
HWI 155

[Announcement: Apparently, someone made a Chinese translation of this story and posted it on Qi(dian), a very popular site in China. The title is "Return to Hollywood". Yes, the title has changed as well.

So I want to clarify a few things. The author of this novel is me, Pujimaki, a Filipino born on January 6, 2000. Yes, today is my birthday and this news is a surprising thing, I won't lie...

Anyway, I only publish my novels on Webnovel, ScribbleHub, RoyalRoad and Questionable Questing, where you can read them for free. So if you're reading this on another site, it means this novel is being pirated.]

Hollywood What If Chapter 155

The car accelerated and Cameron Diaz blushed as she looked at herself in the rearview mirror. It seemed she didn't need to put on any blush because her cheeks were already red.

She grinned and couldn't help but remember what had happened last night. Kazir may have been drunk, but the way he caressed her was satisfying and breathtaking.

Honestly, she slept peacefully after that. It was late when she woke up. The thing was that Kazir had already prepared breakfast for her.

If there was one disappointing thing, it was that Kazir had told her that he was not ready for a serious relationship. Well, there was nothing to be done... But she would definitely visit him from time to time.

She wanted to stay, but she had a movie shoot today. The filming of Charlie's Angels started two weeks ago and she had three scenes today.

Cameron Diaz smiled as she looked at the apartment building for the last time. She hadn't expected this meeting, but she didn't regret it.




"Charlie's Angels..."

Kazir Grey lifted his cup and sipped at his home-brewed coffee. He remembered what had happened a few years ago.

'I tried to buy the copyrights, but Colombia Pictures wouldn't agree.'

Sony-Columbia was struggling to maintain its status among the Big Six. They need a strong franchise to keep the company going.

Charlie's Angels was a TV show that Sony-Columbia owned and it was a big hit in the '70s. It would be crazy to sell the copyrights. And even if Sony-Columbia wanted to sell the copyrights of Charlie's Angels, Grey Pictures didn't have enough money at the time.

The sure way to profit from movies was to make adaptations. Novels, comics, TV series and so on. The fans on these platforms were already formed, so there was no problem getting the audience. These fans were willing to buy tickets just to see their favorite novels or comics made into movies.

Charlie's Angels had this factor. So Grey Pictures did not get the copyrights.

Well, not everything would go according to his plan. He was only a director. A person.

What happened yesterday was also terrible, he was just a person who was affected by his mother's hurtful words. If there was one thing he liked, it was having fun with Cameron Diaz.

'I didn't mean it, but I guess I'm still a guy.'

In fact, Kazir Grey is just a simple man. He feels pain, happiness, sadness, and joy.

"The world does not revolve around me..."

He sighed. As a man, he knew that he would make so many mistakes, no matter how much he tried to avoid them, such was the life of a man.

All he could do was face the obstacles and overcome them. If that wasn't enough, he had to destroy them so that they wouldn't come back.

'I wonder if I have the strength to do that.'

He got up and went to the shower. His legs were quite shaky after a long session last night.

'Good thing I never skipped leg days.'

He would be lying if he said he was not depressed. He was damn depressed. His mother basically told him that she hated Kazir's existence because of the name she gave him.

He didn't know what happened to his mother, but she was certainly not a good person. He's not going to sympathize with her, not after what she did to their family.

'And yet she has the audacity to talk to me about helping her daughter, wow.'

The water poured over his body, cooling his mind.

That day was like any other, he was attending a meeting about the promotion of John Wick at Paramount headquarters.

The meeting was going well when Kazir Grey and Brad Grey received a text message at the same time.

"Open the TV!"

Brad Grey announced.

On the screen was a reporter talking about the latest happenings in Hollywood.

The two Greys listened as the reporter gossiped about the relationship between Kazir Grey and Cameron Diaz.

The pictures were on the screen. Although the resolution was not good, every person could recognized the people in the pictures.

"Kazir... Are you dating Cameron?"

Brad Grey asked. This situation could be good or bad. He thought that Kazir Grey and Reese Witherspoon were in a relationship.

If this situation turned bad, it might affect the performance of John Wick, which would be released in a week.

"We are not dating. Something happened last night and things went that way."

"Care to explain?"

"Sorry, it's a private thing."

Brad Grey narrowed his eyes.

"Then you expect Paramount to invest in your movie now? What if this scandal becomes big? It will affect John Wick!"

Paramount would never invest in a movie that would make them a negative profit.

"I know... I have an idea."

Kazir didn't like this kind of hype, but it seemed he had no choice.

'Now I'm starting to realize that I'm not that strong. One mistake could cost me my career.'

"I will contact Cameron. Maybe we can use this situation to our advantage.

"All right."

Brad Grey nodded.

"What about Reese Witherspoon? She's not going to give us any trouble, is she?"

"We made our relationship clear from the beginning. We're just friends, I don't think she'll be affected."

Kazir got up and opened his phone. It was a good thing that he had exchanged contact with Cameron Diaz. At least he could call her now.

-- Hello? Kazir, thank God. I heard what happened. Will this affect your movie?

"Cameron, can you do me a favor and meet me at Paramount headquarters? Please bring your agent, I want to talk business."

He hated the idea of using love for promotion, but that didn't mean he wouldn't use it.

'Hehe, I'm a fucking hypocrite.'

Well, he is just a human being. No one is perfect in the first place.

Next chapter