
War (Final)

[Arcadian Castle - The Solari Empire - The Land Of Mediterra]

Hemera stood on the castle walls, watching the enemy armies setting up their siege camps.

All over Mediterra, the Solarians and Lunarians were winning battles, but suddenly, they were attacked from the east by an army of pirates and bandits.

The emperors dispatched any spare soldiers to the east to put a stop to it. But this left the western border weak.

That's when the Delphosian Republic and their allies attacked. They laid siege to castles along the Hyacinth River.

The Solarians tried to launch an attack to disrupt the enemy but were repulsed while losing hundreds of soldiers.

Talila was useful as she fired her mana arrows into the crowd of soldiers, causing explosions everywhere.

But the Delphosian, Aeternumians, and Achaeanians returned the attacks with ones of their own that hit the already damaged walls.


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