
Don't You Dare Insult Our Master

Archer stored all the expensive Red Silk in his Item box before answering Jim the Desert Worm, 'Tell them I will meet them here in a week, is there enough space? Or do you need more?'

Jim nodded in agreement before the worm replied, 'It's getting tight now. There are thousands of us and more eggs than we can count.'

Hearing this, Archer smiled, then closed his eyes, imagining the desert around him. With a surge of power, he tripled its size and expanded the entire Domain. Drawing from his expansive mana pool, he transformed the landscape, making it twice as large as Pluoria.

Once Archer ran out of mana, he dropped to one knee, causing Valariana to rush over to him, ''Are you okay, Master? What's wrong?'' she asked in a worried tone.

''Used a bit too much mana,'' he admitted wearily. ''But it does help increase my pool.''

Valariana smiled as she helped him to his feet. ''Just relax and recover, Master.''

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