
Interlude: The Council and the Lovecraftian Court.

Author Note: This is a kind of !!!CRACKISH!!! Fanfiction. I don't own Marvel and DC, nor I am some sort of loremaster.

I only writing this for fun nor I am British.


-Do not go gentle into that good night,

Old age should burn and rave at close of day;

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.-

-By Dylan Thomas-


(♪ Signalis Soundtrack - Dream Diary ♪)

Administrative Ground Zero.

Outside The X12 Committee Auditorium.

Chairwoman Eon POV.

I have been summoned by the Council regarding the matter of Project Unthinkable and my apparent infraction of the Accord. Apparently, my minor assistance with the first Avatar hasn't gone unnoticed by The Committee and I may have set a precedent for further interference in the System Forces Program.

I was sitting in the lobby of the X12 Committee Auditorium, awaiting my summons. Looking around, I have only been here a few times at the start of my presence. It was an abstract place with all-white walls and minimalist all-white decor.

I can feel the absolute power that emanated from this place and the being within it. The X12 Committee was the highest authority in the Omniverse, responsible for maintaining the status quo and power balance in Omniverse. Because without it there would have been a war on a scale no lesser being could comprehend.

The Council is made up of 12 All-powerful Omniverse Omnipotent Beings capable of wiping out whole realms with a mere thought. They were also the ones who created the Accord that oversees the happening in the Multi-verse, especially those who possess vast amounts of power. Despite my power, I and many other beings were subjected to the Accord. As I was deep in thought, I feel two beings materialize in front of me.

There was a bird of fire that came together into the shape of a beautiful woman wearing a white and gold costume, with a white phoenix emblem on her chest and a white firebird aura around her body.

A man with sky-blue skin, white slicked-back hair, and a blue halo that floats above his head. He wears a dark blue long-sleeved shirt with a red belt that has the kanji symbol for "Grand", matching pants, and white boots.

"Well...I did warn you about the results of interfering with the progress of the first Avatar, *without* the committee's approval, Eon," The Grand Minister of the Dragon Ball universe said with a stern tone. "It may be a minor violation of the Accord, but it still can't be tolerated."

"I am aware of the consequences, Grand Minister," I replied calmly, "but come on...we all know this is an overreaction at most,"

The Phoenix Forces of the Marvel universe spoke up, her voice cool and collected. "Eon, I agree with you that this is an overreaction, I myself have also interfered in the mortal world before, but you still did it *without* the committee's seal of approval."

"I aware...,"

The Raptor of Life and High Priest exchanged a glance before nodding their heads. "Very well, Chairwoman. You may enter the Council chambers now. We will wait for you here."

I stood up from my seat and bowed respectfully to the two powerful beings before entering the doors that led to the Council chambers. As I enter, I already feel multiple sets of eyes on me, some curious, some disapproving.

Looking around, I saw multiple being in, attendance, all of them powerful and influential in their own right. There was the unmistakable Azathoth the awakened blind and idiotic god of Chaos, Nuclear Chaos, and Lord of All, surrounded by his maddening and insidious court like Yog-Sothoth and Nyarlathotep sitting on the wayside. I can feel the look of amusement in his maddening aura.

Zeno (Dragon Ball Z), the God of Everything, sitting on his throne, observing everything with a neutral expression. His attendants, the Grand Minister, also known as the Great Priest, stood on byside of him, ever watchful.

There was The One Above All (Marvel) and his rival The Presence (DC) sitting opposite each other, and I could feel their interested gaze on me. Surrounding them were the Spectre, Living Tribunal, and other cosmic entities. Including the Phoenix Forces and Lady Death.

There were obviously many other but still powerful beings in their own right like The Mother of Existence or also known as Man of Miracles(Spawn Universe), Eru Ilúvatar (The Lord of the Rings), The Guardian(Amphibia), and many many more all seated and were looking at me.

"Showtime," I quietly said cracking my neck, took a deep breath, and approached the center of the room, standing at the designated spot.

After a while, the floor and the wall around all of us disappeared revealing 12 beings of immense power floating in the center of the room, each one shrouded in darkness. They were the Council, currently the only ultimate leading authority in the matter regarding the balance of power and status quo within the 12 entire echelons of the multiverse itself.

