

You can find +15 chapters ahead on my patreøn



[Surveillance systems have detected a group of previously marked mutants quite a distance from their designated base of operations]

"Any known reason for that?"

[None detected]

"Well, you know the drill. Tag 'em."

[Order affirmed]

Having a part of my processing unit running an automated artificial intelligence network really is the highlight of being Vision.

I wonder if the original Vision ever did something like this or made it a manual action? Probably the latter.

If the members of the Brotherhood are breaking up into smaller groups then it'll no doubt speed up Raven's recruitment.

"Now what method should I use to take care of Shaw?" I pondered but quickly remembered something crucial. "Who should I put in his place?"

It would be redundant if I just take him out and let someone else take his position. I need as many influential people, or to have them in influential positions in society before I start actively implementing the plans I have for earth. Just having Tony and Raven, plausibly Emma, is barely even enough.

The only people I currently have that would be intelligible for the position apart from Tony, mostly due to his status as a public hero, are Ororo Munroe and Erik Lensherr.

The former would have been more desirable if not for her current position as a teacher at Charles' school. Erik was more viable for the position solely based on who he was but the thing was that most of the Club's Inner Circle members are unaware of the presence of mutants in their group, which is already slowly changing. Hopefully Erik comes around by the time it does.

"Let's leave that for now." I walked down the hall towards where Wanda and Laura were watching a romcom series. "Give me Trask's location."

[Target Bolivar Trask was last identified in the vicinity of a secluded valley]

[More in-depth information about the environment of his location are currently unknown]

"That's okay." The two of them turned to me as soon as I entered the room with Wanda breaking into a smile. "Want to join us?"

"Sorry, but I can't at the moment."

"That's okay. You need anything?"

"Yes. I'm going after Trask and considering the fact that he most likely has been mass manufacturing his sentinels, I need a partner for this one."

Though I meant it for Wanda, that didn't stop Laura's eyes from gleaming with excitement. Wanda on the other hand frowned at the mention of the Sentinels but she nevertheless agreed.

'I should definitely start empowering the present members of the Avengers. Peak human isn't going to cut it any more, and I don't want to go after everything I deem a threat just because the threat level is higher than their combat capabilities.'

I ended up taking Laura with us because why not? She is clearly bored with being stuck at home with nothing to do. I would have considered sending her to school if not because of her spontaneous violent outbursts.

We teleported ourselves to the outer part of the valley where Trask was last identified but something about the place just seemed off.


"You feel it too, huh?" Laura's low growl was more than enough assurance for me to know that something definitely was up.

[A barrier of sorts have been identified by the Mind Stone in the western direction]

'Of sorts? Does it carry a familiar energy buildup?'

[Analyzing energy constituent… Failed]

"Let's go." I led them towards the place I sensed the barrier but upon getting there, I was surprised to see nothing except a natural forage of grass and dense trees.

"Wanda, can you feel anything?" I asked.

She focused her senses, causing her hands and eyes to gain a red glow, and tried to see if she could pick up anything. She turned to me, looking unsure, and spoke.

"Other than a faint buzzing feeling, I can't feel anything else."

"I see."

The barrier was right in front of us but apart from the Mind Stone picking it up, even Wanda couldn't actually sense it.

I tried phasing through it but it actually resisted which was surprising to say the least, even going as far as trying to repel me.

Drawing power from the Mind Stone and bolstering up my phasing abilities with it, I forced my hand into the barrier and tried to rip open a tear in it. This seemed to work, despite the lightning that the barrier started spewing out as I started tearing a hole in it, and I opened a big enough hole to what laid on the other side of the barrier.


"Vis, watch out!" Something slammed into me as soon as the Wanda's shout and the notification appeared.

As soon as I opened the tear big enough for a person to pass through, the barrier destabilized and pushed me backwards with the resulting explosion.

"You destroyed the barrier? How?" I heard the voice of a man and turned to the direction of the voice and knew exactly who I was facing just from the getup they wore.


"Vis, are you okay?" Wanda and Laura came to my side as they saw the new group.

"I'm fine, Wanda. It took me by surprise is all. That aside," I addressed the group of five dark cloaked sorcerers, "Care to tell me your connection with Bolivar Trask? And why would a group of sorcerers be working for a human scientist?"

The one at the front, who was presumably the leader, snorted at my question and asked one of his own. "Why are you trespassing here? Unfortunately for you, your answer and reason hold no importance when I rip it out of your head before killing you."

The four people behind the man drew up red magic circles while the man prepared to leave.

'Probably to get Trask to a safer location.'

I contemplated about whether leaving Wanda and Laura to face off against four dark sorcerers and the incoming Sentinels for a split moment and made my decision.

"Wanda hold them off for how long you can. If you can't, call Pietro. There's a squadron of Sentinels approaching, make sure Laura doesn't get overwhelmed. You're not that different from these sorcerers." I said before shooting off and phasing through everything in my way.

Seeing the magic portal opening at Trask's location, I controlled the metals around Trask and used it to wrap around him before flinging him out of the shed he was hiding in.

The man frowned upon seeing what I did and turned to face me with magic circles covering his hands as he recited a spell before shooting it towards me.

"Fuck off." I blasted all the smokey chains that shot out from every direction, trying to bind me, and increased the weight of my hands and punched him squarely in the face only for me to pass through him as he dissipated into smoke.

Without even knowing where he went, the metals binding Trask covered in a human-sized coffin and flew from where he was into my hands before shrinking and entering into one of the pore-sized compartments in my body.

"You!" The man appeared at where Trask had just been and glared at me. "Do you know who you risk offending with what you just did?"

"Enlighten me."

Spears from the metals around him tried impaling him only for it to be stopped by magic shields.

'It seems like the Mind Stone does have an effect on magic but its minimal at best if it's not being directed through me. Brute forcing it is.'

The only thing I have to watch out for is him escaping.

He tried to pull me towards himself but I easily resisted him, having greater telekinetic power and the Mind Stone, so I rushed towards him instead with an attracting field covering my hands.

He tried blocking my punch with his shields but my hands easily shattered them and punched him.

My hit connected for a brief moment before he turned into a black cloak, escaping just as the resulting boom from my punch blew everything around me apart.

Unfortunately for him, he failed to fully escape from my punch which was evident from the blood covering his mouth as he appeared a few meters from me.

Not giving him a chance to pull a rabbit out of his ass, lightning shot towards him, followed by a laser beam. He quickly pulled at object and absorbed my attack before sending it back at me but I ignored it and let it harmlessly crash against my body, offsetting it with magnetic barriers.

He tried carving out something with his blood on his hands but his hands was slower than me moving, earning him a blow he couldn't guard against and sending him crashing through trees.


[Foreign intrusion detected!!]

I looked at the blood on my fist and found out that it was bringing out black smoke and trying to drill into my flesh but I just changed that part of my body to machine parts and it quickly subsided.

He tried pushing himself up but choked up blood as my hand extended faster than he could perceive and shot open a hole through his body.

"Which Order do you belong to?"

"Hehe… *cough cough*… Only death await you for standing against my Lady."

I blasted him to bits as soon as I saw his skin turning grey. I already have inkling of who he worked under as soon as he mentioned his Lady but it didn't faze me as much as I thought it would.

"Definitely should learn magic after this."

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