
Chapter 12: The Beginning Part I

The shinobi village machinery required absolute loyalty. Anything shot of such a requirement was intolerable. The machinery did not even permit dissent—you could grumble, but quietly in your thoughts. The Hokage ruled with absoluteness.

Hiruzen's former teammates had a draconian style of ruling. His actions were filled with naivety and indecisiveness dressed up as consultations with the village Council—a council that was supposed to advise him, but more than often, made decisions for him.

Hiruzen shrunk into his seat, just wondering where he'd gone wrong. The villagers saw him with love. But those closer knew his failures. Not only had his weakness cost the village Minato—a man that had a flee on sight ranking; they had now cost Konoha the military power of the Uchiha.

Konoha was now left limping. He'd crippled a nation he was supposed to fortify. Idealism wasn't to blame—it was his weakness. He became too used to peace that he became terrified and dreaded making decisions that would violate the peace.

He glanced up from his desk as he heard a knock at his door. "Come in," he said in a tired voice.

Itachi walked into his office. And as usual, he knelt before his desk. Hiruzen told the Uchiha to stand up.

"Why didn't you tell me Naruto would become clan head?" The Third asked the Uchiha, looking at him straight into his eyes. The tiredness that had coloured his voice a second earlier had become a memory, a level of sharpness reinforced the seriousness of the situation.

Itachi didn't immediately say anything. But, such a question he'd expected. What should he have done? If he'd said something, the Sandaime would have pushed for him to become clan head—and that would have brought out negative consequences.

"I could only become clan head if Naruto was dead," Itachi decided to reply in that manner. His voice quiet, yet loud enough for the Sandaime to hear. His expression did not betray his emotions.

"Are you telling me that you'd have to kill Naruto to become clan head?"


Hiruzen frowned deeply. "You'd told me that the clan harboured a level of distrust to you… but I didn't think it would be to such an extent."

That Naruto and Itachi could clash was hardly something to be tossed into the shocking revelations category. Hiruzen's own intentions for desiring the latter to lead the Uchiha wasn't even a mystery. And it was likely Naruto defied expectations precisely for this reason.

"I was told I wasn't suitable to become clan head due to my loyalties." Itachi replied. "To some extent, I do agree with it. A clan head does require someone who'll think what is best for the clan. It was pointed out to me that only Konoha rings in my head."

"Naruto?" Hiruzen asked, merely for confirmation.


Hiruzen fell silent. He didn't entertain the idea that perhaps Naruto too should have been killed. The thought did try to dribble him with headaches, but he still thought the Uchiha was better left alive—not for the Uchiha's sake but for Konoha.

Naruto was a powerful shinobi and he would become equally as famous as Itachi in the future. Konoha couldn't lose him and Fugaku. But he was better left without any political power, just a normal shinobi. Giving him the tools of the Uchiha was just dangerous, considering he displayed absolute intention to rebel if reasoned the village was straying.

The village didn't need shinobi who questioned orders. It required loyalty. Hiruzen didn't want to use the terms strictly, but that was the nature of their world. If shinobi were permitted to take action if they felt they were being wronged, it would disturb the hierarchy and there would ne anarchy. For order and the completeness of structure, shinobi simply had to follow orders.

"The Council was pushing for him to be removed from his position. But I dismissed the idea," Hiruzen said with a deep sigh. "It doesn't mean I don't have concerns. I just don't want there to be interference which would lead to a repeat. We cannot go on the same path again," he said, and then smiled wearily. He waved his right hand and an Anbu appeared in the office. "Summon Shisui."

"Hai." The Anbu disappeared without a trace.

"But I fear, if I were to retire now, things would be difficult for the Uchiha. We have to push things while I'm still in charge, to change the narrative." And just how about gave Hiruzen nightmares. His mind was just completely blank about ideas.

Itachi was relieved, that the Sandaime Hokage was being conscious of the Uchiha's situation, and attempting to work in a manner that wouldn't ignite flames. It just made things much simpler for him. He would not be stuck between rocks as he was the last time around.

"Will Naruto be called before the Council?"

"Yes," Hiruzen said. He smiled weakly. He should have been speaking with Naruto, not Itachi. But he was avoiding that conversation. "I will speak to him and the Council will talk to him. He is the head of the Uchiha. We'll need to talk about what happened and the way forward. We cannot simply move forward without addressing it."

Itachi simply nodded.

"How are things in the clan?"

"The civilians are still in despair, but the rest of us have gathered and decided on one thing."

"That is good. Anything I must know? Naruto must have ideas on how he wants members of his clan to operate." Hiruzen said in a curious tone.

"There is nothing drastic. When all is well, Naruto follows the rules. The only thing he has ordered is that members of the clan should not be leaving Konoha, for their safety. But in practice, that will only affect Naori and Izumi. The other ones were already in Military Police. The three of us would handle the heavy load," Itachi explained with ease, displaying he actually agreed with the plan.

Hiruzen then nodded. "I can understand. He doesn't want to lose anymore members of his clan," the Third said. Before he could add anything, the Anbu returned with Shisui.

"Sandaime-sama." Shisui bowed before the Hokage.

Hiruzen smiled at Shisui with warmth. Between the two, Konoha held some truly valuable assets. Nothing could happen to these two, Konoha needed them. Add Naruto, and the next generation of Sannin was present. Konoha has always had legendary trios; the Sannin, Ino-Shika-Cho. The Uchiha trio would be next, and could possibly surpass Sannin in fame.

"Shisui-kun," the Third started in a kind tone, his eyes peering into those of Shisui. "How are you holding up?" He asked with genuine curiosity.

"We are fine," Shisui smiled—it was firm, not weak. "We've had time. The clan is set on moving forward," he added.

"Good…" Hiruzen nodded his head with a happy smile. "And Naruto?" A brow rose above his left eye.

"He is Naruto," Shisui replied with a chuckle. "But, a little more restrained. It comes with the duty," he said.

"I don't want to interfere in clan matters, and I have refused the Council to do so. But it is a fact that Naruto made it clear that if circumstances were favourable, be would rebel against the leadership of the village. I want to trust him. But that will take time. That is why I have resolved that, the Uchiha seat in the Council will be vacant, for now. But soon enough, Itachi-kun will fill it."

The words were welcomed with complete silence.

They were just pushing Naruto to the side. While Naruto hadn't said anything about being in the village Council, he would have expected to be in it. But that the Village would select Itachi, just showed they didn't trust him.

It would have been scandalous if the seat was taken away. But Shisui knew why Itachi was being chosen. And Naruto wouldn't need to figure it out because it was obvious—Itachi was the loyal one. And he won't be in the Council represent interests of his clan but the village.

"I'm not sure I can accept that," Itachi said in a respectful tone. "Naruto is still my clan head."

"This is a matter I have decided…" Hiruzen paused, spoke a bit sternly. "You have no choice in the matter, Itachi-kun."

Hearing those words, Itachi simply nodded.

"I know there will be some negative reactions to it. But this is the way forward. We will speak to Naruto to explain things to him. Maybe, in some future, he can get that seat." Hiruzen said, leaving room for departure. "Now, the matter of Military Police; I have spoken with Hiashi-san, some members of his clan will be drafted into Military Police Force since the Uchiha do not have the forces. You'll have to train them. We'll have to do with the minimal best for now. Anbu will take up more load of protecting the village until Military Police Force is sufficiently staffed.

"There will be an academy for Military Police Force. It will be responsible for producing shinobi for Military Police. I want you to sit and think about how it can be done. As Head of Military Police, you'll be responsible for it."

"Why don't we just take from the academy?"

"The reason I'd chosen the Uchiha for Military Police is because of your power. The duty of Military Police is not for mere Chunin and Genin, but for Jonin. Now, we cannot have shinobi from village forces going to Military Police. The village has to do missions to sustain itself.

"The Academy will equip students. But, they'll have to be Jonin, and equipped with the skills to be able to take on fellow shinobi. An academy designed specifically for this task is a necessity."

"I understand."

"I expect a proposal from you but not now. There is a mission I want to give you. You'll be going with Naruto. The mission is important and determines our future. We're in a corner at the moment. Kumo, Suna, and Iwagakure are against us. It will only be a matter of time before they conspire against us. If they do that, Konoha will not survive."

