

Magdalene woke up the next day at afternoon, feeling dizzy and having a throbbing headache. She tried to seat up.

"Don't dear. You need to rest, you've been running a fever" The Queen said as she adjusted the cushion for Magdalene.

"I feel dizzy and strange" Magdalene muttered.

"You'll be fine" The Queen assured.

"You should be in the castle with the King, my queen" Magdalene told.

"And Leave you here alone, after what you've done for us. I've been with the king all throughout yesterday" The Queen replied. Magdalene wasn't too surprised that she had been asleep since yesterday. She could still remember the distant voices in her head telling her about death. Truthfully Magdalene didn't want to die, not now that she had found Lucas and knew what being in love felt like. She still have to get married and possibly bear kids for Lucas. She also remembered the voice saying something about her grandmother, the queen, knowing something about her being the chosen one.

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