
Goodbye, Brent

I was quiet during the whole car ride home. It was just me snd Kai in the car since we had left Zeus making sure that Brent's death appeared as thoigh it was an accident.

Kai out his hand on my thigh as he drove. It was a way to earn my forgiveness fastr but I wouldn't let him fool me like that.

I was mad and I had good reason to be. Who wouldn't be mad if their sister's boyfriend was killed by their girlfriend? 

"Will you talk to me? " He asked as he briefly looked at me.

I turned to the window and stares outside like I was seeing the most beautiful scene. Kai sighed and squeezed my thigh.

"Look, if it comes down to you or him, you know who I would choose, "he said but all I heard were excuses and nothing more.

"No one was asking you to choose. You could have let the man walk free. " I countered.

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