Indeed, against those combined forces, the Leaf would suffer the same fate as Uzushiogakure. Shisui was certain, against those odds, Naruto wasn't going to fight. He would secure the safety of his clan than fight a battle he knew would result in the extinction of the Uchiha.

"I had Danzo send people to Kirigakure some months ago. Naruto's recent mission also revealed a troubling development.

"According to Danzo, The Mist is slowly disintegrating. You know by now it is called the Bloody Mist due to the reign of the Yondaime Mizukage. It is apparently, left many people dissatisfied and many of its shinobi have even become rogue. That is why Kiri has the largest force of Hunter-nin.

"Your mission is to go to Kiri. The Mizukage is expecting you. I have a letter for him. But, you have another role." Hiruzen took out a file and pushed it across the desk. Shisui stepped up and took the file. "You'll verify the Intel. But knowing Danzo, he must've been thorough. So, you'll just have to verify. Your course of action should be obvious. You're to make Kiri an ally of Konoha. With that Intel, it is possible. You'll do anything you can. And that includes even insuring a new Mizukage is put in place."

The Sandaime was truly still the same. He was phrasing it as if they had a choice but it was likely he did want them to put someone in charge of Kiri who could ally the village with Konoha.

Still, the mere fact that the Sandaime was even giving them this mission just showed just how in the pits Konoha was. If the peace loving Hokage was being forced to essentially order them to plot a coupe in another village, Konoha must be facing a certain death if nothing is done.

"It goes without saying this ought to be silent. We don't want a civil war. And if you fail, I'll be forced to brand you rogue shinobi." Hiruzen said in a heavy tone. "But the three of you have enough fire power to get this over the line. Danzo's Intel makes it even simpler. Once you go through it, you'll realize you simply have to talk to a few people. You'll have to leave before tomorrow night. We cannot waste time."


Once the two were outside the office, Shisui let out a huge sigh. He wasn't relieved—a more pressing matter awaited them.

"It seems, things are not going to be easy," he said to Itachi. "Naruto is our clan head. His views of things dictates things." They had to respect the position above all things.

"I'm more pressed about the mission." Itachi said. "If we fail, things will go from bad to worse."

"We're already at the worse level," Shisui said. "But I get you. The Sandaime still wouldn't send us out if he didn't think there was a chance of succeeding. Given that Danzo was involved in it… it is safe to guess he would have carried it out. Root Anbu may not have been the most skilled, but they did a good job at Intelligence gathering."

"We'll just have to go through everything on the file." Itachi said. "Where is he?"

"He was training with Naori and the others. We'll have to inform him about the changes before he hears it from someone else. It doesn't seem like the Sandaime has the appetite to face him."

"He must know Naruto will ask questions he won't be willing to answer or exposes something," Itachi said. "But for the sake of things, he does have to speak with him."

Hokage Office

Pakura was pleasantly surprised when she was summoned by the Hokage. Her movements had now been freed since Suna already knew she was here. But she was still not a shinobi within the Leaf.

"You wanted to see me, Sandaime-sama." She bowed and spoke with respect.

Unlike Rasa, the old man in front of her was genuinely a kind person. Of course, every village had its darkness but she wouldn't be discarded in the same way Rasa thought to discard her.

"Yes," Hiruzen smiled. "Baki-san was here and made some demands. But we have rejected them. I know you want to face them and ask questions, but for the sake of peace, I have decided it shouldn't happen, at least not now."

"I understand." The disappointment was still evident in her voice.

"But that is not the reason I called you. Suna is still important for own peace of mind. I know this much, and you should have some patience, we will eventually organize a meeting."

"They'll likely try to poison me during that meeting." As long as she was alive, Suna would always try to kill her. She wouldn't even be surprised if they placed a large bounty on her head and hired mercenaries to kill her.

"Yes. They will go ahead with making you a traitor. We will see how things are, if needs be, we will reveal the truth. Konoha welcomes you either way. You have expressed interest in becoming a shinobi of this village, and I am giving it consideration."

Pakura suppressed urges to smile—she'd been waiting for this day to come. She'd suppressed the desire to push, as she'd seem like a spy. But Konoha had saved her life from the worst kind of treachery, serving Konoha could be the best she could do for the village.

"Loyalties and trust must be earned. We will put you through missions, and if you do them well, we will register you as a Leaf shinobi," Hiruzen said, taking out a scroll. He pushed it over his desk. "I'm sending you out on a solo mission to the Cloud. You're to deliver this to the Raikage."

Pakura stared at the scroll. Shinobi did not ask what was inside nor did she have the right to open it. She only had to deliver it the Cloud.

"It is very important this reaches the Cloud."

"It will reach the Cloud." Pakura said with confidence. "If I come across Suna shinobi?"

"Take care of it."


Konoha's preference to Itachi being clan head had nothing to do with the wellbeing of the Uchiha—but rather, Konoha's own interests. The casual, and sometimes brutal dismissiveness of the Uchiha's interests have led the village to his bloody and treacherous path. They could have been bathed in a rebellion. The chaos and death that would have graced the village would have opened the doors for merciless invasions.

It would have been the demise of this once great nation. Shikaku thought the Leaf was simply riding on the waves of past glories. They had once produced high class shinobi, but they now had few of those. Only Jiraiya had men opting to negotiate their escape routes than invite death by facing him.

Staring down at the streets from the Hokage Monument, Shikaku imagined what Konoha once held. The Legendary Sannin bounced within these walls; The Yellow Flash ran a steady ship. He was a man who enemies avoided. And even if you managed to get past that, the Uchiha would be waiting at the gates.

Shikaku sat down, embraced the sun rays. It wasn't too hot. It was bearable that he could sit below it. He dared not enter into a staring contest with the sun, even if he wished to glare into the heavens.

His eyes glanced behind, hearing footsteps; it was Naruto.

The Uchiha had changed his attire; he looked more like Fugaku when he was on duty, minus the shin guards and the flak jacket. His apron didn't have the diamonds at the bottom, it had crimson magatama symbols. The Uchiha clan symbol on the shoulders and a large one on his back.

"I wasn't sure you'd come," Shikaku said in a tired voice, watching the Uchiha as he stood on his left side.

Naruto was certainly going to look more like Madara in a few years. If anything, he wasn't just going to look like him, but also like him in mannerisms.

"I was curious," Naruto replied after some silence. His voice was flat, his Sharingan, watching the bubbly streets. The mourning period had gone. Life was back to normal, just like that.

But the Uchiha still felt the pain. He still had troubles sleeping—a hollow of Fugaku haunted him. There was nothing that could cure the loss they felt and close the gaping holes drilled into their hearts by being used as sacrifices for the sake of Konoha's safety.

"What does the Jonin commander want from me?" He asked, glancing at the Nara head through the corner of his eyes.

Shikaku smiled—a bit nervously. "Please sit," he said. "I'd like to speak with you as a fellow clan head, not as the Jonin commander."

Naruto snorted. "You mock me," he said in an edgy tone.

"Not at all," Shikaku replied with calmness. "You're the head of the Uchiha. I recognize that. And I know you must've already been alerted of a few things. But neither the Sandaime nor the Council have addressed you. I don't think it is right."

Naruto glanced up, daring to stare at the sun. It was a no contest; he immediately shut his eyes and then settled down in silence.

What did the Nara want? To see if there was a way forward? Fugaku had only spoken of the man's intelligence and him being the only ally in the Council. But did it matter? He would not be part of the Council, and didn't want to bother himself by fighting for it.

"Losers are treated this way. We are nothing, at least now. The village can afford to act as if I don't exist." Naruto said with suppressed rage. "Well, not really surprising, considering there might have been some who wouldn't want me to become Clan head." He said the last part with a smile.

"What makes you think that?"

Naruto turned his head to Shikaku, giving the man a look.

"I suppose you're not pleased with the decision to exclude you from the Village Council."

"Not pleased? That is an understatement. I'm insulted. It is not the decision itself. But the fact that the Sandaime has not even told me himself. But that is the reality of our situation: Naruto said without emotion. "I am but a child. And the Uchiha live off past glory. We are a noble clan in name only. There is no more prestige. When you speak to me, you glance down, and I must glance up," Naruto said those words in a casual manner, with no hint of anger in it.

From Anbu records the Sandaime had allowed him to see, Naruto had a superiority complex. He was not shy to claim the Uchiha stood far above all other clans and powers. With that, came arrogance. And there was the pride. But it seemed unlike others, Naruto's pride didn't factor in much in how he acted. You heard him when he spoke, but for 'right' he'd drag his pride through the mud.

