The mighty little peep star: [Just passing by at the set of director Xu's new movie. Nothing to see here, nothing at all, not even an actress ripping a hole in the dress of another actress. Everything is peaceful on our set. Our actresses have a relationship of a loving big sister and a little sister. Like I said, nothing to see here]
Attached picture is of a back view of an actress touching a dress and another picture is of the back view of the actress meant to wear the dress angrily throwing it to the ground.
I smell trouble: [Hahahaaa, peep star, you enjoy starting trouble, I like it.]
Fire Lord Ozai: [Please pass by every set and keep us updated on the activities of our stars.]
Jun Jun: [Peep star, can you pass by and check on my love the crown prince?]
Potato head: [So according to the paparazzo, actresses Song Yuan and Si Heian are not getting along.]
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: