

He noticed the air was thick with dust, and the scent of ancient incense lingered, adding to the eerie atmosphere. The temple boasted ornate pillars and arches, intricately adorned with carvings and mosaics depicting ancient battles and religious ceremonies.

Its grandeur stood as a testament to the wealth and power of the civilization that constructed it. Even in its ruined state, it remained a breathtaking sight to behold. Walking inside, wondering what had happened to the builders of such a magnificent structure.

Suddenly, his Aura Detector pinged, warning him that enemies were approaching. He quickly grabbed Sera while opening a small portal to his Domain and threw her inside just as he was tackled. He was sent crashing into a nearby statue.

It crumbled over him, leaving him dazed and wondering what had hit him. Archer gazed upwards in a daze and saw a colossal creature, identical to the ones he had been battling but four times larger in size.


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