He was not stupid either. He killed without mercy. And seemed to have a thing for full blooded battles.

"Shisui is known throughout the shinobi world. Itachi is a prodigy, and you've already entered Kumo's bingo book. Of course, they hide that you battled their Jinchuriki. But not everyone faces a Jinchuriki and walks away unscathed."

"Being scathed is proof of battle. Anything else is just a friendly dance," Naruto said with a sneer. "What is it that you really want, Shikaku-san?"

"You must have already been told about the Uchiha seat and Military Police, and the Police Academy."

Naruto frowned deeply. He should have known they wouldn't trust. It didn't shock him they didn't but to think they would outright try to block him from political power was downright wrong. Yet, there was nothing he could do about it—at least for now.

The maddening part was that Military Police Force had now become independent of the Uchiha. This way, it was easy for outside sources to influence it. The only saving grace was that Uchiha would still head it.

"Shisui informed me."

"What do you think about it?"

"I think the village would rather have Itachi as clan head. Maybe Konoha would have interfered if we didn't move quickly," Naruto said. "But what do I think? We are weak, and can only watch while being stripped naked."

How it hurt. To be this powerless. He couldn't even go to the Sandaime and demand anything. He could only boil without any intention of bathing anyone. It was frustrating. But, there was nothing he could do.

He was Uchiha, but he was powerless. His strength alone couldn't make Konoha tremble. Until he was at that point, then could he expect some respect. For now, he was a cripple with big chances of a miracle. It was only natural for him as Uchiha—to rise to trample upon those who mock them.


Naruto laughed—a laughter that felt like a creepy melody. "We're forced to apply such concepts with fairness in Military Police. But in the grand scheme of politics, justice means nothing. Whether I see what is happening as Injustice means nothing. Those in power are right and I can only nod."

"But can you see a way forward?"

"I wouldn't be sitting here if I didn't think there was a place for the Uchiha. Konoha remains our home. We built this village with the Senju. Traitorous snakes, but we made peace with them and created the first shinobi village."

What Shikaku was getting from Naruto was a sense of entitlement. But, the Uchiha were indeed founders of Konoha. However, things changed. The village wasn't ruled by who founded it but by who the villagers wanted to lead them.

"I actually wanted to see if you and I can work together. I understand your concerns. I realize Konoha is in a better position in terms of Military Power when the Uchiha are within Konoha. Some form of harmony between clan and village is required. The Uchiha wont be weak forever. You'll grow in power. Itachi and Shisui's fame will only grow further.

"Military Police can be returned to the Uchiha—but not now. However, the Uchiha can still have influence. The Police Force academy; I can convince the Sandaime to let you run it. You understand the needs and requirements of Military Police Force. And given that Military Police's role is bringing order even among shinobi, highly specialized and skilled shinobi are required. The Uchiha are superior, hence they could handle Military Police Force.

"Our shinobi academy does not produce the best of shinobi these days. Normal shinobi are not even trained to handle Police duties. The work done in Military Police is different. You're more like Anbu, less the covert operations and openness."

"Shisui had told me to think about it and offer him suggestions he could take to the Sandaime," Naruto said.

"Had you?"

"The curriculum. Shinobi simply follow orders, escort, kill and destroy. There is some investigation, but its mainly killing enemies. There is discipline in Military Police Force. We don't fight to kill, but fight to suppress. Death still occurs, but we're not usually throwing Jutsu around.

"The Police Academy must teach its students how to investigate. Special skills and tracking and Intel gathering must also be taught. Jonin sensei usually teach their students techniques to protect themselves and succeed in missions. Police Academy must teach students how to dismantle a shinobi. If it is a Fire Based Jutsu, a student from the academy, won't first be taught how to launch it, they must understand its structure, its weaknesses. When you have learned to diffuse Jutsu, then can you learn to launch it yourself."

Shikaku thought Naruto hadn't had to think about it. It was basically how he handled his job when he carried out night duties. But it was understandable, Military Police engaged in the village. A normal shinobi would respond by launching another jutsu if an enemy sent one toward him. But Military Police's duty was to keep everyone safe. You would have to think about avoiding destruction and thus, a tactical battle had to be fought.

"In your view, Military Police has to be elite, and more powerful than other shinobi."

"Uchiha enforced order and justice because our power was not questioned. If Police aren't elite, there is no fear. Fear is not fine in other areas, but in Military Police, law abiding citizens must love you and law breakers must fear you." Naruto said. "But I don't see how this changes anything. Of course, I'd want to run the academy, but my reason is one of pride. Military Police emblem has the Uchiha crest. I would rather not let it be worn by mediocrity. If you're going to be a part of it, you must be worth it."

Shikaku laughed. "I'll speak with the Sandaime nonetheless," he said. "But you're right, this probably won't change much, but for Konoha, it does. Military Police Force will be made up of highly skilled Jonin, who could be far more valuable than regular shinobi in times of war."

"Are we heading toward war?"

"We could. But if we went to war right now, the Leaf wouldn't survive."

It was a pain to admit it, but it was the truth. The Uchiha were weak to even do anything. "Nara are always smart, at least in terms of strategies. You want to develop a strategy that ensures harmony between the Uchiha and Konoha's leaders. But you're already on bad footing—nobody trusts the Uchiha clan head," Naruto then stood up. "For the sake of the clan, we have to change things. I must work toward that goal. But as my power grows, the leaders become more nervous to the point of feeling threatened. I don't believe I have been wrong in anything I've said. So, I will not grovel to be trusted, nor will I waste my time on such efforts."

"You're not leaving much room for negotiation."

"There is plenty room to negotiate. But there must be lines, we can't cross. As long as the village cannot say we were mad to feel slighted, then I will not beg anyone to trust me. I cannot be driven to the edge of a cliff, and get told I'm being unreasonable when I fight back instead of jumping off the cliff.

"I have duties to my clan and the village. I will fulfil them. If the village demands I face a thousand men, I will charge into battle. Even if I am clan head, I will take missions, and do everything required of me. But if Konoha tries to suppress the Uchiha or treat us in any way that is unreasonable and unfair, I will push back.

That is my stance. Don't expect me to come before the Council, kneel and swear loyalty. I'm a shinobi of Konoha. This is my home and I love it. I stood and watched as my fellow clansmen were slaughtered. If the village still thinks I can't be trusted even after I allowed all that to happen, then you're the ones with a problem."

Unapologetic. But perhaps Naruto's words were revealing of his nature. Fairness stood out for him. He loved the clan, but recognized they had stepped out of line. Even if he would prioritize the Uchiha—he would still not do anything that threatens the Leaf.

As he has been saying, Konoha was his home. It was like a personal property. And that was a bit problematic.

Shikaku was glad he had this talk. It made him realize that as much as Naruto would think of his clan first, he would never jeopardize Konoha's future. Because, contrary to what others may think, he did love the Leaf and viewed it as the home his clan made sacrifices to built. More than anything, his fellow clansmen were killed—just so Konoha could be safe.

"Because you love your clan, you're not going to allow their deaths to be for waste."

"Sacrifices must be honored and respected."

Shikaku smiled. Naruto wasn't just being prideful. It wasn't only that he wasn't going to grovel or even work toward being accepted by Konoha's leaders. He actually just didn't care if they liked him or not. As long as they were fair to his clan, he would be fine. If he continued to be sent to missions, his name would become known. The Uchiha name would be feared once more. And even if Konoha didn't want, it would be left without any choice but to give them something.

Basically, Naruto understood how the game of politics works. He understood that those who become leaders were not those who impose themselves but those who carried favor with the rest of the village. Naruto was shown, he will carry out his shinobi duties without question.

But the biggest ace he had was Itachi. The Uchiha was already loved. If he continued on the path he was going, he could very well become Hokage. No, Naruto was banking on it. Itachi's loyalty was unblemished. Even if they didn't trust Naruto, they would still select Itachi because they trusted him.

"I understand your motivation and how you plan to make things work." Shikaku said. "Actions speak louder than words. If the village gets stuck on your words rather than your actions, then there is certainly something wrong." When Naruto didn't say anything, Shikaku spoke again. "There is also something I want to know."


