
A Villain Could Never Be A Hero

Music Recommendation: All Your Exes - Julia Micheal. 


"Why don't we make this more interesting? Care for a little friendly competition, brother?" Aldric's taunting voice sounded from behind.

Oh no. Islinda's heart dropped, and she turned around to see the dark Fae striding towards them with purpose. His face was unreadable, but his expression was as tight as she'd ever seen it, a storm brewing in those cold steel eyes.

Thanks to the fiery intensity of his gaze, Islinda realized her proximity to Andre and quickly jerked away as if she'd been electrocuted. By the gods, she now understood where Aldric's—or rather Eli's—anger was coming from. He must have seen Andre teaching her how to handle the bow and misunderstood their closeness.

"El—" Islinda corrected herself at the last minute. "Aldric—" She tried to explain the situation, sensing his sinister intention.

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