you know that." He knew things were tricky enough between the two of them.

"I know." Anzu looked ashamed. "Why does it have to be this way? It's hard to think of you as a friend when we . . ."

"Saving the world." Yuugi moved closer to her, slowly stealing a kiss until she started moving into it. She had the power, he knew it. He could feel it. It was weak, but she had millennium power contained in her too. Then? He really felt it when she breathed into the kiss. He pulled away. ///Yuugi: Don't get pulled in, Yuugi. If Atem and Satiah come back. That energy would hurt her./// Maybe. Maybe it was a one-time thing, but could he risk it? Even if Atem took back his power, if he was back with him, could that power overwhelm her again? Don't. "Okay." ///Yuugi: After this whole thing is over, then we'll see where we can stand.///

"I will leave Yuugi afterwards, if I end up back with him. I promise that, Anzu."

Atem's voice creeped around the corner along with him. Yuugi glanced at Anzu, then back at him. "I found out which way to go."

"Great, but it still stands," Atem said again. "If or when I lose this body, if I don't go back naturally, then I will find a way back." He went back in but called out for the others.

Yuugi looked back toward her. Maybe with that promise from Atem himself, she would be with him and . . . stay? Maybe. ///Yuugi: Another time, Yuugi.///

///Atem: But don't wait that long, Other Me./// Atem's voice interrupted him as they all started to walk away.

"I'll be back for Mai and my sister," Jounouchi called behind him. "Oh, and we'll pick up Honda later too. Guy can handle some jail time, no problem."

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