"This is something a few people know. But the Kyubi rampage… The Yondaime's wife was giving birth when the Kyubi was freed. However, protective measures were taken because they the seal would have been weakened. But the Anbu who were guarding the place were murdered, as well as the Sandaime's wife. They were not killed by the Kyubi, but by a third party.

"This is what gave credence to the idea the Uchiha were behind it. But there was a perpetrator. Who, I don't know. But the Yondaime was obviously fighting someone. I know the Uchiha were not behind it. But I also know Fugaku knew more about that night than he let on. After all, he was the only one who knew who the Jinchuriki was."

Naruto's Sharingan sharply glanced at Shikaku. "What is your question?"

"I've just put two and two together when looking at everything that happened. The Yondaime's child died that night. But what else happened? Who was the perpetrator?"

"I would know because?"

"Fugaku kept you a secret. According to Shisui, you were like his right hand man. Itachi did reveal that he wasn't told clan secrets. That leaves to reason, he told you."

"If there was a perpetrator, and it wasn't said, then it stands to reason there was good reason for it."

"I have had time to think. I have worked with Danzo. And the Sandaime. There must have been something that spooked him into feeling the only way forward was to get rid of the Uchiha clan. Dark and twisted, but he was not stupid. During the attack, they obviously thought your clan was behind it.

Even if you were pushed outside, things returned to normal. Fugaku had the trust of the Sandaime. I wouldn't sat absolute but there were no doubts. The Third trusted him his life. And Danzo had been quiet, but still kept his eyes open.

"It's like a suspect was arrested for a crime, but evidence comes out that absolves his guilt. However, some people remain suspicious and do not fully trust the suspect. When he does something suspect, it is a eureka moment."

"I see…"

"I have had help from the Sandaime. He doesn't say anything but gives hints," Shikaku played down his intelligence.

"What you say makes sense, but I won't confirm or deny it—because I wasn't there. I was a little boy when everything happened. Whatever it is, it really changes nothing." Naruto paused, and stared down at the streets. "Unless of course, this is your way of saying you're not a fool and I can trust you."

"Well, you can't survive on your own. The Konoha machinery is too huge for just one person. If you stand secluded, the Uchiha will be secluded."

"Ah, so you wanting to me to run the Police Academy, is to cure that seclusion."

Village Streets

Naruto had his hands folded on his back, walking about the village Madara founded with Hashirama—his beloved home.

Itachi was truly loved in this village. Once they find out he has become clan head, they would glare at him and call him an usurper. Some part of him wished to see it, to experience the madness of it all.


He came to a halt, hearing the unfamiliar voice from behind. He turned his head and saw Hiashi walking with someone from his clan.

'Naruto-san' felt so unfamiliar, he felt a twist in his spine. The Hyuga clan head reached him and greeted him with a bit of a superior complex. He dismissed his subordinate and asked if they could walk together. Naruto merely shrugged and continued on his path.

"Congratulations on becoming Uchiha clan head," Hiashi said.

"Please; don't say things you don't mean."

It was the harsh nature in which Naruto replies that almost made Hiashi lose his composure. But he composed himself.

But to think he would be here, talking to Naruto as a peer? It was ridiculous. But they were here and he needed something. The boy was absolutely loyal to his clan and not the village, that gave him reason to worry. He would certainly be glaring at him if he knew he was advocating for his death.

Hiashi would keep his mouth shut and focus on the future. He'd already spoken to the Sandaime, and it was apparent that Naruto would retain his position and would become mainstay in the future. As long as he was around, Hiashi couldn't actively try to work against the Uchiha—for fear of raising old tensions.

"I heard that you are going to Kirigakure and have a favor to ask of you."

Naruto sneered. "Of course. Marriages of convenience dictate much in the shinobi world," he said.

"There is a man named Ao in the Hidden Mist. He obtained the Byakugan during the war. I want to regain it. We cannot have enemies knowing secrets of the Byakugan and wielding it."

"No doubt he obtained it from a member of the Main Branch," Naruto said with contempt. "The cannibalism of cousins by the Hyuga is sickening. We Uchiha are famous for darkness, but nothing compares to what you people do. I would never enslave my brother and make him a servant simply because I was born first."

"I'm not here to talk about Hyuga matters." Hiashi replied sharply. "I don't want to hear that from the Uchiha of all people."

"Well, at least we love our cousins," Naruto shot back. "But it is fine. State clearly what you want."

"The Sandaime Hokage will not approve of it. So, it must be done. I want the Byakugan to be retrieved. I don't care how and if that man dies. I just want the Byakugan." Hiashi said. "You love your clan above all things and will do well to protect it. I hoped you'd understand where I came from."

"I don't need to understand. Just tell me what I gain by doing something like that."

Straight to the point. And not even blinking at the idea of murdering one of Kiri's prized possessions—this was Naruto.

"I will help you if it is within my power and does not go against Konoha."

It was going to be a tough one, but Hiashi didn't think it was unfair. After all, he made it clear what he could offer and even if Naruto threatened to expose him, he could use his clan's position to shield himself. He could even go as far as to blame Naruto for everything—who would take the Uchiha's word over his?

"And you didn't speak to Shisui or Itachi, because?"

"They would tell the Sandaime."

Naruto laughed. "Politics… but fine… I'll retrieve it for you." He stopped laughing and glanced at the Hyuga. "You're not going to backstab me, are you?" He asked in a deathly quiet tone.

Hiashi didn't blink. "If I do?" He dared.

Naruto smiled. "I'm not going to threaten you."

"This is a honest request."

Outskirts of Konoha

Naruto looked back at the direction of the Hidden Leaf with an expressionless mask. If it wasn't because he trusted Shisui without doubt and had no question Itachi would sacrifice himself before allowing anything to happen to Sasuke, he would have been very hesitant to leave Konoha. He could only rest in comfort in those two facts—not that the Sandaime wouldn't try anything.

A kind man, but be ruled to the whims of his Council. His talk with Shikaku changed nothing. Only actions could convince him.

"I thought we would have had to drag you," Shisui said with a smile. He was standing on a tree branch, Itachi on the ground below him.

Naruto turned around, and glanced up at his fellow Uchiha. "If circumstances were different, I wouldn't have been willing." He sighed. "But I recognize that this mission that cements a new beginning for us. Konoha's safety is the Uchiha's safety."

"I'm with Shisui… I expected some resistance, even with those positives you speak." Itachi added his cents.

"We're already down and out," Naruto said in a bitter tone. "Anything more would be humiliation," he said. "Let us move along. The more we linger about, the more we take time away from home. Our people are defenseless without us."

"Naori is there," Shisui pointed out.

"I'd be relieved if you said Inabi. Not the Strongest, but he'd have gone out kicking and screaming," Naruto replied, hopping through the trees.

"He did give everyone to the clan," Itachi admitted in a quiet voice. "But now, it is up to us. We have to build from the bottom since we have nothing."

Naruto didn't reply. He understood the monstrous task ahead of him. And he was ready for it.

"This is our beginning," Shisui said. "Don't you want to lead? You're still my clan head. To be giving you instructions is sort of insulting to your position…"

After all, Naruto held pride in being Uchiha clan head. He was already prideful for just being an Uchiha.

"It is, but it just goes to show that the Sandaime has no respect for me."

Itachi wanted to say it wasn't like that but he shut his lips. The Sandaime didn't even want Naruto to be clan head. There was just no way he didn't consider this.

"But if is fine… I've already comforted myself by thinking I'm allowing you to call the shorts. And this is a good training exercise to see how far the three of us can go," Naruto replied, staring ahead.

Shisui laughed, while Itachi just shook his head.

"There seemed to be something happening in Anbu… you know?" Shisui asked Itachi.

"There seems to be some problem. Koharu and Homura have disappeared. They were supposed to go to the Fire Capital, but they never reached. I heard from Kakashi-san that the Sandaime is worried something wrong has happened. Or maybe Suna has taken hostage and wants to exchange them for Pakura-san…" Itachi replied without any emotion.

"I wish they were dead. They were part of the problem. It didn't seem right to me they got to live while Fugaku-sama, didn't." Naruto replied in a cold tone.

"It is still a major scandal." Shisui pointed out. "If it is Suna, the village won't have a choice."

"It will have a choice. They are old and will offer nothing. In Pakura, we have a skilled kunoichi. It is determining what is more valuable to the village," Naruto replied. "Besides, if Konoha allows itself to be held ransom by the likes of Suna, it has fallen to the gutters."

