
A New Alliance

So they attacked because of those two Namgung people who I invited into the cult... Well this is great. I guess the bringing the enemy of your enemy into your base as a friend brings the enemies of your new friend with them.

The Violet Dawn clan? That must be the name they go by in this reality, saying that they still use the same martial arts and types of poison. Still, accepting that they were Orthodox would be annoying.

"Violet Dawn clan leader, before we speak about how we can resolve this issue, I believe I need to provide care for my injured disciples. Would you be so kind as to wait while I attend to them?"

"Ah, yes. I will wait, although I'm not sure how you will help that one behind you. Arms are not so easily reattached, and even if they are, their functions and movements won't be the same for years."

Normally he would be right, but I can't exactly show him that we can reattach limbs if they were cut correctly.

However, when I picked up Pyo Kang's severed arm, everything had become apparent to me. The cut was clean, but it had been made through the clavicle, so reattaching the limb would require more effort than it normally would.

Picking up Pyo Kang's arm and helping him off the ground, I left the cult leader building with a sour expression on my face. This situation I was in wasn't the best I could be in, if I reattached Pyo Kang's arm and the Violet Dawn clan leader saw, it would cause confusion and bring problems to me. But if I didn't reattach his arm then he might lose all functionality in the arm.

Such a dilemma, both situations were bad for me, but only one was slightly better.

"Pyo Kang, once I reattach your arm, get some rest and have the executives guard you. There shouldn't be any more attackers, but just to be sure I will be nearby, call my name out if something happens."

Though, my words were for naught, as Pyo Kang had already passed out, be it from blood loss, or just having the chance to rest now that I could tend to him.

Pyo Kang and Pyo... No, I can't think about him right now, I can't let my emotions flare up. If they do, it'll be a weakness that the Violet Dawn clan leader can exploit.

I set Pyo Kang down against the cult leader building, it was a good thing I taught Pyo Kang how to reattach arms. From the day I taught him onward, he would carry a needle and thread in his robes.

Forty-five minutes later I walked back into the cult leader building. Getting Pyo Kang's bones and bone marrow to reattach to each other in the correct position was more of a hassle than I thought, and with the fight against those assassins earlier, a little more than half of my internal energy had been used.

"So, Violet Dawn clan leader, why don't we start with introductions? My name is Ryu Il, and as you know, I am the disciple of Ryom Un-Ju from another reality."

The Violet Dawn clan leader gave a simple bow as he spoke, "I'm Min Jang-Ryung, leader of the Violet Dawn clan."

Min Jang-Ryung? I guess he's not the same leader from my original life.

"Well, leader Min Jang-Ryung. I would like to clear up the reason why your source saw Namgung clan members coming in and out of this cult's headquarters."

"So, there were Namgung clan bastards here, why is that?"

"Leader Min Jang-Ryung, I happen to be on very bad terms with the Namgung clan. And after hearing how they treat the lower-level members of the clan; I gave those two and their families a chance to become more than just dogs of the Namgung."

It seemed like my words lit a switch in Min Jang-Ryung's head, as a moment later he replied with my exact plan.

"You were going to use them to gain information on the Namgung clan while gathering more troops to go to war with?"

"You're quite smart Leader Min Jang-Ryung, and since you're quite smart, I'm guessing you know what you've done now?"

Doubt began to spread across Min Jang-Ryung's face, his mind must have been running in circles trying to find a solution to the problem he had created.

The enemy of one's enemy is a friend, but he had just attacked a potential friend. Such an action would only make the enemy of your enemy an enemy to you as well.

"I've made an egregious mistake by attacking a potential comrade who will fight the Namgung clan. As the leader of the Violet Dawn clan, I must atone for this mistake."

Min Jang-Ryung bowed to me once more, this time however, it was a deep bow of respect, instead of a light bow of greeting. I had a good idea of what I wanted to receive, but whether Min Jang-Ryung would be willing to accept my demands was another thing.

"Leader Min Jang-Ryung, if you truly wish to repay me for the slaughtering of my disciples and having angered what could be an ally against the Namgung clan. I will request two things from you."

"I will grant them if they aren't too troublesome to grant." Min Jang-Ryung replied, keeping his bow low as he spoke.

"First, I want the Violet Dawn clan to enter an alliance with me and my followers, alongside the Wudang clan."

"That is doable, but what of the second request?"

A subtle smirk rose across my face as I spoke aloud the second and best request I could ask for.

"At the Orthodox Alliance meeting next year, I want you to put forth a suggestion to bring an end to the Namgung clan, and request that I be the leader of the assault team."

Min Jang-Ryung's face instantly morphed from relaxation to shock, the Orthodox Alliance meeting was only once a year, and each of the Twelve Heads of Orthodox were only allowed to put forth one suggestion.

He was being told to give up his only suggestion up for the chance to bring down the Namgung clan forever.

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