
Anko Mitarashi

Ibiki yelled out:Times up pencils down.

After saying that ibiki seen kankuro come in and walking to his seat and said i hope the puppet was helpful for you.

Kankuro hearing that sweated as he knew ibiki had known he used his puppet for gathering answers.

Ibiki clearing his throat said: alright now for the 10th question.

You could stay here in the exam and never be able to take it again or leave and be able to take it again.

Ibiki:which will you choose you have 30 seconds.

Having said that also to put kore pressure on them to force more to leave.

Looking around ibiki had seen alot being under the pressure and then seen one kid that is perfectly relaxed.

Ibiki thought:"its that uzumaki kid he seens relaxed does he already know thay answer?"

Ibiki deciding to speak said: uzumaki you seemed relaxed over there did you not hear the tenth question?

Everyone turned to naruto seeing him actually very relaxed with his legs on the desk.

Naruto opening his eyes: yes i did understand the question why do you ask?

Unknown to naruto ibiki looked like he was about to pop a blood cell

Because you are the only one in this room that is not frightened or nervous by the question.

Naruto said oh its just that this question is not terrifiying at all k heard worse.

Naruto: i heard you were the best interrogator but is this really the best you have maybe you have gotten softer as you gotten to be an older age.

After naruto said that you could hear pin drops as it was sulenter than it was before.

Ibiki before he gets angrier said:since your so smart why dont you explain the purpose of the test.

Naruto sighing said: if you say so. The first nine questions was to test your gathering skills as the test is harder than it should for genin as for the tenth question it is testing your determination and bravery as a chunin their are more risky missions and tough decision as you would have to choose the mission over allied dying or the chance to never return from the mission.

Finishing his answer everyone was shocked at the answer and ibiki was impressed with the answer as he was correct as it could happen.

Ibiki said:as you have said the purpose of the test correctly everyone that stayed passes.

Right as he finished a flag went flying through the window which said "the sexy and single anko".

Naruto said: 8 out of 10 for the entrance but it could have been better if you were not early.

Ibiki: what the kid said you are early… prolonging it and then said again!

Anko scratched hrr head in embarrassment and then to hide it had said

Alright kiddies enough of this relaxed atmosphere follow me to the next area of the exam and jumped back out the window.

Unknown to the genin there were a secret camera in the room that was on.

Everyone of the jonin watching the exam was shocked at the answer of naruto.

Kakashi thought: its like naruto knew exactly ehat he was saying like he experienced it before

Kakashi said:what am i thinking he is just a kid of course ge did not experience it i think…

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