Itachi agreed with Naruto. "We're not going to war with Suna over this. But if we allow them force our hands, it just reveals to everyone that we've become weak and they might take advantage of us. We will surely go to war when things happen like that."

"No doubt Konoha won't ever admit to anything unless one of the Major villages is responsible."

"Indeed." Naruto said. "But our role is what is ahead of us. I do hope their mutilated bodies are, with word that they begged to be killed as it was mercy."

Nothing less was expected. Itachi would have halted and assumed they were dealing with an imposter if Naruto was saying something different. But, this was good. The grudge Naruto held would be lessened and they would be dealing with someone docile.

A couple of days later

Pakura was eternally grateful she made it out of Konoha and reached the Cloud without encountering anything dangerous. There had been thoughts of taking a detour toward the Sand. She knew the village, and could sneak in and have a conversation with the Kazekage but she'd been trusted with a mission by the Sandaime—she couldn't get side tracked by personal endeavors.

She would get her time with her former village and deal with their treachery.

As soon as she arrived in the Cloud, she was escorted to the Raikage's tower. The village was unique. It was certainly different from the Lead and Suna. Parted clouds gathered in a meeting above. There didn't seem to be rain coming. She hardly saw such natural phenomenon in Suna, but within the Leaf, it occurred regularly.

The Raikage was a huge man as advertised. He was standing on the side of his spacious office, lifting weights while a dark woman just watched. Pakura had to wait for him. He finished his sets before going on to acknowledge her presence.

"So it is true… you've turned over to Konoha." Ai said to Pakura with a slight glare. "What could course such an accomplishment shinobi to turn over to Konoha? I don't believe everything Sunagakure is saying. If it was true, the Leaf wouldn't take you in. That village is ruled by cowards."

"That is a matter I have not come to discuss. I stand here as a messenger of the Leaf. There is nothing to add but to simply hand over this letter," Pakura said, handing over the letter to Mabui. The woman took it to the Yondaime Raikage, who opened it and read through it.

"Sunagakure has branded you a traitor… you think there is nothing to add? I could decide to capture you and send you over to Suna. As far as I'm concerned, you're not a kunoichi of the Leaf but that of Suna…" Ai said, while reading through the letter.

"I really cannot say anything to that matter, Raikage-sama. You'll forgive me if it sounds as if I'm disrespectful."

Once Ai finished reading the letter, he crushed it and then sneered. "So, that man did give Konoha information…" but at least, not everything. "Tell the Sandaime I have no interest in hearing anything from him. Kumo will do what it needs to do. And Konoha is being a hypocrite. The Sandaime has stolen you from Suna. It cannot suddenly tell me not to steal."

"If that is your answer, I will tell the Sandaime Hokage."

"What do you think about joining Kumogakure? You've turned to Konoha, you can turn to us. We value people like you. I can even give you an opportunity to start your own clan within the Cloud. Unlike Konoha we can protect you. If we were to take action against you now, Konoha wouldn't do anything. But we're not like that. We defend our own."

"If I can turn on Konoha, then surely, I can also turn on you. Do you want a shinobi who switches loyalties like that, Raikage-sama?"

Ai smiled at Pakura. "You're not going to give away anything. It seems indeed what Suna is saying is wrong. They most likely betrayed you." He reasoned in a calm manner. "Your conduct here makes me desire you more."

"I'm flattered."

"Think about my offer. Our door will remain open." Ai said. "Tell the Sandaime he has no business telling me how to act. He still owes me and we've been butting heads a lot more frequently."

"I will deliver the message."

Shores of the Water Country

"Is it that fascinating?" Itachi asked Naruto. His clan head had been watching the waters in silence ever since they went onboard the ship.

"Nothing is fascinating as what we saw when Fugaku-sama took us to see piles of bodies," Naruto said, staring at the calm sea waters.

Those were memories forever burnt into his mind. Naruto couldn't forget it. The things he saw were what made Itachi into a pacifist. Yet, he still held no qualms about it. If people were his enemies, he would recreate those memories, and maybe then, would the image he rubbed away from his brain.

"Fascinating is wrong. It was horror," Itachi said with a shake of his head.

"Nothing compared to what Shisui saw."

Itachi agreed to this. "Yes… but those memories made us proper shinobi. We're just different in terms values but toward what we value, the attitude is the same."

Naruto actually turned to the side to glance at Itachi.

"Wait, don't tell me you'd not think of it before?" Shisui asked him with a raised eye brow.

Naruto shrugged. "What is there to think about?" he said. "How are we doing this? We are about to reach the Mist. And our mission is huge, with catastrophic consequences, should some other plans come into play."

Shisui leaned against the frame of the ship and stared into the sky. The wind was a bit cold. But the sea was calm. There had been times the waves punched into the ship and he thought they would be running to life boats.

"The Mizukage is waiting for us, so there is no need to sneak into the village," Shisui said. "But we don't know if he will he kind or hostile toward us. After all, we're going over issues regarding Pakura and the Raikage's plans with the Yukie clan."

"If he is hostile, we won't be given a lot of time in the village. Less time intelligence gathering," Itachi said. "We'd have to accept leaving, and then find a way to return."

"The village is covered in Mist. We could see with our Sharingan but not that much. If we get caught trying to sneak into the village, we're finished," Shisui said with a shake of his head.

The mission was truly difficult. The only thing that worked in their favor was Danzo's information. He'd done a thorough investigation. But they still had to confirm the Intel before moving—and that would require time.

"If they don't give us time in the village, we'll have to fool them. We all know the Kage Bunshin. The Mist is in chaos and there is no control. Kage Bunshin transformations are not mere illusions, so we can walk about. The only way we get discovered is by a sensor," Shisui explained.

"For Intelligence gathering, the Kage Bunshin is indeed an effective jutsu. And can buy as time." Itachi glanced at Naruto, wondering if he was going to say something but he seemed to be just listening with no intention to come up with a strategy. "If they welcome us, we can request another day to stay in the village and then leave. Without Danzo's information, we would need a month, at least."

"Yeah," Shisui admitted. "If they refuse us entry into the village, we'll have no choice but to infiltrate the village. We'll use Kage Bunshin to find a way in. But we can always come back to this. For now, if they refuse entry, we simply accept and leave."

"If they send someone us to the boat to ensure we have indeed left?" Naruto asked with a raised eye brow.

"Genjutsu," Itachi replied. "We can still apply the same thing to the Mizukage and his company. Just fool them into thinking we have left but then sneak into the village."

"The two of you are blessed with Genjutsu abilities, some of us, not so much." Naruto said with indifference.

"You're just as effective with normal Sharingan Genjutsu," Shisui pointed a finger toward Naruto's eyes. "But, yes; we can't turn back. We'll have to use every means necessary. We were chosen for this reason."

"Then, entry into the village seems a sure a thing. We cannot decide what we do unless we know and verify Danzo's information. But if is true, the only way forward is killing the Mizukage."

Shisui nodded. Even the Sandaime had considered this but wouldn't explicitly say it. "He is a Jinchuriki… but not mission impossible. There is also the Seven Swordsmen," he smiled. "If we succeed, we'll become famous."

"If?" Naruto seemed offended. "This is the best the Uchiha can offer at the moment. If we fail, the Uchiha has become a failure. The clan cannot afford such shame. We don't have a choice but to succeed. Besides, if we fail, it is war."

There was nothing that was said after this. It became clear to Shisui that the Sandaime sent them especially because of their Sharingan Genjutsu. If push came, they would have to rely on it. They couldn't fail. If they failed, Kiri would renew its alliance with the Wind, and the two would wage war on the Leaf. At that point, even Iwagakure would partake and it would be the end of Konoha and the Uchiha.

It was around noon when the ship docked. The place was busy with other ships—the majority of them with merchants delivering merchandise to the sea locked country.

Someone was kind enough to show them the way to the Mist. None of them had ever been to the village, navigating without a map would have left them walking in circles.

They walked for a bit before being welcomed by a wave of killing intent. It was the Yondaime Mizukage and the Seven Swordsmen. While Naruto shrugged off the intent, he was still impressed by the aura of the legendary shinobi in front of him. Their intensity lived up to their fame.

The Mizukage was standing on a boulder, hands folded across his chest. The Swordsmen surrounded him, looking at them with anticipation. They seemed like starved dogs, drooling with the desire to tore apart even bones of their meals.