I stood at attention and bowed my head in respect. "Council members," I greeted them respectfully.

X1-12 also known as The Old Blood among the oldest of the 12 nodded at me and spoke up with a fatherly yet kind echoing voice. "Welcome Ladies and gentlemen, to Ground Zero, the seat of power of the X12 Committee."

"And a Welcome to you too The New Great Primordial Codesinger and Committee Appointed Chairwoman, Aeonian," X2-12 also known as the Timespinner said, her voice resonating in my mind as well as in the room.

"Let's get started, shall we?" X6-12 also known as Big Brother said, his voice seen to distort the very fabric of reality itself. "We make this quick because everybody in this room has own their business to attend to."

"First thing first your request to escalate Project Unthinkable has been approved," X9-12 said, their voice sounding like a whisper in my ear. "But under strict supervision and guidelines from the Committee. Any further interference without our approval will result in severe consequences."

I nodded my head in understanding. "Understood, Council. I will comply with the guidelines and supervision set forth by the Committee."

"Good," X12-12, the youngest and newest member of the Council said, their voice sounding like a child's giggle. "Now, let us discuss your infraction of the Accord. The Committee has determined that your actions in assisting subject Skyfall were a minor violation of protocol Penrose, but a violation nonetheless. We have decided to issue a warning for now, but any further violation will not be tolerated."

"I understand, Councilor. I apologize for any inconvenience caused by my actions," I said humbly, bowing my head in respect.

"You better be..." X5-12 also known as the Watcher said, his voice sounding like a whisper in my ear. "You don't want to end up disavowal like your last...predecessor."

I almost flinched at the mention of my predecessor, who had been disavowed and excommunicated for his repeated violations of the Accord.

"Rest assured, Council, it won't happen again," I replied, trying to hide the hint of apprehension in my voice. "If I ever have any doubts or questions regarding the Accord, I will consult the Committee first before taking any actions."

"That is wise," X7-12 also known as the Visionary said, her voice sounding like a soft breeze. "Remember, Chairwoman Eon, the Accord was created for a reason. The balance of power and status quo must be maintained at all times. We can't have any beings running amok with their power and disrupting the equilibrium of the multiverse."

I then feel the Council turn their gaze from me to where Azathoth and his court were sitting. I can feel the tension in the room, and I knew that The One in the Abyss was not someone to be trifled with.

"Azathoth," X1-12 said, his voice sounding like a father's gentle chiding. "We have received reports of your courts' activities in various multi-verses. They are disruptive and destabilizing. You have been warned before, but it seems that you have not heeded our words. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Azathoth didn't reply, but his court began to whisper among themselves, their voices sounding like a discordant symphony. But then I could feel his eye on me. It was a very intense gaze. Then a portal suddenly opened up beneath them, and before they disappeared into it. I see Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos, the right hand of Azathoth, giving me what I could describe as a cheeky wink and a sinister grin before he entered the portal himself.

"Azathoth, this is your final warning," X3-12 said, her voice sounding like a thunderclap. "Any further violations will result in severe consequences."

"Fuck me," I muttered a bit rattled.

The Council then turned its attention back to me. "Is there anything else you wish to discuss, Chairwoman Eon?" X4-12 asked, his voice resonating like a bell.

"No, Council. That is all for now," I replied, bowing my head in respect.

"Very well. You may go," X2-12 said, her voice echoing like a whisper in the wind.

I bowed again before turning and leaving the Council chambers. Outside, The Grand Minister and the The Fire bird was waiting for me.

"Well, that went way better than expected," The Grand Minister said with a smirk.

"You got off easy," The Phoenix Forces added with a small smile.

I chuckled softly, grateful that I had not ended up like my predecessor. "Yes, I did. But do not mistake their leniency for weakness. The Council is not to be taken lightly…Although I still don't get why the Daemon Sultan dislike me for some reasons."

"I understand, Big E..." The Phoenix Forces said with a grin. "But let's not dwell on that now. We have work to do. The escalation of Project Unthinkable needs to be started, and we need to get to work on that right away."

"Agreed," I said, nodding my head in agreement. "Let us get to work, Stage 2 of Project Unthinkable is a go,"


AN: What do you guys think?

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