
They Belong To Me

Archer brushed off the dirt as the remaining undead approached, their moans growing louder with each step.

Ella shot light arrows, while Sera and Teuila stood guard, making sure none of them could get near the Half-Elf. Suddenly, Archer unleashed his celestial beam spell.

A brilliant beam of celestial energy shot from his hands, slicing through the air with blinding speed, colliding with the approaching horde and illuminating the darkness.

The beam blasted through the zombies, obliterating them with bursts of luminous mana.

The girls stood in awe, their eyes wide with astonishment, as the celestial beam relentlessly carved its way through the undead, mowing them down like a scythe through wheat.

Their decaying bodies crumbled away, and the ground trembled under the spell's power. The remaining zombies lunged forward but were swiftly dispatched by Ella's arrows.


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