


When the morning came, Magdalene hurried to the town which was more ghost like. She knocked severely on the physician door and it was opened by Phillip.

She hurried in, as her eyes skimmed for Apollo.

"Where's Apollo?" She asked the blushing male.

"He was sent for, by the Lord. So he went to the castle" Phillip answered.

Magdalene nodded and ran to the store room where all medicines, herbs, tonics and portions were kept while Phillip trailed behind her. She started searching for a particular herb but Phillip stared confusingly at her.

"Is there something wrong" He asked her when he saw her serious expression.

"Bring me the book of herbs" She ordered the boy who nodded obediently before leaving. He came back after a while with the big old book.

Magdalene skimmed through the pages speedily, but she was disappointed that she couldn't find what she was looking for.

"Is everything all right?" Phillip asked again but got no answer from her so he could only sigh.

After what felt like ages she finally brought her attention to him.

"Is there anything written about poison's?" Magdalene asked him.

He thought for a while before nodding. He went to get the book of poisons for her, when he saw it he brought it to Magdalene. She took it from him and she went through it but wasn't satisfied from what she saw.

There was a sudden knock on the door, Phillip rushed to get it and Apollo came walking in with a tired Expression.

"What's wrong?" Magdalene asked him.

"The Lord summoned every physician in the land. His young cousin who happens to be a half vampire has caught the disease" Apollo explained.

Magdalene frowned upon hearing the bad news.

"He wants us to find a solution as soon as possible but there is nothing we can do about it. The young child is already beginning to rot" Apollo said in a sad voice.

"That's very serious" Phillip added.

"She wouldn't live long if something isn't done" Apollo added. He saw different books scattered around , he furrowed his brows and asked " Why so many books?" .

"I'm looking for a book that talks about poison's. When I left the inn yesterday there weren't any carriages so I had to use the woods..." Magdalene was about to continue but she was cut half way by Phillip and Apollo.

"You did what!!?" Phillip yelled in horror.

"Child you could've come back to the inn. That was very dangerous" Apollo reprimanded.

"Am sorry. I went into the woods, there I saw witches and I hid myself, I heard them say that they poisoned the Litchis inside the bush close to moon waterfalls. Who ever consumes it becomes sick" She explain.

Apollo nodded in agreement with her, he had his suspicions that this could be a witch work but he didn't have evidence to support his doubt. Phillip on the other hand was totally dumbfounded.

"What wicked creatures" He exclaimed angrily, stomping his feet childishly.

"That Isn't all. This poison can only affect humans, and half vampires. The pure blooded vampires, Witches and demons are excluded but from their conversation, it seems like their making something for the pure blooded vampire. I heard them say their mistress needed a water hemlock and you know how dangerous that plant could be" She told him seriously.

Apollo knew that, information like this was extremely important and would need to be reported to the Lord and Ministers in the council.

"This is getting out of hand" Apollo said.

"Is there something that we can use to detoxify poison from plants and people?" She asked him.

Apollo nodded his head before saying " Follow me".

They climbed up the wooden stairs that led to a room , he pushed the door and they got in. It was the room of medicine knowledge.

He went through the racks and picked an old book and skimmed through the pages.

"Aha!" He said when he found something, drawing both Phillip and Magdalene attention to him. They peeped through his shoulders a read the book that listed several things that was required for an antidote.

Magdalene and Phillip wrote them down and set out to look for them.

It took days for them to get everything they needed for the tonic. The Market was closed so they had to go to the bush at times to get ingredients. The process wasn't easy as it required fermenting and boiling for a considerately long period of time.

After the tonic was done , they had to find a test subject to confirm if it wasn't effective or harmful. They couldn't just start distributing it without testing it out, but the problem was that, the victims don't even Know they have it until they die. The half vampires who didn't die immediately and began to show symptoms are already dead, except the Lord's cousin. It would be a disaster if they tried it on her and she dies. Apollo sighed a hundred times in confusion. They were still in there dilemma when a messenger from the castle dropped a message to them saying that the Lord is holding an urgent meeting for all physicians.

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