"Welcome to the Hidden Mist." Despite the hostility from his guards, Yagura welcomed the party from Konoha pleasantly.

Shisui stepped up. "Thank you. We're honored that Mizukage-sama would welcome us himself."

"I wouldn't have," Yagura said in a calm tone. "But when I was told that it was Uchiha coming here, I had to see myself. Sending a team like this… is the Sandaime preparing for battle, because this is a strike force?"

He was saying that, but didn't seem at all bothered. This made Shisui a little more comfortable. "The shinobi world is dangerous and we were told the path to this village is dangerous."

"You're not here for any other purposes?" Yagura asked with an intense stare, hands still folded across his chest.


"Good. Because if you are, you will surely die. If there is any other reason, return to Konoha, and we will not attack you. But if you follow us, and then try something, you will not leave the Mist." Yagura said in a powerful tone, and with all the confidence of a Kage and Jinchuriki who'd mastered the power of his Bijuu.

"We accept your hospitality," Shisui did not hesitate. He then motioned for his fellow Uchiha to move toward the group from the Mist.

Their footsteps were halted when Zabuza crash landed in front of them. He drew out his large sword and pointed it toward Shisui.

"You, I know… you are Shunshin no Shisui?" The sworsmen stared, grinning with excitement.

"Indeed, I am." Shisui replied in a calm manner. "These are my colleagues; Naruto and Itachi Uchiha." He waved his hands toward the two, whilst keeping his eyes on Zabuza.

"I'm not interested in them," Zabuza replied sharply, with a dismissive shrug of his shoulders. "I hope you try something. I want to have an excuse you fight you."

"Some other time," Shisui replied with a smile.

Naruto sneered. "Is this what other feel when I look down on them?" He asked in a cold tone. "It is offensive…" he then smiled. "But, oh well… a man's ignorance can be forgiven."

Zabuza's eyes turned to Naruto. The moment he did so, he realized the Uchiha was different. Itachi didn't give off anything; he was an unreadable blank page but Naruto displayed his annoyance. And there was something in those unflinching eyes that made him feel like the Uchiha would fit right in within the Mist.

"That is enough, Zabuza." Yagura warned. "They are our guests. We must treat them well," he said, turning around to leave. And just like that, the Mizukage disappeared in a burst of water.

"Welcome to the Bloody Mist," Zabuza said with a wide grin.

Mizukage Office

Yagura sat behind his desk with an air of annoyance. He seemed to be ready to dismiss them without really considering what they had to bring to him.

Shisui handed the letter given to him by the Sandaime. But the man didn't immediately open it—he first stared at him and then asked.

"Who among you ruined things with Sunagakure?" He asked casually.

"Guilty," Naruto replied, waving his right hand. "I don't see what was ruined though. And Suna ruined it all…"

"We were working well with the Sand and you interfered. Well, it matters not. The Sand is in a weaker position," Yagura said with a slight shrug of his shoulders.

He opened the letter and read it in silence. "The Sandaime Hokage is very nice for this," he said, not in a mocking way. "Kumogakure has never been blessed with distinctive bloodlines. In fact, only our villages have valuable bloodlines, which is what has made us strong. The Cloud values this power."

"Konoha believes should they carry this out, the Cloud will become an even bigger threat."

"So, this is about Konoha." Yagura said. "Considering your position, I can understand. I will send my thanks to the Sandaime Hokage, but your help is not required. Kirigakure can handle its business."

"I do urge you to reconsider."

"There is nothing to consider. I will not be rude. You can stay in the village for the night. You had a long journey."

"We understand."


The village wasn't led by stupid people. Yagura hadn't allowed them to stay in the same hotel. They were separated and told it was for security reasons. Shisui had tried to protest, for safety reasons but he was told he could trust the Mizukage's word that no harm would come to them.

"There was no reason to suspect us of anything," Naruto said, sitting on the floor, Itachi and Shisui facing him. They were all suppressing their chakra, and had came here using transformations.

"They are just being cautious," Itachi said. "He was right. Having three Uchiha for diplomatic mission is overdoing it."

"Our reputation proceeds us, it seems," Naruto said in a proud voice. "But I'm a little disappointed; I was expecting a run down village. I expected to see chaos in the streets, but there was nothing of that kind."

The Mist might have a reputation as the bloody Mist, but the streets did not reflect this much. What Naruto had felt was the boiling anger that danced within the eyes of many. It was apparent Danzo was not wrong that Yagura was not a popular person with everyone within the village.

"The problem is a systematic one," Itachi said. "The people who run the village are the cruel ones. They make rules that give the village its name."

And with a system problem facing the Mist, there was only one option. The hatred and mistrust amongst the villagers was apparent, but they lacked the power. Yagura was reportedly the most powerful in the village and a Jinchuriki. He could enforce any rule he wanted, and anyone who dissented would be put to death.

"It is clear what must be done," Shisui said, shaking his head. "And we thought we had it worse. But the system in this village is worse. What kind of village implements a rule that compels children to kill each other in order to graduate from the academy?"

"Notably, Danzo didn't seem to disagree with the system in his report."

"He reportedly had his students kill each other if they grew closer. You were not allowed to develop emotions as a Root shinobi." Itachi said.

"Thug life," Naruto said with a shake of his head. "Some relationships must be nurtured. Classmates are friends. Friends can be considered family by some. If you can betray and kill those close to you for flimsy reasons, you're no better than an animal."

Shisui smiled. "It amazes me how morals mean nothing to you in any other thing but you draw the line in brotherhood. That is when clear lines of right and wrong are defined," he said. "You'd be an amazing person if you extended such morals to all situations."

Naruto ignored Shisui. "We've been permitted to walk about. And it would be suspicious if we didn't move." He said. "What are we supposed to do for the night, team leader?"

"Danzo's information has everything. If we can verity it, we'll take action tomorrow." Shisui said with his eyes closed. "There is only one thing to do in order to verify the information and that is to speak to a man who leaks information, Fuguki. It could of course be a trap. In account of this, I'll seek him alone."

"If it is a trap? They'll know."

"We will have no other option. But we cannot fight the entire village. If it is a trap, I'll manage and make some noise. I'll draw the seven Swordsmen to me. If the Mizukage stays in his office, the two of you have to plan how to occupy the people who guard him. One of you acts as a diversion while the other goes straight to him.

"But if we stop just there, we'll leave the village in ruin. Those who have been oppressed will seek revenge against those who have oppressed them now that their protector is dead." Shisui paused for a moment. "I'll make a plan about the way forward. You two just have to ensure Yagura is dead."

"If it isn't a trap?"

"I'll verify the message. You two cannot be together. Go out and do something. Try to catch something. We'll meet again at midnight, here."

"I'll have to remember to carry the sealing scroll with me," Naruto said. The scroll contained his weapons. "In a few hours then." Naruto disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Shisui sighed.

"We're actually going to overthrow the Kiri leadership," he said with a laugh. "They are not good for the village. But our primary concern is ensuring Kumo doesn't get the bloodlines and we get an ally.

"It was the Uchiha and the village didn't agree with it. But now, we're being ordered to support people who have thoughts to rebel against the tyranny of the Mizukage. Did the Third not see the irony?"

"I doubt. He didn't even want to explicitly order us that this is what we had to do. But if Danzo's information is true, there are many people in the village who want the Mizukage to be killed. If we work with them and do the fighting, we earn an ally. The Sandaime knew this much but still didn't want to say it out loud," Itachi replied.

"It is for such reasons I didn't blame you for working with Danzo." Shisui said, shaking his head. "Regardless, this is a dirty part of things that we have to play. This is not even worse. It is actually a good thing, at least for these people, and ultimately, Konoha."

"But once it gets out, they'll start thinking we control Kiri and might try to destroy it for this reason." Itachi pointed out.

"A possibility, but Konoha remains safe." And that was all that mattered.


Executing Hiashi's request was going to be a little difficult. This was not a small village but a great village. He'd left a clone at the hotel and was now strolling through the streets of the Mist. Naruto held no particular interest in whatever was happening. He just wanted to find Ao and take the Byakugan from him.

He couldn't even ask around openly because there were shinobi watching him. He excused himself to a toilet and created a clone, letting it go out on a hunt while he sat outside a dango stand. He'd preferred ramen, but he couldn't be picky.

