
Magical Hot Springs

The following day, we all woke up early in the morning to resume our walk to the peak of the mountain.

Vespera said she was going to keep watch during the night, but when we walked out of the shack, we saw her sleeping beside the bears, using their red fur as a pillow.

I found the scene pretty funny, so I quickly made a picture of it on a piece of fabric using magic before they got up.

After walking along the mountain range for a few hours, we reached a second plateau, which had a massive hot spring on the side with steaming hot water and MP oozing from it.

The momma bear told us that those were the "hot water puddles" that she talked about, which would improve a person's MP pool by bathing in it.

<Magical Hot Spring

Retains vast amounts of MP.

Improve an individual's MP pool permanently, only once.

Possesses healing properties.>

"Huh, interesting…" I muttered after inspecting the water.

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