
Chapter 63 – The Chaos Tower [ IV ]

As Gobulus unleashed a flurry of close-range attacks, Gobryx's elemental bullets rained down upon the treant, and Gobius knew it was the perfect opportunity to strike. He adjusted his aim, accounting for the treant's erratic movements and the swaying branches that protected its core.

With calm precision, Gobius gently squeezed the trigger, sending a specialized void-infused round hurtling toward the treant's core. The bullet shredded through the air, guided by Gobius's steady hand and insane focus. Time seemed to slow as the bullet closed in on its target.

At the last possible moment, just as the treant reared back to unleash a devastating attack, Gobius's bullet connected. The impact was devastating, causing the corrupted treant to shudder and stagger. Its movements became sluggish, and its branches momentarily froze, their corruption temporarily neutralized by the void energy infused within the bullet.

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