While he sat about, memories from his clone arrived—Ao was not in the village. It was a bad timing, but nothing he could do about it.

Naruto decided to return to his hotel and just meditate.

With Itachi

"Far from home, ain't you?"

Itachi came to a halt, hearing the amused voice from behind. He turned around and saw a shark like man, leaning against a wall, with hands folded across his chest.

"Missions take you far from home," Itachi replied and then continued walking.

"No need to rush, Uchiha." Kisame said nonchalantly. "Unless, you're onto something and I'm disturbing. At which case, I'll let you continue," he grinned as he spoke.

"I'll continue." Itachi replied in the same tone and continued to walk away.

His response surprised Kisame. The Kiri Nin was forced to rush toward the Uchiha. Young, but still expressionless. He gave nothing away and didn't seem bothered by his looks.

Kisame placed a hand on Itachi's shoulder, causing him to stop. It was then that he really had a good view of the Sharingan. One look and he removed his hand from Itachi, holding it up, while flashing a toothy grin.

"A month ago, there were spies in the village. Only a week ago, I found out they were Leaf spies and had actually been in the village for about a month. They were gone before I could do anything. But I also found out something curious…"

Itachi looked ahead the street. It was indeed true Danzo's people were here. But could this have been a trap? Was Shisui in danger? He continued walking, but slowly.

Kisame took it as an invitation and walked with him.

"Still can't talk?"

"What do you want?" Itachi asked, his voice quiet, that he didn't sound rude.

"So you can talk," Kisame replied. "You're not here for anything bad, are you? Because if you are, I'd be more than happy to take you on."

When Itachi gave Kisame a look, the blue man laughed.


"You've never been put to such task since the Third War," Hiruzen said to Shikaku who sat in front of him.

"My wife is starting to worry. She questions if we're going to war. My son even thinks there is something wrong with me," Shikaku replied with a chuckle.

Hiruzen smiled. "How is young Shikamaru?" He asked. It was good that the clan heirs were about the same age. They would grow up together. Perhaps he could put them up for Military Police. This way, it would ensure the next clan heads of were safe and received special training that would make them stronger.

"Takes after his father."

Hiruzen chuckled. "Then you have a fine replacement," he said.

"He might find the job too troublesome given how hard I've been working."

"I'm sure he'll work around it. Perhaps I should even make you my successor."

Shikaku held up his hands, his expression dead serious. "The mantle of Hokage does not just need brains. It requires the prowess to be able to defend Konoha. I made my name with my teammates, not alone…"

Shikaku thought the Sandaime really wanted to resign but was compelled to continue because there was no suitable candidate. They may just have to force Kakashi into the role in the near future.

"Are you worried about the mission in Kiri?".

"I have sent them to essentially do a coupe," Hiruzen said. "Danzo would be proud. It goes against my ideals, but I realize that if I follow my ideals, Konoha will be in grave danger. You've never truly lived long enough in this shinobi world until you're forced to throw your ideals away." He finished with a bitter chuckle, a slight shake of his head.

"But at least we're just giving those who want to kill the Mizukage a helping hand. From Danzo's information, the village was already on this path, we're just ensuring there is a soft landing."

Hiruzen nodded. He would not admit it but it was what made him sleep better at night. "A report came from the Anbu last night. Koharu and Homura were taken. There were signs of battle and they found a trail," he said. "Kakashi is following it."


"It appears so. But they fought Anbu."

"Could be rogue shinobi."

"A possibility. We'll have to thoroughly investigate the matter and get to the bottom of it," the Sandaime said in a serious voice. "How was your talk with Naruto-kun? You spoke to him before he left the village…"

"Yes… I was processing everything he had said. It seems, the village Council has to sit with him. He is the Uchiha clan head." Shikaku replied in the same tone as the Sandaime. "From what I gathered, he doesn't care to convince us about his loyalty. He'll do what he wants and already has it figured out that we're likely to stand in the way of him getting political power. But if he grows too powerful, we may not have a choice but to accommodate."

Hiruzen wondered if he made the right choice. "Can we work with him?"

"Some things he won't bend over." Shikaku smiled at this. "But, as long as we are fair, there will be no collision and he'll do what is required of him… I told him I would speak to you about letting him lead the Police Academy."

Hiruzen was silent. There was the fear that Naruto could raise loyal shinobi who'd follow him. But, then again, the Uchiha wasn't like that. And it wasn't like everything would be done behind closed doors. The village would have a path to what was happening. And it would give a chance for them to keep an eye on the Uchiha head.

"His methods?"

"He'll train fine shinobi. He has fine ideas but if you have no problem, we can have him organize everything and decide whether we agree with it or not."

"Well, it will give him something to do, and he knows Military Police far better than Shisui," Hiruzen said. "I will permit it. I'll be making you my advisor. The Council will not be involved in everything. I don't want to create a precedence that will create a power struggle between my successor and the Council."

While they were talking, an Anbu appeared in the office.

"What is it?"

"It is best if you come to the hospital, Hokage-sama." The Anbu replied.

Hiruzen nodded and dismissed Shikaku. He followed the Anbu to the hospital and found Kakashi waiting outside the a room with Hanabi. He dismissed the Inuzuka and walked inside the hospital room.

The medical kunoichi were busy panicking around the white bed. On it, a bleeding Koharu was lying there. She looked shriveled, both arms missing from the shoulders. She looked as if she been stabbed all over by a mad man. Her eyelids were shut, the medical-nin were sweating profusely trying to stabilize her that they didn't even notice his presence.

Hiruzen walked outside and had Kakashi follow him back to the office. He had a stern face as he sat behind his desk. An Anbu team was behind the silver haired shinobi.

"What happened?" He demanded.

"They were taken by a group of bandits. There were four A-rank shinobi and a few C-rank. We believe they ambushed the Anbu with their overwhelming force and took down the Anbu. They then took them to their camp.

"They were tortured, both of them. Homura-san didn't make it alive. We found him dumped outside the camp. Koharu was barely alive when we found her. We gathered some of the bandits and they didn't seem to know why they would target them or how they found them. All they said was that the leader came up with the information and was torturing the two information regarding Konoha's secrets. We don't know who hired them."

"And the leaders?"

"Two of the A-rank were killed in battle. One was captured but his body was covered with explosive tags. His body was destroyed by the flames. It seems the leader burnt himself as well…"

Hiruzen frowned deeply. "This could have been executed without alerting them of an attack. You could have gone for the leader first!"

One of the Anbu replied. "Our scout saw the dire situation Koharu-sama was in. We did capture one of the bandits to tell us where the leaders were. There were three of them, and the leader was outside of camp—nobody knew that. We could have waited, but we decided to prioritize saving Koharu-sama's life."

"I want a detailed report!" The Sandaime said. "You're dismissed," he said to the Anbu. "Stay behind, Kakashi."


"I'm disappointed that none of the leaders were captured. Were you able to recover the bodies of the other A-rank?"

"Yes. The Anbu have sent them to Inoichi-san. And bandits were we captured have been delivered to Ibiki-san."

Hiruzen nodded and became silent for what felt like an eternity. "It can wait," he said to himself. "Anything else?"

"The Anbu will confirm, but it seemed the two did in fact reach the Fire Capital. But they immediately chose to come back. They might have figured out what happened. A-rank shinobi, but the Anbu should have been able to deal with them."

"Something suspicious," Hiruzen said with narrowed eyes. "Were you able to recover any of the Anbu?"


"I see," Hiruzen fell silent for a moment and then spoke again. "You may go."



When Shisui arrived at his hotel room, he found both Naruto and Itachi waiting for him. The former was pressed against the wall, tapping a finger on his elbow with impatience. It was curious—Shisui couldn't remember the last time he saw his fellow Uchiha looking impatient. If anything, Naruto had an abundance of patience.

He walked over to his bed and settled on the edge. "Sorry for keeping you waiting," he said apologetically.

"What took you so long?"

"I had to go out and verify some other information," Shisui replied.

It appeared, nobody really worried for him. The absolute trust they had in his power was impressive. Then again, even he thought the two could handle almost anything thrown at them. They were not invincible, but they could hold their own until help arrived.

"I came up with nothing," Naruto said. "I can't say much about this village. I'd be more than happy to burn Yagura myself. How can you be a leader and treat people the way he does?"

"Power corrupts." Itachi suggested.

