
Snowy Shore

As Vespera and I kept looking at the massive underwater obsidian island below us, we noticed that there was a tall wall made of the same black rock that surrounded the island.

'Is this really a natural formation?' I thought.

["Ichiro, move!"] Vespera shouted in my head using her telepathy.

Without saying anything else, my companion pointed her palm at me and used water magic to make the water currents forcefully move me about twenty meters to the side.

I turned my head to look at her but was instantly blocked as a torrent of hot, bubbly water flew up right in between us.

The water was so hot that I could feel it warming the outside of my wind sphere, and when I looked up, I noticed that the water torrent reached the surface.

["Welp, I think we know what destroyed Magnus and Bjorn's boat…"] I said to my companion.

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