
The New Form

Archer continued to watch the two girls sleep before he nodded off himself and slipped further into the chair, getting comfortable.

Hours passed, and a gentle nudge woke him up. Archer opened his eyes and saw Llyniel's brown eyes staring into his.

He smiled before quickly leaning forward and kissing the wood elf, who was caught off guard but quickly returned it with one of her own.

Archer lifted her onto his lap, positioning her to face him, which she easily did because she was petite, standing at a mere five feet tall, which he found adorable.

Llyniel leaned against him as their tongues engaged in a playful struggle, but she eventually yielded to the kiss.

Taking control, Archer bit the elf's lip, eliciting a surprised yelp from her. However, he knew well that she enjoyed it.

They continued their passionate kiss, losing themselves in the moment. The intensity grew until they finally separated, both breathless but wearing satisfied smiles.

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