"Or maybe, some people are just that twisted. Kirigakure has potential." Naruto said, and then frowned. "But I do not understand why Konoha just doesn't take over. Whoever we make a leader, we could simply make obey the Leaf."

"It would only lead to us being betrayed in the future."

"They can still betray us even in this way." Naruto shook his head. "Konoha truly is led by kind hearted people. Missions are missions nonetheless."

"I came across a man named Kisame. He is an underling of the man you went to see," Itachi revealed. "He didn't say much. It seemed, he wanted to find out something. I couldn't give away anything as I didn't know how things were at your end."

"Well, Danzo's Intel is correct. That man is indeed leaking Kiri's secrets. He also revealed to me that Zabuza is secretly gathering support for rebelling against the Mizukage. He said 'secretly' but apparently the Mizukage already knows about it."

Naruto smiled thinly. "How nice of him. Let the dissenters reveal themselves at once and then crush them," he said.

"But Zabuza is not even the strongest within the Swordsmen."

"The others don't seem to care about the state of the village. Or maybe we just don't know. But at the moment, there is one ally in the Swordsmen. Before we do anything, we must approach him to tell us weaknesses of the others and then we will help him overthrow the Mizukage." Shisui said.

"I'll go see this Zabuza. He has some funny rumors. I'd like to meet the man who calls himself a demon," Naruto said. "A mere man calling himself a demon…" he shook his head with contempt. "Killing all your academy graduates is not demonic. It just speaks of a rotten man. But I wonder how rotten he is if he sees something wrong with Yagura."

"If you can work with him, let him know we want to make a move before the day ends. We have to move before any other Great Nation knows we are here. Let them know once we are already in Konoha. I'd like for us to be leaving by tomorrow night. We're not going to be fighting all shinobi, we go straight for the head," Shisui said. "But with enough groundwork to ensure whoever steps up is able to clean up the supporters of Yagura."

"And we can't let it show we working with them," Itachi said. "It is better, for now, for the whole of Kirigakure to view us as enemies. It will make it easier to those who will take charge to unite the village. There is already enough hatred for the Mizukage. Once the truth comes out, once things are settled, they'll thank us."

"Indeed, Itachi… indeed," Naruto said in agreement.

"But who can take over Kirigakure?" Itachi asked.

"There is a woman named Mei Terumi. She holds two bloodlines. I will test her and talk to her about this. If she is not worth it, then we can let Zabuza take over. We want to ensure that we don't leave the village fighting for who becomes the next Mizukage."

"I'll see that Zabuza talks to his people," Naruto said. "You know where I can find him? I want to go now."

"It's the middle of the night."

"I do some of my best work in the middle of the night."

"I'll tell you," Shisui said. "It just means by morning, we should know where we stand…" he paused, thinking. "How are we going to do it if we come to an agreement?"

"Zabuza will have to gather the Swordsmen. I'll dance with them." Naruto said. "Some of his men will make noise at the Mizukage tower. Itachi will have to use a swift attack to disable the Mizukage. He doesn't have to fight him. If that happens, the whole village gets dragged and we won't be able to leave."

Shisui thought about it and then agreed. "Once you attack the Swordsmen, I'll attack Mei-san in order to test her…" he paused, and stared at Naruto. "But fighting the Swordsmen alone will be too much, even for you."

"I'm not fighting to win. Like I said, I just want to dance with them. Besides, Itachi won't take time. Once he is done, he signals, and we retreat to a safe place." Naruto explained. "We should move before noon. That way, we can observe how things are. I want to rush back home, but I also want to ensure this isn't a failure of a mission."

"You'll tell us how things went with Zabuza in the morning then."


About Thirty Minutes Later

Zabuza was woken up from his bed when he sensed a presence in his room. Even in the darkness, his nose sniffed the danger.

"I specialize in silent killing, you'll have to do better," he said in a flat tone, eyes dancing around while, gripping a kunai under his pillow.

"Impressive." A voice from the shadows.

"Have you been sent by that bastard Yagura?" Zabuza demanded, slowly getting up from his bed.

"How I wish."

And then, Zabuza found himself pinned down by the paws of the Kyubi. Below him, a sea of blood and corpses. The sound of craws cawing sent shivers down his spine. He knew it was Genjutsu, because he'd been on his bed. There was no way a giant beast like that could have popped out of nowhere without destroying things.

He tried and failed to dispel the illusion, but it became undone.

Zabuza found himself staring into crimson eyes within the darkness of the room. It was not the normal Sharingan. He was positive it was the Mangekyo Sharingan. The young person had his foot on his chest. He didn't even know how he found himself lying on the floor of his room.

A crippling bloodlust shot into his body. He felt intense fear. As he tried to push away, the Uchiha grabbed him by his throat, and them started to slowly strangle him. This forced him to try to break free, kicking out in turn.

But reality changed, and Zabuza found himself still on his bed, the Uchiha standing just in front of him.

His breathing became chaotic.

But Zabuza laughed like a mad man. His laughter echoed into the walls of the room. Everything had been a Genjutsu. The strangulation had felt so real. The fear was real. Even now, his heart still thumped like mad.

"The demon is a man, after all." Naruto said in a cold voice.

Zabuza knew when someone was looking down at him. And he didn't take fondly to it. He was a proud member of the swordsmen. He wasn't about to allow a brat insult him, in his own house.

He got up from his bed, and stood tall over the Uchiha, looking down on him. But the Uchiha looked up to him, amused. It only made him infuriated and he tried to grab him by his throat, but his hands froze in mid-air. Pain shot through his knees as he was hit from behind, snapping him out of another illusion. He found himself falling down, hitting the floor on his knees.

He twisted around, and found the Uchiha looking down at him, sitting on his bed. Those damned eyes staring at him as if he was an insignificant bug.

"In all wars, there has always been a rule known to everyone; if you're alone, you don't face an Uchiha, you flee. Everybody knows Sharingan Genjutsu is powerful…" Naruto stated as if narrating some story. "Alas, we're still man and not invincible." He said with disappointment. "But, Zabuza, before these eyes of mine, you're just a mere man… not the demon you so claim to be. Use that title to frighten children into behaving, and leave it when facing real shinobi."

"You have one second to explain what you want, or you're not leaving here alive."

"How do you even know you're not under my illusion? You've been brave enough to stare directly at my Sharingan."

"What do you want?" Zabuza asked in a slow tone, his killing intent leaking.

"You're serious. We can talk now. We're here to help you overthrow Yagura. And don't think Konoha will demand subservience. Personally, I would. But I'm not the Hokage. Get your people ready. And by tomorrow night, you'll be proudly standing stop of the Mizukage tower, after you have freed your village from Yagura's grip."

"What does Konoha want in return?"

"An ally. We're short of friends. And we thought, if we did this, we would gain an ally, who would be grateful to us." Naruto explained. "But, I also want some information on a man named Ao. I understand he is not within the village. Once Yagura is dead, you'll have access to the Mizukage office. Get me information about his mission, so that I can track him down."

"This is about the Byakugan." Zabuza narrowed his eyes. "I don't want to know."

"I wasn't going to tell anything. You'll sort things out? As I have displayed, we have the power. Whether Yagura is a Jinchuriki or not means nothing to us. We can take him down. But it would mean nothing if we do that, and Kiri descends into a civil war."

Zabuza laughed while getting up. He walked over and grabbed his sword. "You'd be treated as heroes if you killed that man. He is the most powerful person in Kiri. And he rules with an iron fist. The majority of people hate him. I wouldn't even be surprised if they offer whoever kills him the position of Mizukage. We want to kill him, but we have no power."

"Good. That makes things easier. We don't want to kill just everyone. Just Yagura. We don't want to leave Kiri powerless."

"If Yagura dies, this whole village will celebrate. There will be no civil war." Zabuza said, and then swiftly pointed his sword toward Naruto. It reached his throat in the blink of an eye. "And you're not here being sent by him?"

"We will be watching. Get the Swordsmen to gather. I will keep them busy, while Itachi neutralizes Yagura. Shisui will engage the woman named Mei. It seems she is the next most powerful." Naruto then pushed Zabuza's sword away and stood up. "I'll come back by sun rise to hear what you have planned."

He disappeared in a burst of harmless flames.

Zabuza stared at the bed and thought of cutting it down.

He really was going to break that brat's knees and make him experience this humiliation.

End of chapter