
Oasis Spice Traders

Archer pressed forward while Teuila unleashed her sword on the approaching zombies. Ella continued firing her arrows, targeting the undead with lethal precision.

Ashes swirled in the wind as Archer neared the creatures, but he choose not to engage in close combat.

Instead, he unleashed a barrage of powerful spells: Eldritch Blasts, Element Bolts, and Plasma Missiles.

Explosions erupted in all directions. The guards of the caravan were shocked by the sudden help.

The horde of zombies and ghouls surged toward them, their relentless advance instilling a sense of panic in the guards.

As the undead creatures drew nearer, Archer took a deep breath and unleashed a stream of violet flames that engulfed the horde.

In a matter of seconds, they fell to the ground, their bodies consumed by the flames, leaving only ashes behind.

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